What happens when one person’s Pluto is conjunct the other person’s ascendant in a synastry chart?
The Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect suggests that the relationship holds the power for deep transformation. However, this is not always an easy process. Quite the contrary, it is often straightforward painful and frustrating.
This is an interesting aspect for many reasons.
The ascendant is an extremely personal feature of the natal chart. This is the sign that came up on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth, and it changes one degree every four minutes. Aspects to the ascendants are particularly significant in astrology. You should always pay attention to which planets of your partner touch your ascendant in the synastry chart.
Pluto is a difficult planet in astrology. It governs deep bonding, sex, transformation, obsession, but also trauma and pain. As the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto is connected with secrets and things hidden under the surface.
When the ascendant is conjunct Pluto in synastry, there is an obsessive attraction between you. The Plutonian magnetism is impossible to ignore. This aspect can be an indicator of a Plutonian relationship.
However, it is important to mention that Pluto is a generational planet in astrology. It moves very slowly through the zodiac, and for Pluto aspects, you have to use a very tight orb. For the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, most astrologers allow an orb of 1-3 degrees.
Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry can be found in the charts of couples when one person’s rising sign is Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius.
Keep reading to learn more about the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect in astrology!
Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Meaning
In synastry, you compare two birth charts. The synastry chart can show you how the planets of two people interact with each other, hinting the probabilities of how the relationship will unfold. Here, the conjunction is the most powerful aspect.
It is important that no aspect is solely responsible for the relationship. You have to look for the big picture, and in the end, the actual outcome depends on the people in a relationship. Hard aspects can be balanced by harmonious aspects that support love and understanding.
What happens if you notice that you have a Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect?
Here, the Pluto person is strongly attracted to the personality and the physical appearance of the ascendant person. The ascendant person perceives the Pluto person as powerful and charismatic.
The positive manifestation of the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect is
- deep understanding,
- intimacy,
- helping each other to become the best version of themselves.
With this aspect, the Pluto person instinctively gets the persona of the ascendant person. They can see their underlying motives, and they see behind the mask the ascendant person wears in the world. Pluto has X-ray vision, it is impossible to keep secrets.
The ascendant conjunct Pluto synastry aspect can help you evolve and work on yourself. The intensity of the relationship forces you to level up as a person. Your identity often undergoes complete transformation here.
Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Synastry and Physical Attraction
In astrology, Pluto is known as a planet that creates extreme attraction, passion, vulnerability.
Pluto conjunct ascendant in synastry suggests a strong physical attraction between you. Plutonian relationships are characterized by the magnetic bond between you, they are impossible to miss.
When people with the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect meet, there is very strong chemistry between them. The Pluto person often finds the physical appearance of the ascendant person incredibly attractive. The Pluto person, on the other hand, has sex appeal in the eyes of the ascendant person.
The sexual side of the relationship plays a significant role with this aspect in the synastry chart. Your relationship is deep and intense, but at the same time, terrifying and it leaves a lot of space to being vulnerable.
Intimacy is a crucial pillar of the relationship with the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect. You also understand each other’s deepest desires and help each other fulfill them.
Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Obsession and Psychological Games
Another key theme of the Pluto conjunct ascendant love is obsession and control.
In astrology, Pluto is a feared planet, and this is not without any reason. Pluto has a very dangerous side, too. This planet is impossible to control and it can turn your life into a disaster. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, and it scales the aggression and passionate nature of Mars up.
In a Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, there are deep psychological issues coming to the surface. Pluto is a very deep, unconscious part of you, you rarely meet it in your everyday life face to face, but nevertheless, its subtle mechanisms still control you from the background.

The ascendant conjunct Pluto in synastry suggests power struggles in the relationship. The Pluto person has usually more power than the ascendant person.
The Pluto person sometimes is not aware of their effect on the ascendant person. In other cases, however, they know what they are doing and they can take advantage of the power they hold in the relationship.
The ascendant person frequently tries to live up to the expectations of the Pluto person. These expectations are often not even formulated verbally, but the ascendant person can still sense them. Another way how this aspect can play out is the Pluto person controlling ascendant person.
The ascendant person often admires the Pluto person. The Pluto person seems to hold them captured. In their eyes, the Pluto person is charismatic, Plutonic relationships are hard to break because of this obsessive attachment. At the same time, they are overwhelming because of their intensity.
As the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect unfolds, manipulation is frequent in the relationship. Mind games and subtle, refined manipulation are strongly connected with Pluto in astrology. If Mercury is involved, too, this becomes even more prominent.
The Dangerous Side of Pluto
The effect of Pluto in a relationship can be wonderful, igniting passion and deep understanding. However, Pluto can be violent and dangerous, too.
With Pluto touching such a personal,sensitive point as the ascendant, the maturity of the Pluto person is key.
If the Pluto person worked through their own problems, sorting their personal issues out, they can be wonderful to be around. Such a person gained wisdom and can help others heal themselves.
However, an unevolved Plutonian can cause a lot of trouble.
If a person has an afflicted Pluto in their natal chart, they can be abusive, manipulative, violent. Such a person doesn’t care about the well-being of their partner, neither do they care about their own well-being. Being revengeful and jealous are also frequent if Pluto receives hard aspects from personal planets.
With the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, abuse can also be present in the relationship. The Pluto person can try to obsessively control the ascendant person. They feel that controlling the other person is the best way to prevent eventual betrayal. Some form of violence cannot be excluded when an afflicted Pluto is in play.
Pluto is the planetary ruler of Scorpio, and don’t forget that revenge and power struggles are also connected with this zodiac sign in astrology. Power struggles are almost always present when Pluto is involved in synastry, let alone with Pluto conjunct the ascendant, one of the most sensitive points in the chart.
Hard aspects in synastry, especially ones from Mars, Saturn, Pluto can indicate an abusive relationship. While this doesn’t have to be the case at all, it is important to be aware of this possibility.
The Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry aspect leaves this question open. It depends on the chart as whole, and of course, on the maturity of the people in the first place how the relationship plays out.
Understanding how much power they hold is a way for the Pluto person to contribute to growth of the relationship. Pluto conjunct ascendant (and Pluto aspects to personal planets, such as Venus or the Moon also, for that matter) requires adjustments. By understanding the dynamics of the relationship, you can make sure no one gets hurt, on the contrary, you get to grow as a person.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is a generational planet in astrology. Because of its long orbital period, Pluto stays in the same zodiac sign for decades. This also means that many people have the same Pluto sign in their natal chart. On a personal level, the house of Pluto is more influential.
Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, and it is in accidental dignity in the eighth house. Before the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Scorpio was ruled by Mars. Mars is similar to Pluto in a lot of ways, but it is not as intense and extreme.
Pluto’s influence often feels fated: you suddenly experience something traumatic that turns your life upside down. You often lose everything you held dear to, including your self-image and identity. Plutonian experiences are among the most painful.
But if you manage to get to the other side, you can help others who are still fighting for survival and still in the process of transformation.
Some of the things ruled by Pluto in astrology include:
- secrets
- things hidden under the surface
- investigation
- privacy
- transformation
- sex
- death
- birth
- regeneration
- violence
- the masses
- power
If you want to learn more about this planet, make sure to read this article about what Pluto represents in astrology.
The Ascendant in Astrology
The ascendant is part of the big three in astrology: the Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant. It is the same as the rising sign, these terms are used interchangeably.
To calculate your ascendant, you have to know your exact time of birth, even the minute. Every four minutes, the ascendant changes one degree. This can already give you an idea about how important the ascendant is in astrology.
As a highly personal point in the natal chart, the ascendant determines the signs on the cusp of each house. The ascendant takes place in the first house, the house of self. This house describes you: your personality, your physical appearance, your attitude to new beginnings.
The ascendant has a protective role. It is not who you really are-that is the Sun in astrology. It is often describes as the mask you wear in the world. The ascendant shows the role you were assigned in your family early on in life. You learned to play this role well, and you can hide your real, vulnerable self behind it when meeting the world.
The ascendant describes the first impression you make on others when they meet you for the first time. It also describes how you approach new beginnings, what’s your attitude to fresh starts. The ascendant is associated with your birth: it shows the circumstances of your birth, and also your earliest childhood, when you were an infant.
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