Pluto in eighth house is an interesting placement in the birth chart. The eighth house is the natural house of Scorpio, the sign ruled by Pluto. This house feels very familiar to Pluto.
At the same time, eighth house placements do not make your life easy. You are aware of the darker side of existence from an early age. Pluto here suggests that power is of extraordinary importance in your life. You often find it through trauma, pain, crisis.
If you live the positive manifestation of Pluto in the eighth house, you can become able to help others work through their issues and show them with your example that no matter what hardships you have to face, there is always a way out. This is a very powerful placement in the birth chart.
This placement is somewhat similar to having Scorpio on the cusp of the ninth house, but more intense.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of a natal Pluto in eighth house in astrology!
Natal Pluto in Eighth House: All or Nothing
There are few obstacles people with their natal Pluto in eighth house can’t overcome. Planets in the eighth house come to expression in the moments of crisis. This placement suggests that you have tremendous inner strength that you can rely on.
This placement indicates an interest in taboos and the occult. You might be fascinated by topics such as life after death, magic, but many people with this placement also like morbid things or horror movies. You are drawn to mysteries. This placement can be both fascinated by death or scared of it.
Pluto in eighth house also suggests that sexuality is important for you, or there were some very painful, traumatic experiences related to it in your life.
If Pluto here has easy aspects, people with this placement can have high libido and they are extremely passionate. You might even be obsessed with sex. With aspects from Mars or Saturn, you could be drawn to role play or be obsessed with violence. You prefer to dominate in the relationship. Pluto here is thrilled by power.
At the same time, you can be afraid of being vulnerable and experiencing intimacy. This placement can indicate trauma related to sexuality, betrayal, trust issues.
This placement can suggest that there is some rage buried in your unconscious.

Pluto in eighth house people have a natural talent for psychology. You are hard to fool, as you can see through people. It is impossible to hide anything from Pluto. At the same time, you have your own secrets that you do not share with anyone. Usually your wisdom is hard-earned.
Pluto here can suggest a person who is not afraid to use any tool to get what they want, especially with hard aspects. You can be aggressive, especially if you feel threatened or are frustrated.
Pluto in the eighth house is often an indicator for financial talent. This placement can be great for people working with money, such as bankers, financial and tax advisors, accountants, investors. With your natal Pluto in eighth house, you can become financially very successful is the whole chart supports it. Watch out for Jupiter-Pluto aspects.
This placement can also indicate being involved with crime, prostitution, or some other darker association of Pluto.
Hard aspects to Pluto can indicate challenges when it comes to inheritance. You might have to fight to get it, or they could be fights about money with your spouse. But Pluto here sometimes suggests that your spouse comes from a wealthy family. However, hard aspects can indicate that are power struggles related to power and money in your family.
Pluto in Eighth House and Regeneration
The eighth house is the house of crisis. You rarely go to this house, but these events are extremely important in your life. They trigger an intense, deep transformation process.
Pluto in eighth house suggests that you have more of these moments than the average person. The saying a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor rings true for a natal Pluto in eighth house.
People who have this placement are incredibly resilient. You can survive harsh events that not everyone could. Pluto here grants above-average regenerative abilities.
It can happen with this placement that you barely make it in a dangerous situation. Sometimes your interest in dark things brings these moments into your life, you simply can’t resist trying potentially dangerous things.
But a well-aspected Pluto here, especially in contact with Saturn can indicate longevity.
All these transformations you experience in your life can make you very powerful. You find your own power through going through painful things. But once you make it to the other side, you become twice as powerful as you were before. You can become really powerful, especially later in life.
One things you should watch out for is being convinced that you are right and others are wrong. There is a tendency to be dictatorial with a natal Pluto in eighth house.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is an intense, mysterious planet in astrology, with a dangerous side. Discovered only in 1930, Pluto is the last planet in astrology. It is used only in modern astrology, which considers Pluto to be the ruling planet of Scorpio. Before the discovery of Pluto, Scorpio was ruled by Mars.
In astrology, Pluto is associated with things hidden under the surface, secrets, mysteries, trauma, psychology, sex, crime.
In the natal chart, the house of Pluto shows where you can face power struggles, but also where you can find your own personal power.
Pluto is one of the generational planets. Its position by houses is more important on a personal level than by signs. Because of the long orbital period of Pluto, it stays in the same zodiac sign for decades. Many people have the same Pluto sign, and its position by signs influences society rather than individuals.
You can learn more about Pluto here if you want to understand this astrological planet better.
The Eighth House in the Natal Chart
The eighth house is the house of mysteries. In astrology, this house governs death, birth, rebirth. The eighth house shows how you react to crisis, how you experience transformation, what makes you feel threatened.
In the chart wheel, the eighth house is the natural house of Scorpio. Planets in the eighth house suggest a person who is drawn to the great secrets of life.
Some of the life areas connected with this astrological house include:
- death and regeneration
- near-death experiences
- other people’s money
- loans, taxes
- sex
- transformation
- secrets
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