If you have your natal Moon in the sixth house, your Moon is in the house of Virgo. The Moon here shows a down-to-earth person who finds safety in an organized and rational lifestyle. This placement can indicate a real workaholic person!
The Moon is one of the most important planets in astrology (even though it’s not a planet).
Most astrologers look to the Moon among the first things when they are reading a birth chart. It represents how you react to the world, your emotions and coping mechanisms. To understand the irrational side of someone, you need to understand their Moon.
The placement of the Moon is very important both by sign and house. In astrology, the signs answer the questions how, and the house answers the where.
How to interpret a natal Moon in the sixth house? Keep reading to learn more about this placement in the birth chart!

Meaning of the Moon in Astrology
First of all, what does the Moon represent in astrology?
Do you remember being a baby, when all you could count on were your parents and your instincts (and crying)? Of course you don’t. But all these experiences stay with us for a lifetime. The early years describe well what the Moon is all about in astrology:
- nurturing
- instincts
- needs
- your mother and the female principle
- caring
- intuition
- emotions
- memory
- the subconscious
Being so close to the Earth, the Moon has an enormous influence over us. Its periodical changes and fluctuations are reflected in many ways in our lives: think about menstruation, for example.
The house where your Moon is in the birth chart is often subject to fluctuations, too.
Your natal Moon’s house shows where you seek emotional safety, and which activities make you feel nurtured and taken care of. It’s important to spend enough time and energy on this house in your life, because the Moon is what gives you the emotional background to live your life to the fullest.
The sign of the Moon describes the how. It shows how you react to what happens to you, your feelings, how you want to be loved and taken care of.
The Moon is the polar opposite of the Sun: the Sun is your conscious self, while the Moon is the unconscious. The Moon is your irrational and emotional side, the right brain.
If you gain a deeper understanding of this topic, we have an article for you about the meaning of the Moon in astrology.
The Sixth House in the Natal Chart
All right, now we can move on to decoding the other part of the moon in the sixth house: the sixth house in the natal chart.
Every house in the chart wheel is connected with a zodiac sign they have a lot in common with. The sixth house is associated with Virgo. Virgo’s planetary ruler, Mercury is in accidental dignity when located in the sixth house.
This house is the house of work and service. It’s the house of work as in job, not as in career. Your overall career and public image are the tenth house. The sixth house is about service.
People with an emphasized sixth house find great joy in working. They want to do their job the best they can. Depending on the planets and signs in the sixth house, it is tied to different parts of their psyche: someone with the Sun here identifies their self-esteem with their work and how productive they are, a Moon here finds comfort in working, and so on.
The sixth house is also the house of health and daily routines. If you don’t like your work, your body puts up resistance. Isn’t the wisdom of astrology just fascinating?
If you want an in-depth article on the sixth house in astrology, click here.
Interpreting a Natal Moon in the Sixth House
Now that you know what the Moon and the sixth house represent in astrology, let’s move on to interpreting the Moon in the sixth house. The fun begins!
Here the Moon is in an earth house. Earth houses are focused on the material world and creating prosperity. The Moon in the sixth house shows that your emotions and inner world is focused in the here and now and solving problems, instead of dwelling on the whys.
How this Moon will solve problems depends on its sign. A Libra Moon will utilize its negotiation and diplomacy skills, while an Aquarius Moon likes to come up with an out-of-the-box solution.
Do you know those people who are always ahead of their duties and all their day-to-day chores are taken care of? Or do you happen to be one of them (which is quite likely, sine you are reading a description of the natal Moon in the sixth house)? Well, this placement suggests a person just like that. Daily routines give them a sense of security.
You can expect a disciplined and persistent approach when you find the Moon in the sixth house. A person who has the Moon in the sixth house turns emotions into productivity. Working is a coping mechanism here. This placement is somewhat similar to a Virgo Moon.
This person appreciates efficiency and productivity. They are hard workers, and they expect their coworkers or employees to work hard, too. The sixth house is about being rational, analytical and solving any problem that occurs. A Moon located here finds comfort in all these things. It loves to take care of their loved ones. A lot of energy is allocated into self-improvement and being organized, too.
Some people with the Moon in sixth house choose to be self-employed. If the Moon is well-aspected, it can happen that you get along with your clients better than with a boss. In the birth chart, the Moon also represents your clientele.
The Moon in the Sixth House and Health
The sixth house is the house of health in astrology. If your natal Moon is in the sixth house, you can experience illnesses, especially those related to stress and issues in the workplace. If you have this placement, make sure to let go of problems and relax often.
Luckily, this placement suggests that health issues tend to be psychosomatic illnesses. This is good news because the key to changing your life for the better is in your hands.
A Moon in the sixth house can also show a person whose career is related to healthcare. The Moon represents compassion and nurturing in astrology, and the sixth house is about service. This placement suggests that helping others and providing service is important to you. You simply want to be of help to others, or even you might get sick!
An issue with this placement is the chase for perfection. Too much Virgo energy in your life can lead to an obsessive-compulsive attitude. This puts even more pressure on you, because it’s impossible to live up to the ideal of perfection.
The sixth house is the house of routines and daily habits. They play a big role in maintaining your health. Wherever you see the Moon in a natal chart, you can expect fluctuations. The Moon in the sixth house suggests that you don’t really stick to your routines.
Sometimes this placement shows a person who changes even occupation or their workplace often. This might be because of their need for perfection―who knows it, after all?
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I think it would be vital for me to find the House system which works best for me. It seems to me I can adapt my placements to interpretations in different houses. It gets so confusing. Using Placidus, my tightly conjunct Sun and Moon in Cancer are between the 5-6th houses (not sure of the exact birth time). It would be easy to decide which house my luminaries belong in if they weren’t afflicted. However, my Sun and Moon conjunction doesn’t have any good aspects, only squares from Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Nodes. (T-squares). Maybe I should read the descriptions converting the good qualities into the opposite ones? Workaholic into Lazybones, e.g.?
If your Sun-Moon conjunction is close to the cusp of the 6th house but not in it, most astrologers would treat them as though they were in the 6th.
That’s a lot of aspects, I think the laziness has more to do with the squares from Jupiter and Neptune than the house placement.
Regarding house systems, my best advice is to experiment a bit, see which placements resonate more with you.
Thank you stargazer! My moon is the only traditional planet living in the 6th house, and the only one below the horizon too. It has long been the part of my chart I least understood and your article made it much clearer. I still have to give some thought to the fact that it´s at 28 degrees 49minutes of Leo. Even though “thought” and “moon” do not sound like they belong in the same sentence :-). Thanks!
Awsome. How can I know if the moon it’s well placed ?
In a zodiac sign where it’s strong (look up dignities if you are not sure), has good aspects
I’ve a natal Moon in Cancer within my chart. I’m also an astrologer who’s found that the 6th House also rules our dependents, i.e., domesticated animals; while it also foretells whether or not, and who we’d take care of later in life. I.e., I took care of an ailing Mom. My profession for years was teaching h.s. Thanks for your article.