Aspects to Pluto, such as the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect, indicate a strong attraction.
Things are not easy when Pluto is involved, especially in hard aspects, such as the square and the opposition. The relationship can be very healing, but it can also turn into a nightmare. Aspects to personal planets, such as the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect make this planet particularly important in the relationship. Pluto infuses the relationship with its energy.
This is a very raw relationship, intense, but not always the good way.
Your instinctive, animal self can be unleashed. Venus square Pluto suggests passion and intensity, but it can take up darker themes, too, such as control or manipulation.
When you meet, you both feel that you are attracted to each other. You feel in a way you never felt before. With Venus square Pluto synastry, there is a constant burning in the beginning. However, as time passes, the hidden power struggles come to the surface.
Venus-Pluto aspects in synastry are extremely fascinating. For these aspects to be emphasized in the chart, you should use a tight orb, up to 4-5 degrees at most. Pluto is a generational planet (more on why this is important later).
Keep reading to learn more about the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect in astrology!
Venus Square Pluto Synastry: Love That Hurts
Venus square Pluto suggests a very intense relationship. Chances are you are immediately attracted to each other when you meet. But things are rarely simple when Pluto is involved!
Pluto-Venus aspects are what you could call being crazy in love. Sometimes you lose your mind, and even fail to see clearly.
This aspect is a frequent indicator of a Plutonic relationship.
Venus is the most significant planet when it comes to love and relationships (along with the Moon). In the natal chart, Venus shows how you love and how you want to be loved. Venus is an intimate, sensitive, soft part of you.
Pluto, on the other hand, is the planet of darkness. While Pluto has an amazing side, it also represents your selfish, obsessed, damaged self.
Venus square Pluto synastry contributes to strong sexual attraction. This relationship is extremely passionate, especially in the beginning. Sexuality is a very important part of it.
There are often some secrets in the relationship. You sometimes hide your real self. You are mutually obsessed with each other.
Pluto aspects in synastry rarely leave you the same way you were before the relationship, for better or worse. Venus square Pluto synastry can help you find your own power, if used constructively, but it can also shatter you. Pluto is a planet that leaves no stone unturned. You often meet your darkest self, and in the ideal case, you learn to integrate it into your personality. This process can be painful, though.
This is often a karmic aspect in synastry. You have important lessons to learn from this relationship.
Venus square or opposite Pluto suggests that it is hard to finish the relationship. When you want to walk away, there is something that brings you back. The strong pull of the relationship is very hard to overcome.
The Abusive Side of Venus-Pluto Aspects
When someone’s Pluto touches your Venus, such as with the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect, it can make you vulnerable. There is an imbalance of power in the relationship.
Venus is a planet that strives for harmony, being considerate of other’s needs and wanting to make them feel at ease. Pluto, on the other hand, is a planet that can be selfish and doesn’t care about the possibility of hurting the other person.
Pluto often takes up a domineering, controlling role.
If the chart as a whole supports abuse, the Pluto person can take over the Venus person in many ways. For example, they might criticize the look of the Venus person, or try to control their personal style. They also might not like if the Venus person tries to make social relationships.
Jealousy is frequent when Pluto is involved. Both partners can be possessive and jealous. Insecurities and fears are impossible to hide. Maybe the Pluto person does a better job at this, but they can see all the weaknesses of the Venus person.
This aspect can be a trigger. It is important that hard aspects between Pluto and Venus, such as the Venus square Pluto or Venus opposite Pluto synastry aspects are potential red flags. This is not to say that this cannot be a healthy relationship. It can, if the rest of the synastry chart indicates real love and caring, and if the people have healthy self-esteem. Both of you have to be mature enough to deal with the intensity of the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect.
You should always watch out for how the relationship unfolds, especially if your are the Venus person. Personal planets are more vulnerable here. If you notice any sign of abuse, it is the best to reevaluate if this is the right relationship for you.

If you don’t like the energy of this aspect, it is the best to escape relationships with the generation whose Pluto forms this aspect to your Venus, if you are the Venus person. Pluto is a generational planet. Because it moves so slowly through the Zodiac, it stays in the same sign for a few decades on average.
Venus Square Pluto in Synastry: What Does Venus Feel
In the relationship with the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect, the Venus person is seen as very charming, pleasant, graceful. The Venus person is attracted to the charisma of the Pluto person. They see them as powerful, mysterious, intense. They are strongly attached to them, and they really want to get the Pluto person.
With this aspect, the Venus person sees a psychopathic charm surrounding the Pluto person. They are attracted to their raw energy, and they enjoy the obsessive attention. The Venus person is just as obsessed about the Pluto person, too. These are incredibly strong emotions, you are drawn to each other like a moth to the flame.
Venus Square Pluto: What Does Pluto Feel
Venus square Pluto synastry aspect suggests that the Pluto person wants to completely possess every part of the Venus person, both their soul and their body. They need the attention and affection of the Venus person as they need the air they breathe.
Control over the Venus person is unconsciously a major focus for the Pluto person. They are obsessed about the idea of control.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that the Pluto gets this control. This is where the real power struggles begin. If the Pluto person feels that they don’t possess the Venus person, they easily become determined to change this. Feeling powerless is extremely frustrating to Pluto, and it is willing to do anything to change this. Emotional blackmail or subtle manipulation can be present with the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is the modern ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Pluto got its name after the god of the underworld in Roman mythology, and it governs similar themes in astrology.
Pluto rules:
- death
- birth and rebirth
- regeneration and healing
- transformation
- secrets
- crime
- things hidden under the surface
- obsession
- jealousy
- rage
A strong Pluto in the natal chart suggests an authoritative, charismatic, intense person. They are mysterious and have a knack for psychology. If the person lives the lower octave of Pluto, they can be manipulative and revengeful.
If you want to learn more about what Pluto represents in astrology, check out this article about the meaning of this planet.
Venus in Astrology
Venus is a personal planet, visible to the naked eye, and known to humans since the ancient times. Venus rules two signs in astrology: Taurus and Libra.
In the natal chart, Venus shows how you give and receive love, what makes you feel appreciated, and what you appreciate. A damaged Venus suggests that you have a hard time accepting love, and you struggle with your self-esteem. Understanding your Venus can help you level up several aspects of your life.
In astrology, Venus rules relationships,romance, beauty, grace, charisma, art, luxuries, harmony, balance.
When it comes to romantic compatibility, Venus and the Moon are the most important planets to look to.
You can learn more about Venus in astrology here.
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