Saturn in astrology always represents limitations, blockages, and delay. You can expect to struggle in some way where you see Saturn. What happens if Saturn is in the third house in the natal chart?
Saturn in third house people often experience hardships in childhood. Sometimes they find it hard to express their thoughts and communicate with others.
Natal Saturn in Third House
Saturn in third house people find connecting with others challenging. The third house is the house of communication, and Saturn here represents blockages in this life area.
You speak very little when young, and it takes time for you to build self-confidence to speak up. Saturn in third house delays these things.

You find it hard to engage in small talks. With your Saturn in third house, making friends doesn’t come easy to you either, especially with people who just happen to live close to you, but there isn’t a more meaningful connection between you. You are awkward around strangers and acquaintances.
Saturn in third house people are not the ones who know everyone in the neighborhood and who chat around when they meet someone on the street. This doesn’t mean that you are not open and talkative with your close friends, they belong to a different house in the natal chart, but this is not a placement for someone popular in the local community.
You probably experience your immediate surroundings as a cold and depressing place, particularly when young and in childhood. You felt unwanted and not welcome, what stays with you for a long time. A big part of the third house is connected with childhood, and scars from childhood have a bigger influence over you.
The good news about Saturn is that Saturn problems usually get better after your Saturn return. With effort, you can learn to be more self-confident in your dealings with people who live near you and with your local community.
Sometimes people with Saturn in the third house experience delays and hardships on short trips. You don’t like short trips, they are tiring to you.
Saturn in Third House: Poor Communication
People who have their natal Saturn in the third house are often insecure about the way they connect with the world. Maybe your peers made fun of you when you were a child, and often, this placement suggests that you have some trouble with speech.
Saturn in third house often experiences blockages in communication. Maybe when you want to speak up, as soon as you open your mouth, someone else starts speaking. This is very frustrating to you, and there can be a deep fear of not being able to express yourself.
The third house is not just the house of communication, it’s also the house of thinking.
You usually need more time to process information. Your mind works in a slow but steady way, and it’s also important to organize your thoughts. You learn the best when you structure the information.
This is not to say that you cannot be bright. When talking about the conscious mind and intellect, there are various components of the birth chart you have to look to. Besides the third house, your mental abilities are described by Mercury in astrology.
Saturn in third house people have a unique way of thinking, and they are capable of solving difficult problems.
If Mercury is in contact with Saturn in the natal chart, the Saturn in third house traits are even more emphasized (especially with the challenging aspects). Don’t forget that the aspects of a planet always color how it will express itself in your life.
The good thing about Saturn in third house is that you can keep secrets. This placement is great for working with confidential data.
With this placement, you tend to have gloomy thoughts unless there is a lot of fiery influence in your birth chart. Saturn represents the past in astrology, and this placement suggests that you often beat up yourself over what happened in the past. You have to consciously learn to focus on the present and the future, things that you can control.
Saturn in Third House and Childhood
The third house shows the period in your life when you go to elementary school, your relationship with your peers, teacher, acquaintances.
Saturn in this house suggests that you had a hard time in school. The reasons for this vary, some people had trouble learning, while others didn’t get along with their peers.
You often felt lonely as a kid. You failed to share your unique thoughts with people around you, and you often felt misunderstood. Saturn in the third house suggests that you had a hard time connecting with relatives and perhaps even with your siblings.
As a child, you probably avoided meeting new people.
Meaning of Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is a challenging but important planet in astrology.
Some of the things associated with this planet include time, structure, stiffness, authorities (the government) and authority persons, career, ambition, the past. Saturn is the planet of limitations, delays, blockages, challenges, hard work, suffering, persistence. In astrology, Saturn teaches us to be patient and work hard.
This planet is the strict teacher. If you learned your lesson well, the rewards of this planet are huge (and what is the most important, permanent), but if you didn’t, you have to try again and you cannot move on until you mastered what Saturn wants you to learn.
In the birth chart, Saturn shows where you can expect blockages, but also where you have life lessons to learn. In this life area, you are a late bloomer, but once you learn what you have to learn, you can be the best at it.
Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, and it’s exalted in Libra. In the tenth house, Saturn is in accidental dignity, because this is the house of Capricorn in the natural chart.
If you want to learn more about Saturn in astrology, read this article about the meaning of this planet.
The Third House in the Natal Chart
The third house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Gemini. This is the house where Mercury is in accidental dignity. If you are wondering why, the explanation is actually quite simple.
Gemini, Mercury, and the third house in the chart all handle similar life areas: thinking, communication, reasoning abilities.
Some other things connected with the third house in astrology include your immediate surroundings, people who live near you (neighbors, acquaintances), elementary education, teachers, your peers.
The third house is also about transportation and vehicles. On a different level, the third house serves the transmission of information: here belongs everything related to communication in astrology: TV, news, reading, writing, books, etc.