What does Venus in Taurus mean in the birth chart?
Your Venus sign is one of the most important placements in the astrological chart. This sign has to do with the way you express affection and want to be loved, how you attract and what you are attracted to, and what you find aesthetically pleasing. As one of the inner planets, Venus carries a lot of weight in astrology.
Venus in this zodiac sign is quite strong. It falls in the sign it rules, so this planet feels really comfortable here-it’s in the sign of its dignity.
People with their natal Venus in Taurus are drawn to comfort and pleasure. They are charismatic, kind, dependable, loyal, self-confident, caring, and protective.They are often artistically talented and have a beautiful voice. For these people, it takes some time to find out if they want to be in a relationship with you, but if they choose you, they are extremely loyal and committed.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Venus in Taurus in the natal chart!
Venus in Taurus Natal Meaning
If you have this placement natally, Venus is one of the strongest planets in your chart (depending on its aspects, but this Venus sign is considered favorable in general). Venus rules two signs, Taurus and Libra, and when it is placed in one of them, it can operate well. Venus can fall in Taurus if your Sun sign is Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, or Cancer.
So, what does Venus in the sign of the Bull mean in the birth chart?
Venus in Taurus suggests a grounded, practical yet hedonistic, sensual person. Small pleasures make your heart beat faster. You are drawn to beauty, and many people with this placement have a beautiful physical appearance as well. You are talented at carrying yourself in a way that emphasizes your beauty.
People with this placement can be quite charismatic. There is something about Venus in Taurus people that makes others attracted to them. You are a peace-loving, easy going person, and your people skills are usually great. You handle conflicts well and you like to socialize.
Venus has to do with your self-worth in astrology. A weak Venus in the birth chart can suggest low self-esteem, but luckily, with your Venus in Taurus, this is rarely the case for you. These people have a solid self-image and self-esteem. Unless your Venus is afflicted, you know your worth and you expect to be treated well. You have a lot of self-confidence. Unless Venus is retrograde, placed in a challenging house like the 12th, or it receives hard aspects from malefic planets, the functions of Venus work well in the birth chart, including your ability to attract to you what you want with ease. You have a joyous, graceful appearance.
There are several other things governed by Venus, and this Venus sign is favorable for all of them. In astrology, Venus rules money. This planet in Taurus can suggest a talent for finances. You know how to handle money, you are usually resourceful and practical. Venus here usually prefers building a nice egg nest. In general, people with this placement have above-average earning potential. If Venus falls in a money house finances become even more emphasized. Your own work or profession can be particularly rewarding (depending on the rest of the chart).
You are good at making money, but you can overspend from time to time if your Venus is afflicted. Taurus loves to enjoy life. People with this placement enjoy spending their money on luxuries, good food, fashion, everything that spoils their senses. Your physical environment is important for your well-being. You want to be surrounded by aesthetically pleasing things. Your wardrobe has to emphasize your beauty as well. You can spend a lot on clothes, makeup, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics. You appreciate everything beautiful and expensive. Venus here can be a good placement for professions related to these things too.
This Venus sign is sometimes labeled as materialistic, and while it is true that you enjoy the material world, you are not limited to it. Fulfilling interpersonal relationships and a sense of inner peace are important to you as well. With challenging aspects to Venus in your birth chart, you learn to appreciate the latter only later though.
In general, these people are more or less health-conscious when it comes to food, but they can overeat and many of them like sweets too much. Watch out for self-indulgence. Venus in Taurus tends to make a great chef. People with this placement enjoy cooking and baking, and they like aesthetically pleasing food decoration too.
As an earth Venus, Venus in the sign of the Bull finds joy in the small everyday moments: a nice cup of tea and a good book, adoring a spectacular painting, a tasty meal, a gorgeous dress that feels soft on the skin, or a scented candle makes it happy. It also finds joy in music and dance. In general, these people are optimistic and positive, and they are quick to find the silver lining in every situation. There is always something to be happy about for the Taurus Venus. People with this placement also like spending time in nature.
You thrive in a stable environment. A Venus in Taurus is attracted to stability, safety, permanence, beauty, harmony, wealth.
Taurus Venus in Love
How does a Taurus Venus express affection?
In your interpersonal relationships, you are friendly, open, dependable, affectionate. You can be too stubborn, and you can expect others to adapt to you all the time.
Relationships are likely important to you with this Venus sign. Venus in Taurus is quite romantic, although in a practical way. Don’t expect grandiose expressions of love like a Venus in Leo would do, but rest assured that a Taurus Venus will make you feel special.
When they are interested in someone, they are generous and protective towards them. You will always feel taken care of if a Taurus Venus loves you. It wants to make sure that the people it loves are doing well in every sense of the word. They are loyal and reliable. They dislike sudden changes and can need time to let someone in, but they are also slow to end a relationship. When a person with this Venus sign meets someone, they are not the ones to rush into anything. First they assess the situation, imagine you as a couple and wonder if you would be a good fit. But once they choose you, they are yours. It takes a lot to make a Taurus Venus go away.
Cuddling is an important part of a relationship. People with this placement need a lot of physical touch and sex. They are usually extremely good lovers and they are quite seductive The Venus in Taurus love language is definitely touching. People with this Venus sign want to hold their partner all day.
When in a relationship, this Venus sign tends to be committed. However, because it sticks to the status quo, it can hesitate to leave the relationship even when it is not that interested anymore. Because if this, Venus in Taurus might seek pleasure outside of the house, if the rest of the chart indicates this too. At the same time, it doesn’t put up with being treated the same way. Generally speaking, this Venus sign is devoted and monogamous.
Unless the rest of the chart contradicts this, Venus here is generous and wants to take care of its loved ones. It likes to take care of them on every level, emotionally, physically, financially. The Bull is the provider of the Zodiac. When Venus falls in this sign in a natal chart, the person mostly expresses this sign in their relationships. Knowing this, it is no surprise that a Taurus Venus is so protective and supportive.
With this placement, you hold on to relationships for a long time. The (in)famous stubbornness of Taurus is expressed here too. You want a stable, long-term, committed relationship, and you stick to your partner. You have to be really hurt to give up on your relationship. You can even be possessive or want to tell your partner how to live their life if Venus is afflicted.
Venus in Taurus Love Compatibility
Which Venus signs are the best match for a Venus in Taurus?
Venus is one of the most important planets in astrological compatibility. Depending on your Venus sign, you can have a similar way of receiving and giving love with someone, what makes it easier for you two to get along well.
Taurus is an earth sign by element. The way it operates is the best understood by other earth Venuses, but water Venus signs are also a good fit. These placements have a similar idea of love and romance, and they understand each other easily. Other Venus signs require more effort for the relationship to work out.
The best signs for Venus in Taurus compatibility:
- Venus in Virgo
- Venus in Capricorn
- Venus in Cancer
- Venus in Scorpio
- Venus in Pisces

Venus in Taurus Woman
What is the Venus in Taurus woman like? In the chart of a woman, Venus represents her as a girl, what she enjoys and what makes her happy.
Venus in Taurus women are often very beautiful. They like to take care of their physical appearance. A Taurus Venus woman spends a lot of money on cosmetics, beauty products, fashion. She is sensual and seductive, but not obnoxious. Her movement is refined and feminine. Women with this placement often have artistic talent.
In a relationship, the Venus in Taurus woman enjoys going to fine dining restaurants with her, events like wine tasting, but she also likes to go to art exhibitions and travel. She enjoys receiving thoughtful gifts.
Venus in Taurus Man
What do you have to know about a Venus in Taurus man’s relationship style?
A Venus in Taurus man is attractive even if he is not handsome. There is something about him that makes people come to him. He usually radiates with warmth and support.
If a Venus in Taurus man likes you, he will do his best to make you feel comfortable and safe. He is extremely protective and wants to take care of his partner. In a relationship, he wants stability. He wants something long-term where you can rely on each other.
Venus in the Birth Chart
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. In the night sky, Venus is the second brightest object after the Moon. It is one of the planets known to humans since the ancient ages. Venus is named after the Roman equal of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.
In astrology, Venus represents women and the feminine energy. Venus is all about beauty, ease, effortlessness, charm. This planetary energy helps you attract to yourself what you desire with ease, just by being adorable.
Venus is the planet of relationships in astrology. It rules partnerships, unions, marriage, romance, but also legal matters, judges, negotiation and mediation. This planets wants peace and harmony. It is the opposite of belligerent and impulsive Mars.
In the Zodiac, there are two signs ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra. Venus is exalted in Pisces, in fall in Virgo, and in detriment in Aries and in Scorpio. It is in accidental dignity in the second house and in the seventh house (these are the houses associated with Taurus and Libra, the signs ruled by Venus).
Zodiac Sign Taurus
The Bull is the second sign of the Zodiac. Taurus is connected with the material world, and as an earth sign, it is particularly realistic and grounded.
By modality, Taurus belongs to the group of fixed signs (these include Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). Fixed signs are focused on building things up persistently, and they dislike changes unless they want them. As a fixed sign, Taurus needs stability, it is persistent and reliable. Slow but steady wins the race, and the Bull knows this very well. It needs a lot of time to get started as it likes to take things slowly, and being hurried frustrates this sign.
Taurus is the sign of finances, economy, art, food, comfort. This zodiac sign is a hedonist, but it is prone to self-indulgence too. Taurus also governs nature, resources.
Taurus is ruled by Venus. In the natural chart, it is linked with the second house of values.
Venus in Taurus Celebrities:
Here are some famous Venus in Taurus celebrities:
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Lana del Rey
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Paul McCartney
- Jessica Alba
- Eric Clapton
- Ella Fitzgerald
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