In this post, you can read about planets conjunct the south node in synastry. South node conjunctions are really significant because they indicate that you have a common past and sometimes unfinished things. The relationship can feel very fated. Usually, there’s an instant connection. The south node is associated with past lives in karmic astrology and a strong south node in synastry suggests that you have shared some experiences before.
When you meet the other person, there’s often a feeling of immediate rapport. They remind you very strongly of someone and it frequently feels as though you have known this person for much longer. This makes it easier for you to trust them (this is not always good!).
Relationships with an emphasized south node in synastry make lasting impressions. The south node person perceives the planet person as more familiar while the planet person is more attracted to the south node person and has stronger feelings towards them. The conjunction is the most powerful aspect.
These connections change you and teach you lessons, but the process is not always fun. Often, the other person comes into your life to teach you something or to call out your shortcomings from the past. However, if you are already on the path your soul wants to be on, these relationships can be inspiring. But in general, karmic relationships usually require lots of self-awareness from both parties to be sustainable. The main goal is not to have fun but to learn. There are usually more things to be learned for the south node person, but hopefully, the relationship is characterized by mutual growth.
It’s important that you should analyze the whole synastry chart and the two people’s birth chart separately too. One aspect is not enough (usually, the most central themes are repeated in the chart multiple times).
Sun Conjunct South Node in Synastry
The Sun conjunct south node in synastry is in general quite favorable. It suggests that the relationship supports you in achieving your goals and you feel safe to be your true selves. The south node person makes the Sun person feel very good about themselves, increasing their self-confidence and energizing them. Sun conjunct south node suggests that in your shared history, one of the people probably represented some kind of inspiration and authority for the other person.
Moon Conjunct South Node in Synastry
The Moon conjunct south node synastry aspect is really important as the Moon is the fastest-moving celestial body in the chart. It suggests that the relationship is very supportive. There’s an instant understanding between you. The other person just gets you and they often represent the feeling of home and safety for you.

Mercury Conjunct South Node in Synastry
With Mercury conjunct south node in synastry, there’s an emphasis on self-improvement. The Mercury person makes the south node person see what they have to work on: which skills they could develop, how they could improve their communication skills and how they could be better at expressing themselves.
Venus Conjunct South Node in Synastry
Venus conjunct south node in synastry suggests an instant attraction. According to karmic astrology, this indicates past life romance. The lack of fun is not an issue in this relationship. Quite the opposite, it is characterized by a natural harmony and ease. You get along well and enjoy each other’s company.
Mars Conjunct South Node in Synastry
Mars conjunct south node in synastry suggests that there was some form of competition and animosity between you in the past. In this lifetime, you have to make peace with each other. Often, it’s difficult to accept the other person’s way of life and thinking.
Jupiter Conjunct South Node in Synastry
Jupiter conjunct south node is a lovely aspect in synastry. It suggests some kind of a teacher-student or mentor-mentee relationship. The main themes are expansion (on various levels, it can be both intellectually or spiritually), broadening your horizons, sometimes embarking on long journeys together. You leave the relationship as a wiser version of yourself compared to who you were before.
Saturn Conjunct South Node in Synastry
This bond is very karmic. Saturn conjunct south node in synastry suggests that your common past could range from disciplined to burdensome. The emphasis was on responsibilities. The Saturn person often acts a strict teacher for the south node person. The relationship could be limiting in some way, what’s usually reflected in the present as well.
The South Node in Astrology
The two lunar nodes, the north node and the south node are associated with the soul’s journey. These points tell the story of your soul’s past experiences and future aspirations. ]The lunar nodes are central in karmic astrology: if you believe in reincarnation, the south node is linked with your past lives.
The north node represents your life purpose in astrology. This point tells what your soul wants to learn in this lifetime.
At a young age, people are more connected to their south nodes. This point represents your past: it shows which energies you have already integrated very well. The south node is your comfort zone. However, the soul wants to grow and it gravitates to the north node as you grow older.
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