Learn what does it mean if your Uranus is conjunct someone else’s Uranus in the synastry chart!
Synastry is an astrological technique that focuses on the potential of a relationship based on how the natal charts of the two people influence each other. By comparing their natal charts, you can see if they get along well, if they are sexually attracted to each other, or if they’d better avoid each other.
The role of Uranus in synastry can be important in case it forms tight aspects to personal parts of the horoscope. For example, someone’s Uranus squaring your Venus is an important aspect in the synastry chart. However, other with the Uranus conjunct Uranus synastry aspect, this is not the case.
Uranus Conjunct Uranus Synastry
Uranus conjunct Uranus in synastry is a very common conjunction. However, it is not the most important feature of a chart.
When dealing with Uranus in astrology, you have to know that this planet moves through the Zodiac very slowly. Not as slowly as Pluto with its orbital period of 248 years or as Neptune, taking approximately 164 years to make a full circle through the Zodiac, but Uranus is still a generational planet. It has an orbital period of approximately 84 years.
Because of this, Uranus conjunct Uranus synastry only indicates that the two people were born close in time. In your school class, likely all of you had this conjunction with each other. The other possibility is that there is a huge age gap of about 80 years between the two people.

Meaning of Uranus in Astrology
Uranus is the first planet discovered only later, and used only in modern astrology. It is named after the god of the sky in Greek mythology.
In astrology, Uranus is linked with unpredictable outbursts, sudden changes, rebellion, electricity. Uranus is all about freedom. This planet is also associated with creativity, the divine spark, brilliance, originality, inventions, innovations. This planetary energy is future-oriented, looking for new ways to do things.
In the Zodiac, modern astrology links Uranus with the sign Aquarius (previously ruled by Saturn).
Read more: Uranus in Astrology
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