How to get lucky if you have your Part of Fortune in Libra in your natal chart? This can be a great placement, keep reading to find out why.
In the birth chart, the sign of the Part of Fortune reveals how you can make your good fortune come to you. The sign tells which traits to focus on to tap into this reservoir of good energy and find your personal pot of gold. With the Part of Fortune in Libra, you go on the journey to prosperity in the company of other people. You crave harmony around you and you are the happiest when you have someone around you to share your joy with. You are open to the needs of others, and you are usually very easy to be with. You want peace in the world, and you often succeed at creating peace in your environment.
The Part of Fortune is a very special point in the natal chart. This Arabic part is a blend between the ascendant, the Sun, and the Moon, the three most important building blocks of your personality. The Part of Fortune is the essence of your being, your inner source of joy and inspiration.
Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in Libra in astrology!

The Part of Fortune in Libra
The Part of Fortune in Libra suggests that your greatest joy comes from harmony. You want to be in a harmonious environment: you enjoy physical beauty and order, but you also want harmony in your interpersonal relationships. Harmony and peace is what leads you to prosperity with the Part of Fortune here.
This placement suggests that you can benefit from working together with other people. Your relationships often bring you joy and help you get where you want to be faster. With the Part of Fortune here, you can find that others want to support you when you are authentic and genuine. It is easy for you to connect with people who bring you good fortune and abundance.
With the Part of Fortune in Libra, your relationships with other people are an important factor to your happiness. This placement suggests a deep desire to belong. You don’t feel fulfilled when you feel abandoned and on your own. This placement is great for cooperation and maintaining long-term partnerships. You have more freedom when you are free in the company of someone else.
With this placement, you are adaptable and diplomatic. You want to avoid hurting others or being blunt in your verbal self-expression. The Part of Fortune in Libra suggests that success come to you when you are fair and just. You intuitively feel what others want, what are their motivations, and you are receptive to the undercurrents of the public. The Part of Fortune in Libra can be a great placement for working with people (both with the public or in one-on-one relationships).
In an argument, you can easily see the other person’s point. You often back up and accept their opinion rather than asserting yourself.
The Part of Fortune in Libra can operate the best if you integrate Aries properly (Aries the opposite sign of Libra). This means that you have to be aware of your own desires and goals before you establish a relationship. You can create better relationships if you have a solid sense of self and know who you are and what are your needs.
This placement is somewhat similar to having the Part of Fortune in the seventh house.
The Part of Fortune in Libra in the Natal Chart
The sign of your Part of Fortune is very important in astrology. However, to fully understand it, you need some more information. You also have to consider the following when analyzing your Part of Fortune in Libra:
- the Part of Fortune’s house: this tells in which life area is your pot of gold waiting for you. You can read more about the Part of Fortune in houses here.
- the dispositor of the Part of Fortune: this is the planetary ruler of its sign. Its placement, dignity, and aspects all influence how the Part of Fortune plays out in your natal chart. For the Part of Fortune in Libra, this is Venus (Venus rules Libra)
- natal planets conjunct or in aspect to the Part of Fortune (the conjunction is the strongest)
- transiting or progressed planets triggering the Part of Fortune―this can indicate a potential for important events happening (what kind of event is it depends on the nature of the planet).
The house where your Part of Fortune is placed is very important. In astrology, the zodiac signs tell the how, and the houses tell where, in which life area is something likely to happen.
For example, the Part of Fortune in Libra in 3rd house indicates that your peer relationships are very harmonious and you are an excellent communicator. The Part of Fortune in Libra in 8th house, on the other hand, is completely different. It suggests that you benefit from transforming yourself and your relationships, and your partners often help you in life.
The Part of Fortune in Astrology
There are many Arabic parts in astrology. The Part of Fortune is one of them, and it is perhaps the most popular Arabic part; this is no surprise: it is one of the best features of a natal chart.
This point is a point of harmony. In the life area connected with the house of your Part of Fortune, you can find your luck, joy, happiness, prosperity, and sense of purpose. The Part of Fortune shows how and where you can achieve a state of flow. The zodiac sign where it is placed tells how you can find all these things. As you can see, the Part of Fortune is definitely worth taking a look at in a chart reading. It is your personal pot of gold waiting for you.
How do you know where is your Part of Fortune in your natal chart?
To calculate it, you have to know your exact time of birth. The part of Fortune is calculated based on the ascendant ,the Moon, and the Sun. These three are extremely important in astrology: they describe fundamental aspects of you. The ascendant represents your physical body and identity, the Moon is your emotions, and the Sun is your ego and your conscious self. The Part of Fortune blends them together. The Part of Fortune’s glyph is a cross in a circle, and it looks like this: ⊗.
The formula for the Part of Fortune in a day chart is the ascendant + the Moon – the Sun (in a day chart, the Sun is above the horizon, in houses 7-12).
What happens if you have a night chart, with the Sun below the horizon in houses 1-6? In this case, you can calculate the Part of Fortune as the ascendant + the Sun – the Moon.
The Zodiac Sign Libra in Astrology
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Its planetary ruler is Venus , and in the natural chart, it is connected with the seventh house of committed relationships and partnerships.
Relationships are very important to Libra. As an air sign by element, it is all about connecting with others. Libra is characterized by charm, charisma, grace, elegance. This sign strives to create harmony and peace. This is true on a physical level, Libra loves beauty and aesthetic, but it also wants harmony in interpersonal relationships.
The negative side of Libra includes being indecisive, anxiety when under pressure, a need to always be around others. This sign can struggle when they don’t have a partner or close friends.
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