What does the Saturn conjunct Saturn synastry aspect reveal about a relationship? This conjunction is fairly common, but it’s not as important as it might seem at first sight.
Saturn Conjunct Saturn Synastry
The short answer is, you were either born in the same generation (within 1-2 years) or there’s an age difference of about 30 years between you. Regarding astrological compatibility, this aspect is not significant. It’s a better idea to focus on the rest of the chart.
When you look up your synastry chart with someone, you may see that your Saturn is conjunct their Saturn and wonder how this affects the chart. Conjunctions are the most significant aspects in synastry. Saturn is also an important planet in astrology. However, because of its relatively long orbital period of about 30 years, Saturn’s aspects are somewhat tricky. If the other planet involved is a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), the aspect can carry a lot of weight. Saturn aspects in synastry are also associated with karmic relationships. However, if the other planet is a slow-moving planet, the aspect is far less meaningful. Because of this, Saturn conjunct Saturn synastry is not a particularly meaningful aspect.

Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is one of the planets with a negative reputation. While it’s true that it’s not a pleasant energy in the sense that it doesn’t make you feel comfortable, there are many good things about it.
In astrology, Saturn encourages future-focused thinking. It is associated with goals, planning, structures, systems, perseverance, hard work. It governs dedication and commitment. Saturn is crossing off the items on your to-do list at the end of the day and remembering the tasks for the next day. It is often regarded as the taskmaster of astrology. Saturn is the great teacher who makes you redo what you didn’t do well until you master it. This planet is also associated with karma and the past. Saturn’s blockages are said to be often karmic.
In the Zodiac, Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. It is exalted in Libra, in fall in Aries and in detriment in Cancer. Saturn is in accidental dignity in the tenth house of career and public life. It takes 29.5 years for Saturn to finish a full circle around the Sun. Hence, the Saturn conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is neglectible. The time when transiting Saturn returns to your natal Saturn is called the Saturn return and it counts as a major transit in astrology.
Saturn has a specific role in astrology. In the birth chart, the house of Saturn shows where you have major life lessons to learn. The sign tells which traits you have to develop in order to mature as a person and achieve your goals. For the first 30 years, people often experience this life area as troublesome but with time and maturity, you can get really good at it.
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