What does it mean if you have your natal Venus in Virgo?
Here, Venus is in the sign of its fall. Its access to love is somewhat restricted. However, this doesn’t mean that Venus here cannot work well in the natal chart and that all is lost. Quite contrary, people with this placement often enjoy very good relationships once they find someone who meets their standards.
If you have this Venus sign, you have a hard time finding balance between giving and taking in your relationships. You question your expectations of other people often, wondering if you want too much. You try your best to be there for others, but you are not comfortable with receiving. Love and insecurities don’t mix well. Venus in Virgo suggests that you worry all the time if you said the right thing or if your gestures weren’t inappropriate. You make more sacrifices for someone than they are for you (or at least you feel so).
People with this placement approach the matters of the heart from a place of logic. They are not governed by emotions but by reason. A Virgo Venus is pragmatical, analytical, action-oriented. It dislikes passionate, intense emotions. Venus here likes safety, reliability, loyalty, and it wants its love life to be calm and reassuring. It values close friendships too that withstand the test of time.
In the horoscope, your Venus sign is one of the most significant placements.. Humans are social beings, and Venus influences our attitude to relationships to a great extent (besides other factors, for example the 7th house). This planet also has to do with your sense of self-worth, your values, and money.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Venus in Virgo!
Venus in Virgo Meaning in the Natal Chart
You have this Venus sign if your Sun is in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, or Scorpio.
When in Virgo, Venus is under the impact of Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet. The condition of Mercury in the birth chart also influences how your Venus operates.
Venus in Virgo people are realistic, down-to-earth, prefer efficiency and simplicity. They are giving and caring lovers, friends, relatives. These people are usually very trustworthy, and they want to surround themselves with people who are just as reliable. They tend to be very picky about who they let close. They have a checklist with specific requirements, and unless you pass them, they won’t be interested in you.
This Venus sign in the birth chart can suggest early memories of rejection. Venus in Virgo has an anxious attachment style. Some people with this placement felt that their mother (or primary caregiver) was emotionally unavailable, or they didn’t feel emotionally safe in the relationship. They can be worried that others will leave them too. As they grow older, this fear decreases, but at a young age it can be very painful.
The Venus in Virgo personality is extremely self-critical. You can feel that you are unattractive or unworthy of love. This placement suggests that you are very self-conscious, especially related to physical appearance. In the natal chart, Venus speaks about your self-esteem. People with this Venus sign tend to be quite insecure.
Self-confidence is one of the most attractive qualities you can have, but with this Venus in the natal chart, being self-confident doesn’t come naturally to you. People with this placement have to artificially build up self-confidence. Once they do it, they turn into beautiful swans.
One of the best ways to gain self-confidence is to become excellent at what you do. People with this placement are the most attractive when they can display their professional skills. Venus in Virgo generally enjoys working. This position suggests that you always want to learn new things and you are usually very good at your job. It brings you a lot of joy to educate yourself and you are very curious. Venus here suggests an easy flow of energy in your professional life.
Venus in Virgo has a strong desire to improve itself. It has a specific idea about how things should be, and it enjoys working to turn it into reality. If you have this placement in your birth chart, you enjoy taking care of your health and physical body. You love being put together and you meticulously take care of your appearance. Hygiene is very important to you.
The good thing about Venus in Virgo is its openness to constructive criticism. You want to be better all the time. You express your care by criticising others too. You want to help your partner become the best version of themselves too, but they are not always interested in this. Even though you criticize others from a place of love and support, they can find it annoying.

The sign of Venus in the natal chart is very important, but you have to consider the rest of the placements too to get the full picture. Aspects to Venus color and modify how this planet expresses its energy. For example, a square from Saturn suggests that the native has problems accepting love ad feeling worthy of good things.
The house of your Venus tells the life area where this planet exerts its energy. Learn more about Venus through the houses of the natal chart here.
How Does a Virgo Venus Love?
People with this placement often feel that they don’t get enough love. It is very hard for them to feel truly connected on a soul level in a relationship. This is true of friendships too, not only romantic relationships.
The most frequent Venus in Virgo love languages are acts of service and physical touch. People with this placement will express their affection by cleaning your room, cooking you dinner, bringing you a glass of water so that you don’t have to stand up. They love to do a lot of small things for their loved ones, but don’t make the mistake of taking them for granted. If they feel that you expect them to take care of you, they won’t do it anymore.
Venus in Virgo is often attracted to people who need some form of help. This is a potentially quite dangerous trait of this position. Unconsciously, you can feed energy vampires, on in more serious cases, people who have a seriously destructive effect on your life. This is especially the case if Venus is receives hard aspects from malefics, or it is placed in a challenging house, such as the twelfth.
People with this Venus sign can be stuck in bad relationships (not only of the romantic type). It is very hard for you to move on, even if the relationship is irreversibly broken. Venus in Virgo has a very strong sense of duty and it feels that it is its responsibility to take care of people, what can sometimes turn into self-sabotage.
This placement in the birth chart suggests that you deeply desire to be someone’s first choice, but it rarely happens. People with this Venus sign are selfless and try to always be there for others, but they often feel that others don’t reciprocate this. The Virgo Venus is a quite lonely placement, especially while growing up.
Venus in Virgo has infamously high standards. This placement often commits later in life because you don’t want to settle for the first available option but you keep looking for the perfect partner.
If a Venus in Virgo says yes to someone, it is extremely loyal. People with this placement are usually interested in committed, long-term relationships (unless there are some other placements in the chart that contradict this). They are devoted partners.
This Venus sign views love as a contract. They know what they can give, what they want to get, and look for a person who likes this setup. Fulfilling your duties in the relationship is natural for you. You can always count on this Venus sign to do what they said they would do. However, it can be a bit mechanic and lack spontaneity.
The good thing about Venus in Virgo is that it doesn’t get its heart broken easily. Before you trust someone with your heart, you carefully assess the situation. You want to be sure that your lover’s character is up to your expectations. You are very analytical, especially when it comes to relationships and people.
Some people who have their natal Venus in Virgo meet their partner through their job, in the workplace, or during professional activities. Alternatively, this placement can also suggest that your partner(s) are of a similar professional background. You like this because you love talking about your job, and you also like discussing it with your significant other.
Venus in Virgo Woman
Venus is the planet of femininity, and in the chart of the woman, it represents her as a young girl and a lover. It also speaks about her personal style and aesthetic.
The Venus in Virgo woman is very feminine. Women with this placement have a refined, simplistic, sophisticated style. They like high quality, natural materials and simple cuts. They don’t like flashy, glittery pieces. They often choose earth colors, grey, white, black, pastels. The Venus in Virgo woman’s appearance is functional yet sophisticated. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and never leaves the house without making sure she looks her best.
When it comes to the matters of the heart, the Venus in Virgo woman wants a partner who is supportive of their career. She needs an equal partner in the relationship. She is selective of who she is romantically involved with, and she is in control of her emotions.
Venus in Virgo Man
Men with this placement are very picky when it comes to relationships. They have high standards. Physical beauty is usually not their main priority when choosing a partner, but there must be an intellectual connection for the relationship to work out.
The Venus in Virgo man in love shows his affection by doing acts of service and spending quality time with his partner. Men with this placement are very caring if they love you. They try to make your life easier.
The Venus in Virgo man’s ideal partner is dedicated, sophisticated, somewhat reserved. He wants to feel safe in the relationship. He puts a lot of effort into making the relationship better.
Virgo Venus Compatibility
Venus sign compatibility is essential for a successful relationships. Harmonizing Venus signs help you understand each other and because you like similar things, there is a lot of common in you, which helps the relationship.
As an earth sign, the best signs for Venus in Virgo compatibility are other earth sign or water sign Venuses. These placements have a similar idea about love and they are well-received by each other.
The best matches for Venus in Virgo compatibility:
- Venus in Taurus
- Venus in Cancer
- Venus in Scorpio (this can be more challenging, as Venus is in a bad dignity in both signs)
- Venus in Capricorn
- Venus in Pisces
As always, you have to pay attention to everything in the chart. Maybe you have amazing Venus compatibility, but there are other restricting factors that indicate challenges in the relationship.
Meaning of Venus
Venus is the next planet from the Sun after Mercury. Venus is one of the brightest bodies in the sky, the second brightest in the night sky after the Moon.
Venus is the planetary ruler of two sign. Diurnal Venus is the ruler of Libra, nocturnal Venus is the ruler of Taurus. Venus is in fall in Virgo, and in detriment in Aries and Scorpio. It is in accidental dignity when it falls in the second house or in the seventh house.
In astrology, Venus is a key planet. It represents the ability to enjoy life, be in love, and attract effortlessly. Venus is the planet of femininity and yin energy. This planet is rather passive, the negative side of Venus can be a tendency for laziness and self-indulgence. But in general, Venus is considered a benign influence, earlier it was referred to as the lesser benefic.
Venus governs beauty, art, fashion. It is the planet of luxuries (both as in the traditional sense of the word and what counts as an enjoyable treat to you personally).
With its short orbital period of 225 days, Venus is never more away from the Sun than 47 degrees. As such a fast-moving celestial object, the position of Venus in the natal chart is very important. It is one of the personal planets. Aspects to Venus, its house, sign are all extremely important.
Virgo in the Zodiac
Virgo is Latin for virgin, and it represents the archetype of the child.
Virgo is the mutable earth sign of the Zodiac, firmly grounded in reality. It is focused on efficiency and order. This sign is all about duties and service. It is loyal, reliable, organised, attentive. The weaknesses of Virgo are anxiety, perfectionism, nitpicking, criticism. Virgo governs health, medicine, science, mathematics.
Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. It is ruled by the nocturnal Mercury. In the chart wheel, Virgo is linked with the sixth house, the house of service and routines. It is a feminine or negative sign.
People with Virgo strong in their charts like to create order and they are good sticking to a plan and getting things done. They are analytical and practical, and they like optimising everything. They often feel anxious and tend to worry too much over things that they don’t understand clearly or don’t have control over.
Venus in Virgo Celebrities
Venus in Virgo celebrities:
- J. K. Rowling
- Kim Kardashian
- Whiz Kalifa
- Meghan Markle
- Eminem
- Charles Bukowski
- Demi Lovato
- Mila Kunis
- Sylvia Plath
- David Guetta
- Prince George of Cambridge
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