Some aspects are really felt in synastry: the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect is one of these! This conjunction brings a natural sense of ease. There’s a lot of similarity between the two people: you enjoy similar art, music, and activities. In one word—you love each other’s company. Venus conjunct Venus synastry is an indicator of mutual attraction, romantic compatibility and shared taste.
Synastry is all about relationships. So is Venus! No wonder Venus is a key planet for synastry. Harmonious Venus connections indicate a high potential for compatibility. This astrological technique compares two natal charts. By putting the charts on each other, you can see how the two people perceive each other. Synastry can be used for all types of relationships.
Venus conjunct Venus is welcome in any synastry chart. It suggests a lovely, warm connection. Needless to say, this is perfect for any romantic relationship, but it’s also perfect for friendships, family relationships, even for professional relationships. This conjunction is usually felt even with a wider orb.
However, it’s important that it’s just one aspect—it depends on the 1. natal chart of the first person 2. natal chart of the second person 3. on the synastry chart as a whole what’s the most probable way for the relationship to play out. But it definitely contributes to harmony in the relationship.
Let’s dive into the meaning of the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect!
Venus Conjunct Venus Synastry
Venus is a key planet for synastry. This planet governs partnerships, love, affection, balance. A strong and positive Venus connection in synastry indicates harmony and ease. It’s excellent for both short-term and long-term combatilibility and for all kinds of human relationships.
With the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect, there’s a lot of common ground. It suggests a warm, tender, supportive relationship. First of all, you probably share the same Venus sign (if you don’t, this conjunction is still helpful, but probably less intense than otherwise). In the birth chart, your Venus sign reveals how you express your affection and how you want to be loved back. This aspect suggests that for the two people, this is very similar, they have the same love language. The other person treats you the way you want to be treated without having to explain anything to them first. You feel seen and understood when together.
Even if Venus is placed in a sign where it’s more difficult for it to operate well, such as Aries or Virgo, you still feel appreciated by each other. For example, with Venus conjunct Venus in synastry in Virgo, none of you is a fan of grand gestures: you express your affection by quietly supporting each other and doing nice things for each other. While two Venus in Leo people appreciate each other’s romantic and generous nature. In either case, you feel valued by the other person.
In addition, you feel that there’s a balance between giving and taking in the relationship if you have the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect. No one feels taken advantage of.
When you meet the other person, there’s often a shared feeling of familiarity. Simply put, you make each other feel good—both about yourselves and about the other person. Often, there’s too much difference between two people’s ideas about love. With the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect, this is not the case.
When you meet, you often find the other person physically attractive as well. Venus rules your personal style and fashion taste in astrology. With the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect, you love each other’s fashion choices. You are likely to share your taste in art too. In addition, you probably enjoy the same kind of art, interior design, and restaurants. Your interests often overlap as well.
You perceive each other as sweet and caring, especially if the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect is supported by harmonious Moon connections in synastry too. It can give a touch of a soulmate aspect, similarly to Moon conjunct Venus in synastry. The other person is very special to you and you often want to be around them. You want to keep putting your best foot forward in the relationship. It is characterized by peace and balance. You might find that being with the other person makes you more self-confident.
Because there’s so much in common, you never run out of topics to talk about. You enjoy spending time together and you often find time spend together really inspiring. This aspect can bring a creativity boost for both people. Life becomes more colorful and pleasant when together.
Venus conjunct Venus in synastry implies that you value similar things—another important thing for especially long-term compatibility. There’s a natural understanding of what matters the most to the other person. You also have similar definitions of good manners and what’s polite behavior. You also have the same idea of how and how much to socialize.

All in all, the Venus conjunct Venus synastry aspect indicates the potential for a supportive, stable and peaceful but inspiring relationship.
Keep in mind that the rest of the chart also has a say, cookbook interpretations look at an aspect without the context. For example, if one person’s Venus receives a trine from Uranus and it’s conjunct Mars in their birth chart while the other person has the Moon conjunct their Venus and Mercury in sextile with it, the first person’s love for excitement in a relationship might be at odds with the other person’s need for emotional closeness and stability. It’s up to the people if the relationship works out—we have free will.
Meaning of Venus in Astrology
Relationships are a key part of our lives. No wonder that the astrological ruler of relationships, Venus plays such an important role in any chart. As a personal planet, Venus is very influential. You can learn quite a lot about a person if you know their Venus sign (of course, the aspects and the house placements matter too).
This planet has been known to humanity forever: it’s the second brightest celestial object in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from the Sun, taking place between Mercury and the Earth. As an inner planet, Venus moves relatively quickly through the Zodiac. This planet has an orbital period of 225 days. This means that the Venus sign is just as significant in a birth chart as its house and aspects.
In astrology, Venus is all about finding and appreciating beauty in life. The main themes of this planet are relationships and beauty. Through Libra, Venus governs partnerships, balance, fairness, and justice. Venus also rules romance and love. Venus is the ruling planet of beauty as well: an expressed Venus in the natal chart usually makes you quite attractive and good-looking. However, Venus represents all kinds of beauty: from the beauty of a daisy and a day spent in nature to art and aesthetics. Venus is associated with women and its energy is very feminine/yin.
Venus is the ruling planet of two signs in the Zodiac: Taurus and Libra. It is linked with the second and seventh houses in the natural chart. Venus is exalted in Pisces, in fall in Virgo and in detriment in Aries and in Scorpio.
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