The Sun is one of the most important components of the natal chart. When reading a chart, you want to pay a lot of attention to it, because it holds the key to understanding the person. It represents your ego, sense of self, creativity. It tells how you express yourself, what makes you shine, what energizes you.
The Sun in the second house is a beneficial position, and it’s a strong indicator of financial success. Actually, besides Jupiter and Venus, the two planets of luck in astrology, the Sun is one of the best placements to have in this house.
The Sun in 2nd house natal placement suggests that you have a lot of self-confidence. You are your own greatest asset. People with this placement stand with both feet on the ground. They want consistency and stability. They manage their resources well. Their self-worth is often tied to their accomplishments, but they still know how to enjoy life and appreciate the material world.
This placement is somewhat similar to the Sun in Taurus. Taurus is associated with the second house in the natural chart. If you have your natal Sun in the second house you’ll take on some traits of a Taurus Sun, such as the appreciation of material joys and the talent for recognizing what’s of value no matter which sign your Sun is actually in.
Meaning of the Sun in Astrology
The Sun in the natal chart represents who you truly are. No wonder it is so important—most people know their Sun sign, even if they are not into astrology. Just like the Sun is the center of the Solar System, the Sun is the center of the natal chart.
In the birth chart, look to this luminary if you want to know more about your inner personality.
The main keywords of the Sun in astrology are your inner self, your creativity, life energy, vitality and activity. In addition, it is linked with father figures and it represents the husband as well.
The position of the Sun shows the life areas where you want to shine. Focusing on the matters of this house makes you feel fulfilled and happy, and it boosts your self-esteem, too. It energizes you and gives you self-confidence.
Besides your Sun’s house placement, its sign and aspects are important as well.
Read more: the Sun in Signs
Matters of the Second House in the Chart: Money & Values
To interpret the Sun in the second house, first you need to get a grasp of how the second house operates and what life areas belong to it. Here’s a quick overview!
The second house in the natal chart is the House of Values. It shows what you find valuable in life—this includes everything from money to your body and to your belongings. It is associated with all your possessions (except real estate and land, which is part of the fourth house). The second house is the money house of the chart. In addition, it tells about your innate talents and your self-esteem as well.
The sign traditionally associated with the second house is Taurus. The Bull is an earth sign, focused on providing and making life comfortable and enjoyable. The ruling planet of Taurus.
Natal Sun in the Second House
What does a natal Sun in 2nd house mean?
Astrology is all about putting the pieces together. Now that you know what the Sun represents and which life areas are governed by the second house, it’s time to combine them and interpret the Sun in the second house!
Keep in mind that the sign of the Sun and its aspects modify how the Sun operates in your chart—but the house placement reveals a lot about your Sun as well. The zodiac sign where your Sun is placed tells what you value and find important in life in particular.
Let’s begin with the most prominent trait: people who have the Sun in the second house have great talent when it comes to finances. This placement suggests an above-average earning power and a golden touch with finances.
People with this placement instinctively know how to make money (and how to make it work), and usually find great success in this area. People with this placement are very good at business. They notice the opportunity for money–making everywhere around them and know how to turn their ideas into reality, which is just as important.
Achieving financial success can is often one of the most important things in your life if you have this placement. Without a doubt, this is something that matters to you and you often have a natural talent for attracting abundance.

If you have your natal Sun in 2nd house, you have a good understanding of how the material world works. You can distinguish the valuable from the fluff. In addition, this can be a quite artistic placement. Depending on other placements in the chart, it suggests a pleasant voice and a talent for singing in particular.
With your natal Sun in the second house, you are an excellent manager. You keep track of your resources and you take good care of them. While you are certainly talented at managing your physical possessions, you also keep track of other things that matter: relationships, ideas, attention.
You tend to be emotionally attached to your possessions—they are a part of your identity. With the Sun in 2nd house in the birth chart, there’s a danger of identifying yourself exclusively with what you have.
Your self-confidence is often linked to the level of material success—which is one of the weaknesses of this placement.
The Sun is also associated with self-esteem in astrology. With the Sun in the second house, you tend to value yourself based on your material success. Feeling like you are not accomplished enough can have a negative effect on your self-esteem. On the other hand, a big bank account makes you feel powerful and proud.
People with a Sun in second house natal placement are typically the ones who get a big confidence boost from owning expensive things. Don’t forget that the Sun is the ruling planet of royal Leo, and this placement suggests that the person finds joy in a lavish lifestyle. They love the finer things in life and often spend a lot of money on expensive things.
This placement suggests that prestige is important to you, and you are happy to invest in things that enhance it.
You are not likely to end up in poverty (at least not permanently) with this placement, but there might be a tendency to overspend.
You also tend to be generous and share your abundance with your friends and family. Depending on the rest of the chart, the Sun in the second house implies a helpful friend who you can always count on.
The Sun in 2nd house suggests that when not used well, the person can become possessive and materialistic. You might see yourself (and to a lesser extent, other people) exclusively through the lens of what you have. It’s important to learn that even though money is important, material growth is not the ultimate goal of existence.
In astrology, the Sun represents the father, too. The Sun in the second house suggests that the native in many cases comes from money. They often learned already in childhood the ins and outs of business and finances. The father was often a grounded and took the financial well-being of the family very seriously, however, they might have been mostly focused on the material, depending on the rest of the chart. Your value system is in many cases heavily influenced by your father’s.
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One of the best astrology web pages I have located. Information is clear and presented well. Informative and related to the reader with clarity. Thankfully I found you.
Thank you! 🙂
I really love this page so much. Very well detailed, they aren’t copied by other sources. I really love this and the only site that i want to look forward everytime i think about finding meaning in astrology. Very good job.
Thanks, your kind words mean a lot to me! 🙂
wow, wow, wow! so accurate!!!
I am studying Astrology and this site is wow…. really make it easy for the self learners. Really thankful to have found it. when I get my PhD in astrology you’ll be one of the main sources I will be referring to.
I have the Natal Sun in Second house with Saturn conjunct in the sign of Cancer. I have conjunct of Moon Jupiter and Venus in my first house, the sign Gemini. I’m blessed with look, wealthy lifestyle and educated by coming from a wealthy and educated family
My mom came from wealthy family and my dad came from educated but financially average family but Saturn in my second house and Pluto in my forth house made my childhood tougher poorer and filled with instabilities compared to my social class of friends and cousins. My dad was imprisoned when I was 18 and I become financial provider for the family at a young age.
Even though I’ve always lived in beautiful homes, lavish lifestyle, fame and success placement of Saturn in the second house fill my life with lots of life’s ups and down and financial security has always been an issue until I was 40.
Sun and Saturn Conjunct in the second house made me work hard in my field of work but success come slow and steady. Neptune in 6th house combined with Sun and Saturn in second house probably pushed me to start invent the whole modeling industry back in the 90s just because I want pursue my dreams to become a model. Today I’m recognized as the pioneer of the Modeling industry in my country but the movie and TV industry collapsed as the war broke where I stayed the course until the end. Napture also made me end up providing service in Health and Fitness industry which I also created this market 7 years ago.
Now the transit of Neptune in Pieces is pushing me to study Astrology more than before, especially after the Saturn Transit into my 9th house stimulating me to want to work hard on higher learning which made me want to pursue a PhD in Astrology.
Great thoughts!!! The house
House sun placements !
Alas !! Second house sun with a lot of aqua and Uranus.
I become fed up with out dated views.
Aqua and Taurus !!!!?
I just discovered my birthchart after many years, and I still have trouble wrapping my head around my natal sun placement in House 2. My sun is in Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus in House 5. My sun is also trine Uranus in Libra in House 10. Growing up my parents had issues around money. We were often in survival mode and my parents fought about money. I think even though I like nice things, and my parents bought me nice things, I subconsciously decided to push those things away. As I think about it, maybe I decided that money was too much trouble–a symbol of conflict and strife. Who wants that? As a result, I make a decent salary in my job role, more than most in the same job field and in my area. I struggle with having the success I really want, making money, much less getting to enjoy it in the ways I would like. These articles talking about Sun in House 2 being wealthy and all are causing me to get a little more investigative about my issues with money. I’m sure Saturn and Uranus have a lot to do with it.