If you have your natal Pluto in the seventh house in your chart, you have come to the right place. In this article, you can learn how to interpret it in astrology.
With a natal Pluto in seventh house, the life areas where this planet comes to expression are primarily committed relationships and partnerships. Learning how to work together with others is a key lesson here. But finding balance in your relationships doesn’t come easy to you.
In the natal chart, Pluto brings intensity and an obsessive desire to the matters of its house. Pluto in the seventh house wants harmonious partnerships, but it is too obsessed to be able to maintain them.
This is not to say that it is impossible to live in a happy, fulfilling relationship with a natal Pluto in seventh house. However, changes and adjustments are needed to achieve it. Acknowledging the fear of betrayal and working through the trust issues can be helpful.
Pluto here is attracted to partners with a strong personality. A very strong personality. Power struggles and controlling are often an integral part of your relationships.
You can be overly jealous, being so afraid of loosing your partner that you unconsciously make them leave you. Alternatively, your partner embodies the astrological qualities of Pluto, and you can feel that you are their victim.
This placement is somewhat similar to having Scorpio on the cusp of the seventh house (the Descendant).
Keep reading to learn more about this placement in astrology!
Natal Pluto in Seventh House
Pluto in the seventh house can manifest as being attracted to people with a Plutonic personality.
This can be a challenging placement. The aspects of Pluto and the whole chart give more information about how it is likely to play out. Easy aspects can indicate a powerful, strong-willed partner, but with an afflicted Pluto in seventh house, your relationship often has darker themes.
This placement suggests that you are attracted to what is frequently called a Plutonic personality. Your partner often has Pluto in their first house, or they are a Scorpio rising. Not just your romantic partner and spouse, but also your business partners, even close friends.
A natal Pluto in seventh house can indicate a deep fear of bonding. You crave the intimacy of committed relationships, but at the same time, you are often reluctant to go all in. Betrayal and the lack of trust can be major issues here.
Sometimes the fear attracts partners who are indeed untrustworthy, and until you figure out why are you attracted to them, this can turn into a repetitive pattern in your life. This placement can even indicate trauma related to committed relationships.
This placement requires finding balance in your relationships, especially when it comes to power. With Pluto here, either you hold more power, or your partner does, but it is a great challenge to establish harmony in the relationship.
It is important to choose people who have a well-integrated Pluto. If your partner lives the lower octave of Pluto, they can be disagreeable, possessive, jealous.
It is just as important to realize that you do have power and by finding power in yourself, you won’t be a victim anymore. Planets in the seventh house show which parts of yourself you don’t identify with. Pluto here suggests that you don’t feel the power in yourself (or that you can handle it). You tend to unconsciously hand it over to your partners.
The seventh house is also about business partnerships. With a natal Pluto in seventh house, especially if it receives hard aspects, it might be better to do business on your own rather than with a partner.
Besides one-on-one relationships, the seventh house is the house of public relations, too. A well-aspected Pluto in seventh house can be a helpful asset when it comes to working with the public. You have an intuitive understanding of the social undercurrents.
This placement can be helpful for people working in marketing, politics, law, but it can also indicate a great psychologists. Pluto here grants an insight into the human nature. With harmonious aspects, you intuitively understand people, and you can capitalize on this in many professions.
However, it is important to ‘behave well’ with this placement. Pluto is an unpredictable, erratic planet. Pluto in seventh house can bring your secrets into the light, causing a loss of good reputation. Pluto here indicates the potential for scandals.

Pluto in Seventh House and Partnerships
One of the most important life areas of the seventh house is marriage. Pluto in seventh house suggests that for you, committed relationships induce a process that can lead to deep transformation.
After marriage, your life rarely remains the same. Relating holds important life lessons here, and overcoming the challenges leads to finding your personal power.
This placement suggests that your relationships are dynamic and intense. Passion is a must for you, and there are strong emotions between you and your partner (not necessarily always pleasant). The highest octave of Pluto is deep healing and regeneration.
However, Pluto here rarely indicates a relationship without any challenges. Deep bonding is often blocked by fear. You crave intimacy, but you are also scared of it.
Power struggles are frequent in the relationship. Either you want to control your partner, or they want to control you, but control is usually a major issue with Pluto here. There is no balance.
To make the relationship work well, you have to make adjustments. You have to learn to stand up for yourself and to be treated as an equal.
With a natal Pluto in seventh house, it is either you who is dictatorial in a relationship, or you are attracted to dictatorial partners.
The descendant and the seventh house represent qualities unfamiliar to us, and the probability of the second option is higher. You project your own Plutonian traits onto others. The descendant is an integral part of who you are, but you are often unaware of it. In this case, the descendant plays out by attracting people into your life who remind you of this unconscious quality.
Especially with hard aspects to Pluto, jealousy and suspicion can be also characteristic of your relationship. There is little trust. The partners can betray each other, sometimes to the extent of traumatic experiences. You are drawn to powerful partners, who can hold you hostage in some way. You often feel a victim, and in this case, it is important to find the cause of this attitude and fix it.
The seventh house is the natural house of Libra, and Libra is all about harmony. Finding harmony is possible through transformation with a natal Pluto in seventh house. If you don’t work consciously on this issue, you can unconsciously provoke and bring the worst out of each other in a partnership.
Hard aspects to Pluto in the seventh house can be a sign of abuse or domestic violence. While this doesn’t have to be the case, it is important to be aware of this possibility.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is the last planet in astrology. It is so far away from the Sun, associated with darkness, mysteries, deep transformation and changes.
Pluto was discovered only in 1930. In astrology, it is the ruling planet of Scorpio, previously ruled by Mars. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars in astrology.
In the natal chart, the position of Pluto shows where you undergo transformation. You can experience trauma in the life areas governed by its house.
When analyzing Pluto in the natal chart, you should focus on its house rather than its sign. Pluto moves so slowly that it stays in the same zodiac sign for decades. This makes it in signs more significant on the level of society, describing changes in the world. On a personal level, its house and aspects to personal planets are the most important.
Some of the most important keywords in astrology include:
- death, birth, rebirth
- regeneration
- the unconscious
- secrets
- research, investigation
- power
- sex
- trauma
- the underworld
- violence
- healing
If you want to learn more about Pluto, make sure to read this article about the meaning of Pluto in astrology.
The Seventh House in the Natal Chart
The seventh house is connected with the zodiac sign Libra. It is the natural house of Venus through Libra, the ruler of this sign.
The key life area of the seventh house is partnership. As the opposite house of the first house, the House of Self, the seventh house is about others. The cusp of the seventh house is the descendant, the point opposite the ascendant in the chart. This also means that the sign here is the opposite of your rising sign. For example, if you are an Aquarius rising, you have your seventh house beginning in Leo.
In the natal chart, the seventh house shows what kind of partner are you attracted to for long-term relationships (romance and flirting belongs to the fifth house in astrology).
Some of the life areas and people governed by the seventh house:
- marriage
- committed relationships
- business partnerships
- legal affairs
- open enemies
- one of your grandparents
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