If you have your natal Pluto in second house, you have come to the right place. This article is all about interpreting Pluto here in the birth chart.
Pluto in the second house is an interesting placement. The second house is the natural house of Taurus, the sign opposite Scorpio―the sign ruled by Pluto in astrology. The second house is about your own money or possession, while Pluto and the eighth house are connected with other people’s assets.
This placement suggests a resourceful person who intuitively understands how to handle money. Perhaps this is the reason why so many rich people have their natal Pluto in second house.
Pluto in the second house can be an indicator of wealth. This planet is all about intensity and the extreme. When placed in the second house, it can indicate extreme financial success, if there are other indicators in the chart. However, Pluto is rarely an easy planet in astrology. There are some negative traits to the placement, as you will see in a minute.
This placement is somewhat similar to having Scorpio on the cusp of the second house, but more intense.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Pluto in the second house in astrology!
Natal Pluto in Second House Meaning
In the birth chart, the position of Pluto shows where you seek power, but also where you undergo deep transformation. In this life area, you often experience trauma or some painful event that changes you.
Pluto can be a wonderful planet that gives you regenerative power, depth, and charisma. But it is not easy to learn to use it. Pluto can be dangerous and incredibly destructive, too. Here, you have to deal with the extreme.
With a natal Pluto in second house, there are several different ways this planet can manifest.
This placement indicates a strong desire for possessions and financial success. When you want something, you want it really bad. Pluto in second house people are obsessed with what they desire to have. They can come up with great plans to achieve their financial goals, but they can also find ways to get what they want in other spheres of life.
Pluto is the planet of control. When it is placed in the second house, you feel that you have to control this aspect of your life and even that you can control others through money. Pluto-Venus aspects in the natal chart can have a similar effect.
You consider people yours, and you tend to treat them as your possession.
This can be an issue in your relationships. A natal Pluto in second house suggests that you want to control the finances, and you can be secretive about money. There is a frequent clash between mine (the second house) and yours (Pluto and the eighth house) here.
Pluto in Second House and Fears
Pluto in second house often suggests a fear of letting go, both material goods and people around you. People with this placement can be overly materialistic, failing to see that there is more to life than tangible possessions. You hold on to what is yours, even if it doesn’t serve you anymore. Don’t try to take away something from a Pluto in second house person, because they will make you regret it.
Pluto usually brings some painful life lessons related to the house where it is placed. Here, it often wants to teach you to let go, or to realize that possessions should not be the ultimate goal in life. It is also important to learn that you can make people attached to you only by love, not by controlling and manipulating them.
Another way how a natal Pluto in second house can manifest is obsessive spending. With this planet, there is a tendency to be self-destructive in the life areas related to the house if Pluto.
Pluto in second house needs a lot of money, often to prove themselves that they are worthy. Learning that your money doesn’t define you as a person is an important lesson with a natal Pluto in second house. You tend to mask insecurity by focusing on money.
Self-esteem is a frequent subconscious issue here. Often, you feel that you are not worthy on your own merits and that you have to prove your worth. You sometimes feel that people around you do not appreciate you. You often feel overlooked and feel that others don’t recognize your efforts. This often stems from your childhood when you were poor and you felt that because of this, you were worth less than others.
Pluto in second house can suggest deep fears of loosing your wealth or poverty. People with this placement often experienced financial crisis when young, and it was a painful experience that they want to avoid in the future at any price.

Pluto in Second House and Transformation
Pluto in second house sometimes suggests that you experienced financial struggles, perhaps as a child. Often, there were some money problems in the family. In some cases, you were taken away some possession or your parents had not talent for managing money. These early encounters with scarcity are often a strong motivation to obtain wealth later in life.
Pluto is incredibly powerful, it is nearly impossible to destroy it. When it is placed in the second house, you are able to cope with financial adversities and in the end, come out as a winner.
With this placement, you are able to turn debt into wealth. The highest manifestation of a natal Pluto in second house is resourcefulness and transformation. Pluto in a money house is often found in the charts of very wealthy people.
For example, you can spot Pluto in the second house in the natal chart of Bill Gates. In his chart, Pluto is in a tight conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of wealth and abundance, and the conjunction takes place in the second house. Jupiter-Pluto aspects (but also Jupiter-Neptune aspects) are often indicators of wealth in the natal chart.
Sometimes with this placement, there is a tendency to rebel against the norms you were imposed in as a child, perhaps by your parent or some other authority figure. Pluto often suggests buried anger that comes to the surface in the moments of crisis. With this placement, you can fail just to prove your parents wrong, no matter if the failure hurts you more.
Pluto in second house people experience power struggles related to money. In the worst case, this placement can describe a person who is greedy and who is willing to do everything for money and power. But for this to be the case, there have to be hard aspects from malefic planets, and usually such things are reinforced multiple times in the natal chart.
The second house is a money house in the natal chart. Planets here have a lot to do with how you can make money. A natal Pluto in second house can suggest working in research, investigation, banking, managing other people’s money, tax, investments. However, this placement can also suggest sex work or being involved with crime, as Pluto rules the underworld in astrology. You often earn money with the help of other people, even attain wealth through marriage or inheritance is the chart supports it.
Pluto in Astrology
Located so far away from the Sun, Pluto is the planet of mysteries. It is associated with shadow and darkness, representing the part of humanity that is rarely set free, but then it can destroy everything.
Pluto is a generational planet (along with Uranus and Neptune). This means that its sign impacts changes in society and whole generations rather than individuals on a personal level. Because of its long orbital period, Pluto spends a long time in every zodiac sign. The exact period varies, it can take from 12 years to 32 years. As you can see, many people have the same Pluto sign.
In the natal chart, the house of Pluto and its aspects to personal points are more important. Its house shows where you seek power. The life areas corresponding to the house of Pluto are often the scene for some traumatic experience that changes you for ever.
Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio. Before the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Scorpio was ruled by Mars. Pluto is considered the higher octave of Mars in astrology.
Some of the things ruled by Pluto in astrology:
- sex
- crime
- the underworld
- secrets
- things hidden under the surface
- investigation
- alchemy
- transformation
- joint resources
If you want to learn more about Pluto, you can read about the meaning of Pluto in astrology here.
The Second House in the Natal Chart
The second house is the natural house of Taurus. This sign is ruled by the planet Venus in astrology. Venus is associated with all things beautiful and pleasant, something that Taurus appreciates.
In the chart wheel, the key life areas of the second house are possessions and assets. As a succedent house, the second house supports the preceding house, which is the house of self. Your possessions are there to support you as a person.
Another important association of the second house is self-worth. This house shows everything you appreciate and value. That’s why money, belongings, assets are part of the second house in astrology. On the other hand, valuing yourself is just as important. People with an afflicted second house often have issues with their self-esteem. They feel that they are not worthy of love and money.
Planets in the second house suggest that comfort is important to you. However, you can be too possessive and materialistic.
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