If you have your natal Pluto in eleventh house, you have come to the right place. This article is all about this placement in the natal chart.
Pluto in the eleventh house is placed in the house of friends and organizations. The mysterious and dark side of this planet can make it hard for you to fit in and make compromises, but you learn a lot from your relationship with groups of people.
The main challenge here lies in aligning your individuality and personal desires with the rules of society. You have a need to change and transform your friendships.
This placement suggests a strong desire to be part of a group, but at the same time, you want to retain your individuality. You enjoy being around people who are intense and have similar interests as you. Pluto here can suggest powerful friends, but with challenging aspects, you have to be careful who you let close to yourself.
With this placement, you often feel lonely when around others. Some people with this placement were shamed or bullied by their circle, especially with hard aspects. Pluto in eleventh house suggests that you feel that you are an outcast.
It is a challenge to find the balance between being who you are, and at the same time, loosing yourself, and becoming a part of something greater than you. Pluto here needs you to find who you really are before you can establish truly rewarding connections with others.
Pluto in eleventh house can grow into a powerful leader. Once you learn to master this planet, it can gift you with charisma and good organization skills.
This placement is similar to having Scorpio on the cusp of the eleventh house, but more intense.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Pluto in eleventh house in astrology!
Natal Pluto in Eleventh House
This placement suggests an obsession with people. Group dynamics and social phenomena fascinate you. You want to understand how people work, and through them, you get to understand yourself better, too.
Pluto in eleventh house suggests that socializing is often hard for you, especially when young. Pluto in the eleventh house brings intensity into this house, but this intensity is not easy to handle. You do not settle for mediocrity when it comes to making friends. You are a person who prefers to be alone rather than in bad company.
It is not easy for you to maintain mutually fulfilling relationship with like-minded people. Pluto here makes you very intense, what others frequently don’t know how to deal with.
This placement can manifest as betrayal by your friends, or some traumatic experience related to them. This often makes you hard to trust people, and you build walls around yourself.
Your social relationships tend to be challenging. You experience power struggles in this life area. Control is important for you in your circles. Hard aspects to Pluto can suggest a person who behaves in a dictatorial, domineering way when in a group.There is a lot of tension, and you have to learn to create balance. You need to change some of your beliefs and your attitude towards groups of people.
You have a strong desire to belong. You want to be part of something bigger than you, but the you have a long journey to get there. Pluto in the eleventh house craves to be accepted, but you often feel very lonely when you are with other people. You feel that you don’t belong to any circle of people, no matter where you go.
It is hard to fit in with this placement in the natal chart. Deep down, you are a loner. But you still have to learn to connect with others and build your network.
When on the wrong track, some people with this placement receive a painful wake-up call to remind them of the necessity of change in form of a traumatic experience. Perhaps you experience abuse in your group of people, or you suffer betrayal. Pluto in eleventh house suggests that you have to completely transform your beliefs about people and society. At the same time, you gain wisdom and learn how to heal yourself.
Pluto in Eleventh House and Your Friends
Easy aspects to Pluto in the eleventh house indicate loyal, supportive friends. They have strong personality, just like you. You can discuss with them topics that other people can find morbid, such as life after death or the occult.
Your network helps you achieve your goals and get ahead in life. You learn a lot about various aspects of life from your friends. You find your personal power through understanding group dynamics. Pluto in eleventh house suggests that you can take on an important role in an organization.
Harmonious aspects to Pluto in the eleventh house suggest powerful friends. They support you and with their help, you are capable of turning your dreams into reality. You learn that you are much stronger when you have allies on your journey than if you try to find success on your own. But with a natal Pluto in eleventh house, it is important to rely on yourself first, and then the support will come.
With hard aspects to Pluto, it is better to watch out for who you hang out with. This placement can also indicate jealous, envious friends who do not have your best interest at heart. They can try to manipulate you, or bring trouble upon you.
It is also important to remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether is it similar to yours or the opposite. There is a tendency here to think that you know everything the best, taking away the freedom of others to decide for themselves.
Many people who have their Pluto here are drawn to social causes With this placement, you are interested in humanitarian work, or you can even work in this field. You could also enjoy volunteering. It can transform you and what you think of the world
A well-aspected Pluto in eleventh house suggests that you are capable of becoming a powerful leader. With harmonious aspects, Pluto here can make you a revolutionary. If you undergo the deep transformation of Pluto, you can evolve into a charismatic, successful leader of your groups. When you find your own power, you can become popular and it can attract people to you. Pluto can give you magnetic charisma.
With a natal Pluto in eleventh house, some people become members of secret groups. It can also happen that you have friendships you keep secret.
If there are other indicators in the natal chart, Pluto in the eleventh house can indicate social anxiety.

Pluto in Eleventh House and Goals
The eleventh house is primarily connected with large groups of people, clubs, organizations.
At the same time, the eleventh house is not just about your relationship with society. It is about how the universe supports you, and it represents everything that comes into your life. Pluto in eleventh house people sometimes do not see clearly their goals. They are ambitious and want to have great accomplishments.
Pluto in eleventh house suggests a great power to turn your dreams into reality. Pluto is a very intense, powerful planet, and it has the ability to scale things up. When used the right way, it is a great asset to have in the house of hopes and wishes.
This placement suggests that you are oriented on the future. You can be so future-oriented that you sometimes forget about the present. Pluto here can get lost in the world of ideas, and proper execution in the present can be challenging. Once you master this, you can become unstoppable.
A well-aspected Pluto in eleventh house in aspect to Jupiter can indicate the potential for acquiring wealth. Interestingly, the eleventh house is also a money house, as it shows money earned primarily from your profession, but it also shows cash flow in your life.
Pluto can make you financially successful with harmonious aspects. Hard aspects to Pluto here can indicate a person who is willing to do anything to get what they want, and they do not hesitate to use immoral tools. It can also indicate trouble in keeping money.
Pluto in Astrology
In astrology, Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, and it has similar themes to the eighth house. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, and it is the last planet in astrology.
Discovered only in 1930, Pluto is so far away from the Sun that it takes 248 years for this planet to make a full circle around the Sun. This makes Pluto a generational planet: it stays in each zodiac sign for decades, and all people born during this period have the same PLuto sign.
In the natal chart, the house of Pluto is more significant than its sign. The house where your Pluto is located shows where you experience transformation and where you can find your personal power.
Some of the things Pluto rules in astrology include:
- transformation
- secrets
- the unconscious
- investigation
- sex
- violence
- sharing
- power
- control
If you want to learn more about Pluto, you can read about the meaning of Pluto in astrology here.
The Eleventh House in the Natal Chart
The eleventh house is the house naturally connected with Aquarius. The Water Bearer is all about knowledge, sharing, freedom, justice, which are key themes of the eleventh house in the natal chart. In this house, Uranus is in accidental dignity.
Some of the life areas connected with the eleventh house in astrology:
- large groups of people
- your circle
- friends (close friends don’t belong to this house)
- networking
- volunteering
- social causes
- hopes
- dreams
- goals
- everything that comes into your life
Planets in the eleventh house suggest a progressive person who loves everything new. If this houses is emphasized in your chart, you enjoy being part of a group and you re great at networking. Volunteering and humanitarian ideals are close to your heart. You believe in a fair society that provides everyone with the same opportunities regardless of race, gender, nationality.
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