Have you ever wondered how to tell based on the natal chart if you have a talent for astrology? Among other things, the birth chart speaks about your strengths and gifts too. In this post, we will dive into how to spot a talent for astrology in the birth chart. These 7 indicators suggest that you are drawn to astrology and you can get really good at it!
(The list is not complete- These are just a few of the indicators for talent for astrology in the natal chart.)
Astrology is associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus. These are usually heavily emphasized in the charts of people who are into astrology. But there are a few more things based on which you can find a talent for astrology in your birth chart. The eighth, ninth and twelfth houses are associated with astrology too, just like the zodiac signs Scorpio and Pisces, in addition to Aquarius. Placements here suggest a natural affinity for astrology.
If you have a few of the following placements or aspects, astrology was meant to come into your life!
Planets in Aquarius and Talent for Astrology in the Birth Chart
Personal planets in Aquarius are a classic indicator of a talent for astrology. People with Aquarius strong in their chart are often drawn to abstract ideas and analogic thinking and they enjoy exploring alternative philosophies. They are usually interested in things beyond the material world and they enjoy studying complex topics.
The most important planets to look for are the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Aquarius.
Ascendant in Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces
Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces rising people seem to be overrepresented among astrology enthusiasts. These zodiac signs are all associated with an openness to the higher self, a desire for understanding yourself and the world around you and the ability to tap into hidden wisdom.

12th House Placements
The realm of the 12th house is mystical and open to divine guidance. With a prominent 12th house, you are instinctively drawn to hidden wisdom. You are open-minded and eager to learn about the universe.
In addition, planets in the 12th house often indicate struggling with finding your path and periods of soul-searching which can inspire you to pick up astrology.
Moon in Water Houses or Signs
The Moon is another important planet when it comes to astrology. It represents your soul and intuition. The Moon in a water house or sign suggests that you are instinctively aligned with the undercurrents of the universe and heightened intuition. These placements also suggest that you find a sense of safety in connecting with something greater than you and looking for answers to the great questions of life. The Moon in water houses can imply an innate affinity for astrology.
9th House Placements
The ninth house is the house of the higher mind. Planets here indicate a search for wisdom. Connecting with your higher self comes naturally to you. You have a desire for expansion and exploring how the universe works. The Moon, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus in the ninth house are particularly favorable for studying astrology.
Interestingly, Jupiter or Uranus transiting your ninth house might align with a waking interest in astrology.
Sagittarius placements are similar to ninth house placements to some extent in this regard. This sign is also relatively common in the charts of astrologers.
Uranus in Aspect to Personal Planets
People who have this planet strong were built for astrology. Uranus in aspect to personal planets often suggests that you are interested in alternative philosophies and you are open-minded. The harmonious aspects indicate that you are able to tap into astrology effortlessly, but the difficult aspects have the benefit of constant friction which you might find gets released by studying astrology. The energy of Uranus brings sudden insights and an original point of view but it is difficult to control. Astrology can help you harness this influence and use it for your benefit by giving you a deeper layer of insight.
Uranus-Sun Aspects
With a natal Uranus-Sun aspect, astrology can be a way of self-discovery and creative self-expression for you. You enjoy dealing with complex systems. You have a natural inclination for self-discovery and you like approaching things from a unique angle.
Uranus-Moon Aspects
Uranus-Moon aspects suggest that you can instinctively comprehend astrology. Learning about it can make you feel accepted and it facilitates self-understanding on a deeper level. You might be able to tap into a chart with your heightened intuition.
Uranus-Mercury Aspects
Uranus in aspect to Mercury often suggests that you are drawn to astrology. With the help of Uranus, Mercury puts the pieces together and it becomes able to see the story the planets tell in a natal chart. How your mind works is compatible with the astrological way of thinking.
8th House Placements
Planets in the 8th house indicate an interest in the occult. You have an unrelenting appetite for hidden knowledge. People with 8th house placements often have a talent for astrology and they can get really good at it thanks to their intuition and talent for digging deep.
8th house placements can also indicate transformative life events that push you to face your fears and find the hidden parts of your personality—a journey on which astrology can be an excellent companion.
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