In this article, you can learn about Mercury-Pluto contacts in astrology, with a focus on the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect.
Synastry is a wonderful tool if you want to learn about your relationship (with any person, it doesn’t have to be in a romantic context). The synastry chart reveals the highest probability of how the relationship can unfold, and also how you perceive each other. You can find out if you have a Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect here, for example.
The most important planets when it comes to relationships, especially romantic ones, are Venus and the Moon. However, in the long run, communication can make or break a relationship. How you communicate can be seen through Mercury in synastry. Harmonious aspects to your partner’s Mercury support great communication in the relationship.
If someone’s Pluto touches their partner’s personal planets, you can expect an intense, profound connection between them. Pluto is impossible to ignore. Whether the relationship can evolve into something long-term or if it has a supportive, healing effect depends on the chart as a whole (and of course, the level of maturity of the partners).
With Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry, the relationship has an intellectual dimension. You feel that your partner understands you like no one else, and you can reveal to them your most private thoughts.
The Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect brings both challenges and ease. Here, instincts and thoughts meet.
When these two planets are in contact, you can expect very intense thoughts and an obsessed mind. This sometimes brings friction and mind games, while in other cases, you can understand each other without words.
Keep reading to learn more about the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect in astrology!
Pluto Conjunct Mercury Synastry: Powerful Communication
Mercury is one of the fastest moving planets in astrology. For this aspect to be influential in the synastry chart, you should use an orb under 5 to 7 degrees. The more exact the conjunction, the stronger you feel its effect in the relationship.
Pluto aspects are powerful and indicate a strong attraction between the partners. This is not a superficial connection. The positive manifestation of the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect is relating on a very deep, soul-transforming level.
Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry indicates an intellectual connection in the first place. You find the mind of your partner magnetically attractive.
The Pluto person enjoys the humor and the thoughts of the Mercury person. They find them very smart and intellectually stimulating. The Pluto person enjoys the way the Mercury person communicates, they find are instinctively drawn to it.
At the same time, the Mercury person finds the Pluto person charismatic and authentic. They also feel that they have found someone special with who they can connect on a deeper level. The Mercury person sometimes sees the Pluto person as their shadow self, the part of themselves they felt denied to discover.
This is fascinating to them and they are drawn to them like moth to the flame. However, this can also make the Mercury person vulnerable. If they haven’t integrated their shadow side into their personality, they might project it onto others, attracting abusive and selfish partners (more on this later).
Usually, Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry relationships are based on superb communication and a mutual understanding.
The Mercury person feels that they can open up to the Pluto person, they are safe to share their deepest secrets. The Pluto person feels in a similar way, they find the Mercury person understanding and supportive. You are very fond of each other with Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry.
Deep Transformation
Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry shows that there are no taboos in the relationship. You feel comfortable and safe to talk about just anything. No matter if it is trauma, painful past experiences, sex, finances, you share your deepest secrets with each other. You enjoy analyzing each other’s psyche and inner world.
This aspect supports powerful communication between you. You can see into each other’s minds, particularly the Pluto person into the Mercury person’s thoughts. There is an intuitive understanding of each other’s psyche.
Things buried deep in the unconscious can come to the surface with Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry. You are able to get to the heart of the matter, and find the root of the problems.
This aspect supports transformation. Through talking to each other and getting to know each other’s world, you are able to overcome old problems. Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry supports healing the damaged parts of you on an intellectual level. The Mercury person often starts a transformation process in the Pluto person with their words.
This intimate connection can be very helpful for the well-being of the relationship. When there is a problem, you can discuss it in a brutally honest way. If you use the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect well, it can help you maintain the love for a long time.
The Mercury person finds depth, while the Pluto person learns to look on the bright side from the Mercury person. However, when Pluto is involved, it is the best to be careful.

Pluto Conjunct Mercury Synastry and Dangers
The negative manifestation of the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect can be subtle manipulation in the relationship.
The Pluto person understands well what makes the Mercury person tick, and they can push their buttons without the Mercury person even noticing it.
The Pluto person has a very intense effect on the Mercury person, sometimes too intense. The Mercury person feels this strong influence, and they can be easily overwhelmed in the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry relationship.
The Mercury person often comes into contact with the shadow side of the Pluto person. If the Pluto person lives the lower octave of Pluto, they can be aggressive, selfish, manipulating. They might want to control the relationship and transform the Mercury person according to their liking.
Inner planets are usually transformable, including Mercury. Pluto is much more intense and powerful than Mercury. In such an intense aspect as the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry, Pluto has the upper hand.
Depending on the personality type of the Mercury person, the Pluto person can influence them to a great extent. If they have a strong personality, they can stand up for themselves, but if they don’t, they can be susceptible to it. Mind games can never be excluded when dealing with the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect in astrology.
The worst case scenario for a Mercury conjunct Pluto synastry aspect is control and domination, even abuse in the relationship.
The Pluto person might try to persuade the Mercury person that they are intellectually superior. They could manipulate the Mercury person into believing that their opinion is less valuable, or even completely wrong. Of course, this doesn’t have to be the case, but it is better to be aware of its possibility.
It is important for the Pluto person to have a well-integrated Pluto and for the Mercury person to have a strong personality. In this case, Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry can work out really well.
For the relationship to count as a Plutonic relationship, there should be more indicators in the synastry chart, but this aspect can contribute to it.
Mercury-Pluto Synastry Aspects
Besides Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry, there are other possible combinations between these two planets. Trines and sextiles support the relationship, while squares and oppositions can bring challenges.
Mercury Sextile Pluto Synastry
Mercury sextile Pluto synastry is a great aspect to have. It indicates that the partners get it each other and communication functions well in the relationship. You are willing to change to make the relationship better. You can help each other let go of harmful unconscious beliefs.
Mercury Trine Pluto Synastry
The Mercury trine Pluto synastry aspect suggests an easy flow of energy between you. This can be a helpful and healing aspect. You intuitively understand each other and connect on a really deep, intimate level. The trine is the most harmonious aspect in astrology, and here, it can bring an opportunity to resolve the painful experiences of the past.
You understand the psychology of your partner very well, and you can be honest with each other in the relationship.
Mercury Square Pluto Synastry
The square brings friction into the relationship. Mercury square Pluto synastry indicates power struggles and eventual mind control. There is an intense tension between your ways of thinking.
The Pluto partner tries to persuade the Mercury person. Domination and control can be present with this aspect. Mercury square Pluto synastry can bring quarrels and make it hard for you to work together. For the relationship to work the best, there are adjustments to be made.
Mercury Opposition Pluto Synastry
The Mercury opposition Pluto synastry aspect is similar to the square, but more static. Communication is not easy with this aspect. The negative side of Pluto is more likely to color this relationship. Mercury opposite Pluto can indicate manipulation and control issues. Verbal abuse can also happen with this aspect.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is the last planet in astrology. It is the planetary ruler of Scorpio, previously ruled by Mars. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, and one of the transcendental planets. It is connected with the eighth house of death and rebirth.
Because of its long orbital period, Pluto moves very slowly through the Zodiac. It stays in the same sign for decades. On a personal level, the position of Pluto by houses is more important in the natal chart. Pluto is one of the generational planets, along with Uranus and Neptune.
Pluto shows your dark self and the dark side of life. It is mysterious, hidden from our everyday reality. Meeting Pluto can be painful and traumatic. These experiences often tear your previous self and force you to recreate yourself, in the ideal case, a more evolved, powerful, wise self.
Some of the things ruled by Pluto in astrology include:
- transformation
- intensity
- power
- secrets
- death, birth, rebirth
- sex
- taboos
- crime
If you want to learn more about Pluto, definitely read this article about what Pluto represents in astrology!
Mercury in Astrology
As the planet located the closest to the Sun, Mercury has been known to humans since the earliest days. Mercury is the quickest moving planet of the Solar System, it has an orbital period of 88 days. It is never further away from the Sun than 28 degrees. Because of this, the only possible aspect between the Sun and Mercury is the conjunction.
In astrology, Mercury rules two zodiac sign, both Gemini and Virgo. It is in accidental dignity in the third house and in the sixth house.
Mercury is the planet of communication and thinking in astrology. This planet governs rational thinking, reasoning ability, the conscious mind. When you do math or learn grammar, you use your Mercury. You also use Mercury when you are exchanging information with someone or elaborate on which step to take next when solving a problem.
A strong Mercury in the birth chart suggests a person who is intelligent, witty, loves to thinking (and often has interesting thoughts), and enjoys connecting with others.
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