If you were born between the 21st of April and May 20th, your Sun sign is Taurus. Every zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses in astrology. And they also have things they wish people around them knew!
Here are ten things every Taurus wants you to know. These Taurus fun facts will help you understand the Taurus in your life better!

1. Taurus Is a Super Loyal Zodiac Sign
You will find a lifelong friend in a Taurus. Loyalty is everything to this sign. If they chose you, they will be there with you and help you. The zodiac sign Taurus is famous for its stability, and they want this in their relationships, too. If you make a Taurus your friend, they will take care of you forever.
2. A Taurus Has High Standards
But first, you have to get a Taurus interested in you. And you’ll find out that this is not an easy task! This zodiac sign can be extremely picky.
Those born under the Bull are famous for their high standards. It’s not easy to get them want you. Taurus is a sign that is content with their own life, and they like doing things their own way. But once in, they are yours fully.
3. A Taurus Minds Their Own Business
This zodiac sign is focused on their own life. They are usually busy and don’t care about other people’s opinion.
4. A Taurus Becomes Financially Successful…
Taurus is the provider of the Zodiac. This sign has an innate talent when it comes to finances. Taurus is a hard-worker and they are super persistent, what usually equals success in the long run. If the Bull is your sign, you know how to make money and they usually know how to save. Most Tauruses become well-to-do…
5. …Unless They Spend All Their Money on Luxuries
Yes. Taurus LOVES luxuries. Beautiful clothes? Tasty (and expensive) food? A new perfume? Traveling first class? Taurus loves ’em all. One of the weaknesses of this zodiac sign is hedonism and self-indulgence. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the finer things in life, if you know when to stop.
6. The Bull Has Refined Aesthetic Skills
The zodiac sign Taurus is ruled by Venus in astrology. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, so it’s no wonder that they play an important role in the life of a Taurus. Those born under this sign usually have a very good taste. Many of them have artistic talents, and they sometimes even choose a career related to the design or art.
Especially if you are a Taurus rising, you want to look your best every day. You are interested in fashion and art.
7. The Bull Is Stubborn. Very Stubborn.
Have you ever tried to make a Taurus change their mind? Did you succeed? If you did, you should share your method with the rest of us.
Taurus is a synonym for stubbornness. This sign won’t make decisions quickly, but once they made it, it’s made. They don’t like changes (except maybe if initiated by them). Taurus is a fixed sign, after all.
8. Intimacy Is Essential in a Relationship
Taurus is gentle and caring. They need a lot of cuddling in a relationship. If you are romantically involved with a Bull, you can expect them to be very passionate. Intimacy is important to a Taurus. They love to touch their partner all the time and spoil them.
Taurus wants emotional and sexual satisfaction from their partner. Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus loves love-and they know how to love, too!
9. A Taurus Will Take Care Of You
Once in a relationship or friends, a Taurus will take care of you. This sign is dependable and genuine. If they make a place for you in their heart, you can always count on them!
10. Slow and Steady (and Calm)
Taurus is slow. They simply need a lot of time to evaluate a situation, make a decision and get started. However, once they have started, nothing can stop them! Once on track, Taurus will finish what they have started. One of the most important keywords for Taurus is stability. This sign will stay calm and focused no matter what!
If you liked this post, make sure to share it with your Taurus friends and friends who have a Taurus in their lives!
This is me indeed.
why does it sound like me??