Scorpio is one of the most mysterious zodiac signs in astrology. It’s intense and passionate. But why is it so famous and infamous at the same time?
The following ten Scorpio zodiac facts can help you understand the Scorpios in your life better. It would be wonderful if our loved ones would get us without us having to explain how we work.
Here are some Scorpio facts they want you to know but they will never tell you explicitly!
1. Scorpios Crave Love
Cruel? Revengeful? Possessive? Legend has it that Scorpio is the most dangerous sign of the Zodiac. However, under the dark surface and hard shell there is a scared squishy heart that wants to be loved more than anything. Scorpio is vulnerable. They are longing for love but they are afraid of it at the same time. Which leads us to the next point:
2. Scorpios Have More Intense Feelings Than the Rest of the Zodiac
It’s true. Scorpios are ruled by Pluto in astrology, and Pluto brings intensity everywhere―the emotions of the Scorpion are no exception. When a Scorpio loves, they love until it hurts. When they are hurt, it feels like hell.
3. Scorpios Possess Healing Power
Contrary to the popular belief, the role of Scorpio is not to destroy and or take revenge. It’s to heal. If a Scorpio goes though the process of transformation and they embrace the higher octave of this sign, they become wise and gain a healing power.
Once they went through hell, they are able to help those who are currently there. Scorpios have a very strong ability to heal others. If you meet an evolved Scorpio, it will change you for life. And for the better.

4. Scorpios Die and Are Born Again a Thousand Times
In the chart wheel, Scorpio is traditionally associated with the eighth house of death, sex, and deep transformation. This zodiac sign often experiences heartbreaking events in their lives, what changes them forever.
Scorpios possess unbelievable regenerative power. Even though they encounter disasters often, they will get out much stronger. If you want to destroy a Scorpio, you’d better muster up all your strength because it’s nearly impossible. They have nine lives.
4. Nothing Can Stay Hidden From a Scorpio
There is no use in lying to a Scorpio. This zodiac sign is able to get to the heart of the matter in no time. Scorpios have an investigative mind and they make excellent detectives. They are obsessive thinkers and overthinkers.
5. They Will Keep Going
One trait that helps Scorpio uncover the truth is its persistence. As a fixed sign, once a Scorpio makes up its mind, it will go to great lengths to reach their goal. You can’t make a Scorpio do something they don’t want to do. But if they prioritize something, it will get done in no time.
6. And They Are Incredibly Resourceful
Scorpio is the sign of survival. Often drawn to trouble, Scorpios deal with the darker side of human existence. Their painful journey through the underworld taught them to be resourceful. Scorpios are street smart and they have an innate insight into the human psyche. They often recognize opportunities laying around them and this gets them far in life.
A Scorpio is ready to face the challenges of life. They are not just ready to face them, they explicitly embrace them. Once they go through their transformation process, they accept it as a part of existence and they become wiser through it.
7. Scorpios Like to Share (or to Make YOU Share)
The house associated with Scorpio in the chart wheel is the eighth house. This house is the house of joint resources in astrology! Scorpios sometimes choose a profession in a field where they gain access to other’s finances, such as a tax advisor or banker.
But many Scorpios find financial gain through the resources of people in their lives. The eighth house shows money you receive through marriage or legacy. One man’s loss is another man’s gain.
8. They Don’t Always Stay Out of Trouble
Some Scorpios are magnetically attracted to the underworld. Not every Scorpio gets involved with criminal activity, even though some of them choose this path. They are not afraid of the dark side.
An interest in morbid or violent things is common among Scorpios. This sign finds everything hidden fascinating. Most Scorpios are interested in the occult, life after death or psychology.
9. Scorpios Are Charmers
This zodiac sign is a master manipulator. They read people very well, and they don’t hesitate to use this ability. Scorpios usually achieve what they want in a subtle way. You don’t even notice that you are being manipulated! If a Scorpio is evolved and lives out the positive qualities of its zodiac sign, they won’t use this talent for immoral purposes, but they all have it.
Scorpios are among the most charismatic zodiac signs. You can’t help but be attracted to them. They embody the mysterious side of us that we are afraid to experience. But Scorpios are here to help you discover it.
10. Obsession Is Part of a Scorpio’s Existence
Scorpios can’t help it, it’s simply how they are. This zodiac sign has a tendency to become obsessed with people, theories or the past. However, it’s important for them to learn how to use this intense energy in a constructive way.
Once a Scorpio grows up emotionally and learns to own the responsibility for their lives, they are able to turn their pain into a medicine to heal the world.
If you liked these Scorpio facts, make sure to share it with your Scorpio friends and friends who have a Scorpio in their lives!
I think it’s more of funny clichés rather than actual facts.