Uranus is the planet of eccentricity, originality, but also sudden changes and rebellion. When Uranus is in the fourth house, these things manifest in the life areas of home and family.
Most people with this placement grew up in an unstable home. There was always a lot going on, and they didn’t get the safety a child needs to feel emotionally content. Uranus here indicates that your home was unusual in every way.
Uranus in fourth house suggests that your parents often argued, or in some cases, they were divorced.
This placement is somewhat similar to Aquarius on the cusp of the fourth house.
Learn what it means if you have your natal Uranus in fourth house in the birth chart!
Natal Uranus in Fourth House
Where you find Uranus in the birth chart shows where you are different than most people.
Uranus in the fourth house speaks of an unusual early life. The family you come from was unconventional in some way.
Often, this placement is accompanied by a feeling of inner conflict. In ideal case, the fourth house is a place of stability and safety. Uranus, on the other hand, rules sudden changes and disasters. With your natal Uranus in fourth house, you experienced these in your home.
Often, you lacked emotional support in your family. You often felt misunderstood. Uranus in fourth house people often were seen as the black sheep in their family.
The fourth house is also connected with one of your parents (usually the mother or the less dominant parent). The sign on the cusp of the fourth house and planets here describe this parent, too. Uranus in fourth house suggests that your parent was unusual and eccentric in some way.
Often, they preferred intellectual bonds instead of an emotional connection. But you may struggle because there is a need to belong and be loved. Often, you had to learn to be emotionally independent at a very young age.
The fourth house is a karmic house. Uranus here suggests that you have a heritage related to uniqueness, being the odd-one-out, and rebellion. Finding the balance between maintaining loving relationships with your family and freedom is key with your natal Uranus in fourth house.
When old, you often become interested in subjects like science, technology, but also psychology and astrology.
Uranus in Fourth House and Home
Uranus brings sudden changes and it indicates a lack of stability.
With your natal Uranus in fourth house, there were probably a lot of changes in your home. Many people grew up in an erratic and chaotic environment with this placement.
In some cases, people with this placement moved a lot, and they couldn’t take root. This often contributes to a sense of not belonging anywhere and feeling insecure in the world. You often feel unsettled.
Some Uranus in fourth house people were separated from their families as a child.
Uranus in fourth house people tend to change the place where they live often. In some cases, you choose on your own to relocate, while other times you are forced to move. Freedom is very important to you, if you feel stifled, you definitely want to leave the place where you live.
It can also happen that there are unusual circumstances in your home. Your house is often original and different in some way.

Freedom is very important to you with your natal Uranus in fourth house. You don’t take it well if someone tries to force their opinion on you. You need a lot of space and freedom.
The fourth house also shows the family you raise as an adult. Uranus in fourth house suggests that independence is very important to you. This can be a challenge in your family, and you often have to learn how to deal with emotions. You tend to rationalize your family relationships, but this is not always the best strategy.
If you feel constrained, you want to break free. Some people with this placement leave on their own or with friends. The freedom to be yourself in your home is very important to you.
Meaning of Uranus in Astrology
Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is innovative, intellectual, and eccentric. Uranus has a lot of these qualities, too. In astrology, Uranus rules:
- innovations
- modern technologies
- science
- electricity
- the internet
- inventions
- originality
- eccentricity
- future.
A prominent Uranus in the birth chart makes you unique, unusual, and individualistic. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and freedom. Revolutions, sudden changes, earthquakes, natural disasters are also connected with Uranus in astrology.
If you want to learn more about this planet, read this article about the meaning of Uranus in astrology.
The Fourth House in the Natal Chart
The fourth house is an angular house. It’s cusp, the IC is one of the most important points in the birth chart. Planets in angular houses tend to manifest in the physical world.
This house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Cancer and the Moon.
In the birth chart, the fourth house is the house of home and family. It describes both the family you were born into and the family you raise as an adult. The fourth house shows your physical home, too, the house you live in.
Besides home and family, the fourth house governs roots, ancestry, and the last years of your life.
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I love how you broke down the ends and outs of what is and isn’t regarding the fourth house. Thank you so much.
Great article! You’re a gift! (I like it more than that, I just don’t care to type any more… )
Thank you, I’m glad you liked it 🙂
AMAZING article!! Explained so much. Thank you thank you!
Wow… Very doom and gloom. This is why a lot of people don’t like Astrology. There is so much for to Uranus in this placement than just bad luck happening and negativity.
If you’re reading this and you have or know someone with Uranus is the fourth house, it can also mean that you have been brought up in a LOVING, STABLE home and that you travel a lot (when younger or older), or that you were homed schooled. Perhaps your parents or parent was a bit eccentric, or was quite Uranian – into occult studies, politician, scientist, activist etc
There is a lot to it and would need to take in account the whole chart to get the full picture….
Thank you for sharing your comment.. I’m very much into the occult and Uranian things hence being on this site in the first place and my 3rd born, my first son, has this placement.. I do homeschool my kids and intend to continue doing do.. he says he wants to be a scientist too.. reading your comment helped ease some anxiety
I am sure what you’re saying has truth, but I related heavily to everything said.
I read somewhere that our Uranus placements can be linked to a relevant past life…do you know much about this????
Thank you for this
Thank you! My daughter has this placement & it is so worrying to think her little home life with us will somehow go this way? My partner & I are different to the ‘norm’ so we would love to encourage her to be her own little unique self too. We’d love to travel around & take her to places in which I personally couldn’t do growing up.
im sitting here in tears cause i was feeling like i ruined my child. my scorpio daughter is 11 and has this placement. her dad and i do argue a lot. our family is eccentric and unique in many ways, i do homeschool my kids also. i know emotionally things have been rough off and on but i like to think for me that its somewhat lovng, maybe not too stable.
we are also into into occult studies.
so crazy how accurate these are.
What would it mean to have Uranus retrograde in the 4th house? Does it make any difference?
And what would it mean to have uranus retrograde in Libra? Would there be injustice in the 4th house? That would make total sense in my life.
I’m just getting interested in Astrology. It is the only thing that is bringing me answers that make sense.
Uranus in the 4th house-I’m into the occult-just began traveling constantly 🤗my children are free spirited fans home schooled.I don’t always feel the house that I live in is mine,I usually move at random,usually I don’t get a chance to prepare.seeking stability in my own home now.I am moving ofc my Pluto line,which makes me paranoid-thanks this gives a lot of insight
thank you for this & this website.
Thank you, all of this is spot on for me.
I have both uranus and aquarius in the 4th house i guess that’s why people see the aquarius tendencies at home and yeah i hate unnecessary drama and i feel detached from people so i tend to move, I’m currently planning to move to a new olace by September
Well… Uranus, Pluto, Lilith All in the 4th House, with Lilith and Uranus in Scorpio… And here I am at the age of 42 unable to maintain friendships or relationships, and only just reconciling all the mess and carnage of my youth. Nearly in abject poverty, a failed business, and some very heavy karmic lessons to reconcile.
Not even psychologists have been much help.
So now I need to double down on philosophy, psychology, and writing. In the poison resides the cure!
Sitting here with my Uranus, Lilith, and Pluto in my 4th House Scorpio and lilith in opposition to Chiron in my 10th house of career and public life, and lilith square both my Nodes, plus Saturn in My 3rd House. And now here at 42 trying to understand the train wreck of my life. No planets in 7th, 11th, 2nd, and just Chiron in the 10th… So what the F!
If anyone sees me on the streets in the next few years, a sandwich and a coffee would be appreciated!
And just realised I commented twice (now three times with this comment) on this… Sorry admins! I have no friends, didn’t mean to spam 😀
No worries!