How do you know if you have a Pluto dominant birth chart?
Well, you definitely feel it, even if you are not aware of it on a conscious level.
This planet has a significant pull in astrology. Even though Pluto is a small celestial object far away from us, it has super concentrated energy. In short, it can scale anything to the extreme!
Knowing this, you can expect quite a few things to go wild.
Some of the things you are probably familiar with if you have a Pluto dominant planet:
- intense emotions
- power struggles
- deep thoughts
- a natural talent for psychology
- regeneration skills
- obsession
- passionate emotional whirlwinds.
Located so far away from the Sun, Pluto is an infamous planet in astrology, covered in darkness and mystery. This is mainly because of the intensity it brings which is really difficult to handle in addition to its inherently dark themes. It got its name after the god of the underworld in Roman mythology. This already gives you an idea of what to expect here: it is linked with intense violence, intense transformation, intense pain. And the list goes on. Pluto’s effect can be brutal. Of course, it has a positive side as well: resilience, regeneration, wisdom, depth.
But to sum it up, Pluto is not an easy planet to deal with.
No one knows the underworld better than people with a strong Pluto in the birth chart.
Very often, they have to face suffering at a young age, some of them even in their families. These early experiences make you aware of the darkness, and you cannot be as carefree as someone who never had to look Pluto in the eye.
However, being a Plutonian can be a great blessing, both for you and for the world. Once a Pluto dominant person works through their pain, they can help others do so. They gain immense wisdom and are great at passing it on to others.
Pluto possesses great healing power, which is its highest manifestation. Actually, this is the true role of Pluto in astrology—not to control and be obsessed, which are often the first keywords that come to mind. For example, surgeons often have a Pluto dominant natal chart. This planet is not just about death, it’s also about regeneration and rebirth. Pluto wants you to level up and evolve into a better version of yourself, getting rid of anything that doesn’t serve you anymore.
Handling intense Pluto dominant energy in the birth chart is challenging. Perhaps this is the reason why many young Plutonians struggle in life. The good news is that with age, it becomes easier, and you learn how to deal with this infamous planet.
What Makes Pluto Dominant in the Birth Chart?
If Pluto touches a lot of personal points in your horoscope, you have a Pluto dominant birth chart. Sometimes people with Pluto dominant planet are called Plutonians. If you are into astrology, you might have heard this term thrown around. It refers to someone who has a lot of Pluto-personal planet aspects/planets in Scorpio/planets in the 8th house
So, how to check if you have your Pluto as a dominant planet in your natal chart?
Personal points in the natal chart include the ascendant, the Midheaven (and all the house cusps), the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus (even Mars, but Mars is slower). These objects move quickly in the sky, and their position in your birth chart is highly unique to you.
(The outer planets make generational aspects with each other and with Pluto, so their influence is more on the level of generations, not on a personal level.)
Pluto in aspect with these personal points makes a Pluto dominant natal chart. The more aspects, the heavier the influence.
Pluto in Aspect With Personal Points
Pluto conjunct the ascendant or Midheaven makes this planet very strong in your chart. With your Pluto here, it is located in one of the Gauquelin sectors in your natal chart. Planets in these sectors become particularly powerful.
Pluto in other aspect to the ascendant or MC give a lot of Plutonian magnetism and influence, too, but the conjunction is the most powerful aspect here.
Pluto aspecting your Sun suggests that Plutonian experiences shape your personality and you can identify to a certain extent with Scorpionic traits.
Pluto and the Moon are very different. Pluto in aspect with the Moon suggests that you have a mysterious and dark emotional nature, with great complexity and emotional turmoils.
Pluto in contact with Mercury suggests a deep thinker. You have an innate understanding of the human nature, and you are capable of getting to the heart of the matter. Pluto-Mercury aspects indicate a probing mind.
In the natal chart, Pluto-Venus aspects are passionate and intense. When you are attracted to someone or something, there is a lot of emotional intensity, sometimes even obsession.
Pluto in aspect with other planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) is not as personal, they form generational aspects with Pluto, the slowest moving planet of astrology.
If Pluto is in aspect with a lot of personal points, you have a Pluto dominant birth chart.
Usually, one or two hard aspects (the conjunction, square, opposition) make you more of a Plutonian than one or two harmonious aspects (sextile, trine). But if there are three or more harmonious aspects between Pluto and personal planets, you are definitely a Pluto dominant.
In astrology, Pluto is the ruling planet of the sign Scorpio. An emphasized Scorpio adds Plutonian energy to your personality, too, just like several placements in the eighth house (which is the house of Scorpio in the natural chart). Scorpio rising and Scorpio Moon score two points on this test.
When talking about planets in astrology, they all have both positive and negative qualities. Even though their position and aspects in the natal chart influence to a certain extent whether they manifest in a constructive or destructive way, remember that we have free will.
How a planet actually plays out in your life (how you choose to use its qualities) depends on you.
If you are not sure about your birth chart, you can find out if you have your Pluto dominant planet with the help of the birth chart calculator on
The Pluto Dominant Personality: Intensity and Depth
To begin with, people with a Pluto dominant personality don’t have it easy. They have deeper and more intense feelings than those around them, sometimes triggered by things most are not even aware of.
No wonder they often feel that they are not understood or misunderstood.
Pluto equals depth in astrology. Where you see Pluto, you can expect to get to the bottom of the problem. People who have a Plutonian personality want the truth and nothing else. They will not settle until they have found it. With a Pluto dominant personality, you want to break things down and see what it is about instead of taking them at face value.
In addition, Pluto gives a deep mind—especially when accompanied by Pluto-Mercury aspects. You crave real conversations, the fluff doesn’t satisfy you. You get easily bored of small talk. As mentioned above, you love going deep and want to understand something down to the smallest detail. You might be drawn to secrets, mysteries, death, astrology, topics that most people find bizarre.
Pluto is the detective of astrology. With Pluto as the dominant planet in your birth chart, you are a born investigator. You are instinctively drawn to hidden things, and you enjoy learning about other people’s secrets. Pluto dominants make great researchers because of this.
However, you don’t like to give away your own secrets. Plutonians are mysterious and hard to figure out, exactly because of their awareness of how vulnerable secrets can make you. You are reserved by nature.
But no matter how badly you want to keep some things private, people can sense the influence of Pluto on you.
A Pluto dominant planet suggests that you are intuitive and you often rely on your instincts when making a decision.

There are two ways the mysterious air around the Plutonian personality is seen by others: they find you intimidating and want to avoid you and minimize contact with you or they are incredibly drawn to you. There is no in-between with this planet.
Pluto Dominant Appearance
Can you spot a strong Pluto in the natal chart, based on someone’s physical appearance?
When ti comes to your looks in your natal chart, the ascendant and the first house are the most important. They reveal information about your physical body, style, clothes you prefer to wear.
The rising sign, planets in the first house, and aspects to the ascendant all must influence what you look like. This is one of the most complex questions to answer in astrology.
The Pluto dominant appearance is impossible not to notice. If someone is a Scorpio rising or has Pluto conjunct their ascendant, their style resembles Pluto closely.
There is a strange Plutonian magnetism to the Pluto dominant appearance. This planet gives you charisma that leaves a lasting impression. You have a piercing gaze and your eye color is often intense or special in some way, capturing people’s attention. Your facial features are usually sharp and defined.
With this planet strong in your chart, people tend to have dark eyes and hair, and a lighter complexion. People with a Pluto dominant appearance are usually taller than the average person.
Plutonians in astrology share some common traits. Of course, they prefer to wear black clothes. These are often simple and classy, but sometimes it takes on a punk-rock flavor. The Pluto dominant appearance has a dark aura, that is often incredibly attractive.
Pluto Dominant Personality and Transformation
Pluto is linked with the phoenix, rising from the ashes.
Pluto is the planet of transformation in astrology. Not some subtle shade-by-shade fading into a different color. Pluto is a rather intense transformation, from white to black in a moment or vice versa.
Pluto knows that life is a never-ending transformation. So do people with a Pluto dominant planet in their birth charts. You die and you are born again as a whole new person. Even though the results can be beneficial, the process itself is extremely painful most of the time.
Pluto dominant people are good friends, or at least old acquaintances with the transformation process. They have experienced it many times, and they know that they will experience it over and over again. In their lives, it is a pattern that repeats itself often.
Pluto can shake up your world, turn it upside down, and make you think again about who you really are.
Abuse, abandonment, power struggles, you have seen it all. And you survived it.
If a Plutonian uses their talents for good, they have the potential to become a person well-versed in the healing arts. You have the potential to grow into a very wise person who can tremendously help others who are still in the process. Besides being intelligent, you are street-smart, too.
Because Pluto dominant people went through a lot of things, they instinctively recognize others who also went through a lot. This planet gives you an X-ray vision, seeing under the surface, where the real information lies. Psychology is associated with Pluto.
Trauma and Pluto Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart
Pluto is the planet of trauma. When you meet Pluto, it is often painful, often in a sudden and intense way. With a lot of this planet’s energy in your birth chart, you know the shadow side of life very well.
Pluto has a terrifying side, representing the unleashed evil in humans. Throughout history, Pluto is connected with the dying of masses in the wars of the 20th century. It was discovered shortly before the Second World War, in 1930.
Sometimes Pluto is brutally violent, while in some other cases, it’s refined and silver-tongued. How this planet manifests in your life depends on many things. Pluto has a thousand faces.
Many Plutonians had a childhood full of memories of being unwanted or in some way, their parents were dissatisfied with them or even ashamed of them. They learned that there is something wrong with them.
In extreme cases, they experienced even abuse or abandonment in their family, but here there are more indicators in the natal chart. They had to face the dark side of human nature at an early age. Your soul is full of deep wounds.
The eighth house (which is connected with Pluto through Scorpio) governs near-death experiences. If the chart as a whole supports it, Pluto dominants can have a few of them throughout their life. However, one of the benefits of Pluto is its legendary regenerative power, so it’s not that easy for you to die by accident.
However, the Pluto dominant personality is prone to depression and feeling alone. Their trust was betrayed in the past, and they have to learn to form healthy relationships that support the healing process. If they fail to do so, they become isolated (this doesn’t have to be physical isolation, being lonely on the inside is just as bad).
Plutonian Magnetism in Astrology: a Sneak-Peek into their Love Life
Pluto dominant people are incredibly sexy. There is an erotic charisma to them, perhaps because of their mysteriousness, perhaps because of the passion in them, but they are attractive.
Sexuality is very important to a Pluto dominant personality, but they often use it as a tool. They usually have above-average sexual power. Plutonian energies mixed with Venus suggest a femme fatale character, someone who has a talent for seduction, and in fact, thrives on it. This is somewhat similar to Venus in Scorpio.
In a relationship, when a Plutonian is in love, they have very intense feelings. They want all or nothing, but preferably, all.
If a Pluto dominant personality lives the negative manifestation of this planet, they can be jealous and possessive in a relationship. Pluto is an infamous planet for a reason, and if you don’t take care, you can live out its negative qualities.
Plutonians are not easy for others to understand. They were usually badly hurt (but this is by no means an excuse), and they learned that it’s best to keep their guard on.
A hard nut to crack, right?
People with a Pluto dominant chart are very defensive. They thoroughly test you before they trust you. In the past, they experienced betrayal, and they didn’t want to make the same mistake again.
In your life, Plutonian person, relationships are a mirror. You learn the most about yourself and the world through love. These experiences are not always pleasant, though.
Besides intensity and obsession, Pluto wants control, too. Here we enter the realm of Plutonian relationships in astrology, where power struggles are taken to a whole new level.
Plutonians on a lower level of consciousness might use people. They might enter a relationship because they like their reflection in the other person’s eyes. However, there is a possibility for very deep connection in love with an evolved Plutonian.
Pluto Dominant People and Power
Power struggles are an organic part of a Pluto dominant personality’s life.
When discussing Pluto in astrology, you cannot miss the fact that Pluto wants power. So do people who have this planet strong in their charts, no matter what they say. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing: power is neutral, it’s up to you to use it the right way.
Plutonians strive to become powerful, especially if there is a connection between the Midheaven and Pluto in the birth chart. This planet wants to be in control, it’s simply the nature of Pluto (and Pluto dominant people, too). You remember the pain of being controlled, and you want to avoid it by trying to control others.
Pluto has a lot to do with wealth in astrology (the word plutocracy itself tells a lot about this planet). Depending on the rest of the chart, an emphasized Pluto can indicate a very strong financial drive. Some Plutonians are hungry for worldly power, and they end up drawn to politics or in other type of positions of power.
But their power doesn’t have to be in the traditional sense of the word. Plutonians are great at controlling not just others, but themselves, too.
Evolved Plutonians have in-depth self-knowledge, and they own both their good and bad traits.
Those with a Pluto dominant chart are extremely authentic, and this makes people be attracted to them. People might be even obsessed with them.
With Pluto dominant in your chart, there is a tendency to be selfish.
When it gets out of control, Pluto can be extremely destructive. If you fail to handle this planet properly, it can set your life on fire. If you hold a lot of Pluto’s energy in yourself, you know that Pluto can turn the world into chaos.
The best way to minimize the negative influence of Pluto is through developing self-awareness and your spiritual side. You own what you have been through, and you draw your self-confidence from it.
Plutonians understand people very well. They know what makes you tick, and sometimes they are able to leverage this knowledge. Through their talent for psychology, they usually get what they want in a relationship.
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