Venus in Pisces is a beautiful, loving, peaceful placement. If you want to read about this Venus sign, this article is for you.
Pisces is a favorable sign for Venus, as it is the sign of its exaltation. This placement suggests a sentimental, gentle, dreamy, imaginative, devoted person. If your Venus sign is Pisces, you want to unite with your lover on a deep, spiritual level. You perceive love and relationships as something eternal, and you might seek salvation through them. You love with all your heart.
You crave a tender world. Venus in Pisces people are idealistic, romantic, creative, artistic, compassionate, mystical. This Venus sign wants a deep connection with the world around it.
Venus is the planet of affection, relationships, unions, harmony. Your Venus sign is one of the most important signs in astrology. It describes your personality from a different aspect than your Sun sign, and it primarily affects your relationships.
In the birth chart, Venus is one of the most significant celestial objects. Venus governs your love style, aesthetic sense, but it also describes a person’s self-esteem and how worthy they feel of good things. All in all, Venus is an extraordinarily important planet in the horoscope.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Venus in Pisces!
Venus in Pisces in the Natal Chart Meaning: Beauty and Magic
You might have this placement if your Sun sign is Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, or Taurus.
Venus in Pisces is in the sign of its exaltation (at the 27th degree in particular—if your Venus is at this degree, it is very important in your chart). Venus is the planet of love, and when it falls in the sign of unconditional love in a natal chart, it feels familiar here and it can operate well. Venus in Pisces is a favorable placement.
If you have this placement in your birth chart, you are sensitive, deep, mystical. You are not easy to understand, sometimes you don’t understand yourself either. This Venus sign can be quite painful sometimes. You feel very deeply, and you might wish reality was different than it is. You sometimes make up stories in your own head, overidealizing people and situations, and it is painful when you realize that they are not always like that.
Venus in Pisces is an enchanted princess. It loves daydreaming, fairy tales, and fantasies. This placement suggests that you find real life boring. You are into activities that bring some sparkle into the dullness of everyday life.
You might be extremely talented at art, music, photography, dance, makeup. Writing and poetry are also something Venus in Pisces has an innate talent for everything that has to do with imagination.
This placement suggests that you are strongly attracted to everything beautiful. Beauty mesmerizes you, both in people and in your environment. Many people with a Pisces Venus are into art. Art is actually one of the best ways to live this placement out in a healthy way.
This placement might indicate that you are hypersensitive. Pisces is easily overwhelmed by the noise of the world, and when under pressure, it retreats into its own world of dreams and fantasies.
You have a lot of love in your heart, and if you feel that it is not appreciated, it hurts you deeply.
While Pisces has a wonderful side, but it has weaknesses as well. For one, manipulation is not unknown to it. People with a Pisces Venus can be afraid of direct communication, criticism, confrontation (Mars signs are important here too—a nice Mars in the horoscope can make up for it, or if you have Aries placements). They can resort to subtle, refined psychological tactics to get what they want. Sometimes they even might tell lies just to get out of an unpleasant situation. Don’t forget that Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusions, deception, confusion. Some Venus in Pisces people might choose disappearing as a tactic to avoid conflicts.
A Pisces Venus tends to have foggy vision when it comes to relationships. They also might be like an energy sponge, absorbing other people’s emotions. Pisces is a sign with weak boundaries.
Pisces is a mystical, otherworldly sign. It is not always easy to integrate Pisces placements in a way that makes your life easy. An unhealthy Venus in Pisces has weakness that are not easy to catch, especially because Pisces is linked with the domain of the unconscious. You can feel that you lack common sense in the life areas governed by this planet.
This placement might suggest that you undergo a spiritual awakening at some point, often triggered by a relationship. Generally speaking, people with a Pisces Venus are drawn to spirituality and the divine. They crave to feel one with the universe. They also might be interested in vegetarianism and veganism, sustainability, anything that helps others.
Venus in Pisces is extremely idealistic. People with this placement might not be the best at money management or other practical things. They might find them simply boring. If you have some earth placements, they might balance this out.
Unrealistic ideas about love and people are very common with a Pisces Venus. If a person doesn’t manage to integrate it in a healthy way, they might become indifferent in a relationship after the initial period, when reality starts to check in.

Perhaps more than in the case of other Venus signs, aspects to this planet from the rest of the chart determine how exactly it expresses its energy. Planets in aspect to Venus in the birth chart color with their own energy how Venus manifests.
The house placement of Venus is just as important. It tells which life area this planet affects the most. You can read more about Venus in the houses here.
Venus in Pisces in Love: Hopeless Romantic
Venus in Pisces is after its soulmate. Generally speaking, it has high expectations. It has an idealistic vision of love, and it doesn’t care about conventional expressions of love. Sometimes it ignores the practical side of a relationship, and it also ignores the fact that everyone has bad days, and nobody is perfect. Idealizing your partner is very common with this placement. You can expect too much from your partner, something no human being can give.
You might fall in love with the idea of someone rather than the actual person. When starting a new romance, you always hope for the perfect relationship. Putting your partner on a pedestal is something you probably do in all your relationships.
A Pisces Venus tends to be single until they meet someone who meets their idea of love. It dreams about movie-like romance. It falls in love quickly. But as a mutable sign Venus, it might fall out of love just as quickly. (This usually happens when you realize that the reality is different from the idealized picture in your head).
Let’s talk about the potential pitfalls of a Pisces Venus. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion, Venus in this sign sometimes fails to see people clearly. Wearing rose-colored glasses is one of the expressions often used to describe Pisces, and this is for a reason.
People with this placement might be drawn to individuals who need some form of healing and who are currently not able to give love and support. Alternatively, someone with a Pisces Venus might need healing themselves. They might attract people who answer to the call of this inner wound, for better or worse. However, the idealizing nature of Pisces can fail to realize that these relationships might not always be good for you. There can be a tendency to fall into unhealthy victim-savior games. Being a martyr in a relationship is also a frequent issue. Pisces placements are sometimes challenging to deal with.
This placement might also indicate loving someone who is already in a relationship, or who is not available because of some other reason.
Venus in Pisces Woman
The Venus in Pisces woman is extremely feminine. She has a very good heart, although she sometimes might feel lost in the world. When it comes to aesthetics, she likes comfortable, colorful, clothes, and she prefers an eclectic look to stiff elegance. The Pisces woman’s physical appearance reflects her free spirit.
Venus in Pisces Man
How romantic is a Venus in Pisces man? He is probably the most romantic person you can come across. Men with this placement have a sweet, soft side, and when they fall in love with you, you feel like the most special person on this planet. In a romantic relationship, he wants someone who he can adore and pamper. There is something mystical to him that makes him attractive. He usually gets along well with women, sometimes better than with men.
The Venus in Pisces man often has artistic talent, likes movies, music, nature. His ideal partner appreciates these things as well.
Pisces Venus Compatibility
The best signs for Venus in Pisces love in a similar romantic way and appreciate the ideal attitude to love this Venus sign has. As a water sign, the best matches for a Pisces Venus are other water Venus signs and earth Venus signs.
Harmonizing Venus signs suggest that two people have similar ideas about love and relationships, they appreciate similar styles of art, and their values are likely compatible as well. All in all, good Venus compatibility is very helpful in a relationship.
The best matches for Venus in Pisces compatibility in astrology:
- Venus in Taurus
- Venus in Cancer
- Venus in Virgo
- Venus in Scorpio
- Venus in Capricorn
Meaning of the Planet Venus
Venus is one of the planets people have observed since forever. Also called the evening and the morning star, Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky.
This planet is named after the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology (who corresponds to Aphrodite in Greek mythology). Venus is one of the benefic planets in astrology. It brings luck to the matters of its house, and you often get here what you want more easily than most people.
Venus has lots of different meanings. Venusian energy strives to connect and relate, form bonds and unions. This planet governs love, romance, marriage in astrology, but also business partnerships.
Self-esteem and self-love are also ruled by Venus. If you have a weak or an afflicted Venus (that receives hard aspects), this is an indicator that you have low self-esteem.
Pisces in Astrology
Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. As such, it is mystical and otherworldly, an infinite sign that is hard to understand for finite humans. Pisces is the sign of unity with the divine, unconditional love, spirituality. It governs creativity, divine inspiration, music, dance, the theater, illusions and perceptions, abstract ideas.
Pisces is Latin for Fish, and this sign’s glyph consists of the fish swimming in opposite directions while they are bound together. This duality is part of what Pisces is all about. It belongs to two dimensions, and it is not always easy to utilize Pisces in a healthy way in the physical world.
In astrology, this zodiac sign has two rulers. Its traditional ruling planet is Jupiter. Modern astrology associates Pisces with Neptune, one of the transcendental planets. In the natural chart, Pisces, the twelfth sign is linked with the twelfth house in the natural chart. In your own chart, any house can begin in Pisces.
By element, Pisces is a water sign. Water is subtle, ancient, instinctive, intuitive, connected with emotions. By quality, this zodiac sign is one of the mutable signs in astrology. Mutable signs are linked with changes, versatility, adaptation. Pisces is a passive or feminine sign by polarity.
Venus in Pisces Celebrities
Famous people who have their natal Venus in this sign:
- Michelle Obama
- Maya Angelou
- Emma Watson
- Martin Luther King
- Kurt Cobain
- David Gilmour
- Vincent van Gogh
- Victoria Beckham
- John Travolta
- Edgar Cayce
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Charles Dickens
- Vladimir Lenin
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