Pluto square ascendant in the natal chart is really felt, both by you and by others. It suggests that Pluto is a very strong influence in your chart, especially if it aspects some of your personal planets as well. This suggests serious challenges you face throughout your life but also the inner strength and capacity to work through them and come out stronger. It’s important to handle this energy well.
With this aspect, you perceive the world very intensely. There might be a tendency to be biased in your judgement. You often face power struggles in your relationships and relationships tend to transform you. You might struggle with validating your and your partner’s feelings at the same time. The Pluto square ascendant natal aspect suggests that you have a very intense presence. This can be both positive and negative. People often misunderstand you if you have this aspect and you are unaware of your effect on them.
The rest of the chart is important to consider if you are dealing with the Pluto square ascendant natal aspect. For example, if it hints at an already intense person, then this square contributes to making the situation more difficult. If the chart is generally speaking a lighter one, it might manifest as making the chart owner a bit more reserved.
The smaller the orb, the more intense the square. It’s usually felt under 5 degrees. It also matters whether Pluto is in the 4th or in the 10th house and what other aspects Pluto forms in the birth chart. Keep reading to learn more about this aspect!
Pluto Square Ascendant Natal
When someone meets you, they often find you intense and sometimes even intimidating. People tend to have a strong reaction to you: they either love you or hate you.
Getting along with people is sometimes difficult if you have a Pluto square ascendant natal aspect. People may be afraid of you. This can be great because it repels some hostile people, but it can also make it difficult for you to connect with others.
Appearancewise, Pluto square the ascendant suggests a piercing gaze. You often have bushy eyebrows and you have your own distinctive style. Pluto-ascendant aspects in the birth chart can make you very charismatic.
With a Pluto square ascendant natal aspect, it often happens that you turn into a completely different person at some point. People with this aspect usually had to endure many hard things throughout their lives. Especially at a young age, many of them faced rejection, powerlessness, loneliness. These experiences lead to a suspicious and anxious approach to life if you have Pluto squaring your ascendant in your birth chart.
Transformation is a recurring theme in your life. This can manifest in many ways. It can be a literal physical transformation, e.g. losing weight or changing your appearance completely at some point. It can also play out as a psychological transformation. Sometimes traumas change you for the worse. If you are self-aware, your discerning nature can help you transform yourself for the better. Over the time of your life, you have many opportunities to reinvent yourself. If you display the evolved side of Pluto, this can be a rising phoenix placement.
This square can indicate obsessive behavior or patterns that are very difficult to break. You are reluctant to change, however, it’s one of your life lessons to do so if you have this aspect.
In the negative case, Pluto square ascendant in the birth chart can manifest as attracting dangerous people. Others might get obsessed with you and have difficulties letting you go. This aspect can indicate explosive tendencies.
Pluto square ascendant natal can imply that one of your parents holds you back from growing as a person. Family influences tend to be very important with this aspect because Pluto is usually placed in the 4th or in the 10th house. This parent might have been domineering, controlling, or in some cases, even straight up abusive. Often, there’s a lot of family drama. This aspect can also indicate that you resolve ancestral trauma in this lifetime.

If you are not self-aware, you might seek your power in being abusive towards others. Often, Pluto square ascendant natal can suggest that you can be difficult to get along with. It’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to feedback.
Pluto Square Descendant Natal: Your Shadow Self
Pluto square the ascendant also means that you have Pluto square descendant in your natal chart. Besides the intensity you experience in yourself, it also colors your partnerships. You may feel powerless at some point and blame the other person, however, the ascendant-descendant axis teaches us that what your partner brings into your life already exists in you.
The descendant represents the other side of the coin. The ascendant describes you as a person, your identity and the way you carry yourself. It’s an energy that’s abundantly present and one you are aware of and can control. The descendant, however, is something you don’t feel you have hence you project it onto other people. Planets aspecting the ASC-DESC axis describe your relationship dynamics, along with your seventh house. A planet squaring the ascendant will automatically be squaring the descendant as well.
Read more: the Descendant in Signs
Pluto square descendant natal suggests that you are drawn to people who are not superficial. It’s important to you that there’s a certain intensity to your relationships. This aspect suggests that your relationships have a tremendous influence over your life. Your partners are no less intense than you yourself.
In your relationships, you can be extremely controlling. You might be convinced that your way of doing things is the best and your partner might feel suffocated. Alternatively, you might end up with a partner like that. There might be a lot of jealousy in your relationships.
Pluto square descendant suggests that you are deeply afraid of being left. However, your desire to control your partner often drives them away. This placement can also manifest as a fear of vulnerability that turns you into a control freak. You may feel like a victim or your partner can project this energy.
There are often some power struggles and power imbalances in your relationships. Other people teach you about power and integrity. You may end up with people out of your league. There’s usually a set of problems related to power that you have to work through. It’s important to resolve these issues so that you avoid power struggles.
Pluto problems ideally inspire a journey of deep self-reflection. If you live the higher octave of Pluto, you embrace change. You are open to facing your traumas and fears and you transform them into self-awareness. Keeping your ego in check is important if you have this placement.
With the Pluto square ascendant and Pluto square descendant aspects, it’s important to work on your shadow. This aspect makes it a major theme over your life. Healing your traumas and insecurities makes your relationships better as well.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto’s energy is extremely potent and pervasive in astrology. This planet is the smallest and the furthest away from the Sun in the Solar System, yet in the birth chart, it sheds light on many things. Pluto stays in the same zodiac sign for decades, hence it is more important by house position and by aspects on a personal level.
Some of the themes associated with Pluto in astrology: birth, death and rebirth, regeneration, deep transformation, secrets, the occult, unearthing hidden truths, taboos, power, extremes. Pluto operates in a drastic and brutal way, but ultimately, it supports the birth of new and evolve structures in place of the old and the dysfunctional.
Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio.
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