In this article, we will dive into the meaning of Venus square Saturn in the birth chart. You can read some useful tips for navigating it.
This is one of the gloomiest planetary connections. Whenever you see it in a chart, rest assured that the chart owner doesn’t have it easy. It is hard to be joyous, carefree, and notice the beauty in everyday things with this aspect. Venus square Saturn suggests that your ability to have fun is hindered by Saturn’s depressive nature. Even worse, it affects your relationships. It can indicate long periods of loneliness in life.
Hard Venus-Saturn aspects imply that all things linked with Venus cause you frustration. However, there is no need to lose hope: in astrology, Saturn delays but never denies. That is, if you make an effort to grow. Saturn is all about the life lessons your soul wants to master in this lifetime. Perhaps the journey takes longer for you than for most people, but you can get there too if you keep working for it.
Venus has a lot to do with happiness generally. If your Venus receives hard aspects, it indicates that you face more challenges related to relationships, self-confidence, finances.
Venus square Saturn in the natal chart is perhaps one of the most heartbreaking aspects one can have. These two planets meld love with fear. People with this placement deep down don’t believe that they are worthy of love and acceptance. Relationships cause them sorrow rather than happiness, especially in the first part of life. The life area of partnerships will help you learn many lessons if you have any aspect between Venus and Saturn (the hard aspects in particular-the square, opposition, or the conjunction).
In astrology, Saturn is the planet of hardships and life lessons. This planet shows what you have to work on, where you progress a bit slower than other people, but with time, you can get really good at it. In the natal chart, Saturn reveals where you face blockages in your life. Untangling this planet is helpful to function at your highest level.
Venus Square Saturn Natal Meaning
Venusian energy is playful, soft, cheerful. It’s all love and light. Saturn, on the other hand, is a gloomy, heavy planet, it has no sense of humor and only responsibilities are on its mind. Venus is colorful, Saturn is black and white. Can anything good come out of this?
Hard aspects from Saturn are never easy. They indicate karmic blockages. If Saturn affects such a sensitive planet as Venus, it absolutely can make your life bitter. These two completely different planetary energies are forced to work together and there is a constant clash between them with the square. The more exact the orb, the stronger this effect.
Self-worth issues are the central point of this square. It is one of the essential lessons Venus square Saturn brings your attention to. It asks you to build a solid foundation of self-love before you engage in committed relationships. People with this placement don’t believe that they are worthy of love and being accepted for who they are.
The natural ruler of Taurus and the second house, Venus speaks about your self-esteem. A strong, well-placed Venus in the birth chart is one of the greatest blessings. On the other hand, if Venus is damaged, it indicates a weak self-image, lack of self-confidence. For example, if you have your natal Venus in Virgo or Scorpio, this planet is already in a weak condition. Saturnian touch just emphasizes this issue.
Another area of life this aspect hits is finances. Venus square Saturn people tend to be penny-pinchers. This aspect suggests a fear of poverty. You might have experienced a time when resources were scarce, but some people with this placement are afraid of spending money even when they could afford it. You might wear clothes until they literally fall apart, buy yourself always the cheapest food, or deprive yourself of the little pleasures of life (if you want to work on this aspect, gifting yourself some small but lovely things is a good place to start).
On a physical level, Venus square Saturn might indicate a tendency for unhealthy eating habits and diabetes.

Venus square Saturn often implies that you experienced issues related to lack of stability and love early on in life. Some people with this placement grew up in a home with little peace and support, others had to face abandonment at an early age (the fear of being rejected can be crippling if you have this aspect). Often, your parents were not able to give you a healthy idea of how relationships work and they discouraged you from showing affection. When you asked for warmth and support, you walked away being disappointed in the end.
It is no surprise that adult relationships are challenging too with a Venus square natal aspect.
Hard Venus-Saturn Aspects and Relationships
Venus square Saturn can affect your love life very negatively.
Venus illustrates the ability to attract, to be at ease, to have a good time. If this planet is vulnerable by sign or by aspects, these things are not easy for you. Depending on the rest of the chart, you might come across as very self-confident, charismatic, magnetic and sweep people off their feet.
However, as a relationship progresses, insecurity starts to raise its ugly head. You crave commitment, but you withdraw almost immediately if someone gets too close. You are frightened that people don’t want you because of who you really are but for your money or looks. You find it difficult not to think of yourself as a sum of your achievements and successes.
Many people who have their natal Venus square Saturn are single for longer periods of time. This aspect implies that you experience your best relationships later in life. Saturn troubles get more manageable as you age and gain experience. The Saturn return is an important point in time here, after which things usually start to improve.
At a young age, you might find yourself attracted to the wrong kind of partners. People with this placement often don’t believe that they are deserving of love. Saturn is the planet of unconscious fears and insecurities too, in this case, linked to your ability to share and accept love. To make things worse, Saturn acts on an unconscious level and this makes it harder to be aware of its mechanisms, let alone fix it. It is important to be realistic and patient with Saturn aspects. Rushing into relationships because of the wrong reasons is not a good idea here.
Venus square Saturn can take up an abusive form as well. Some people with this placement can be cruel towards their partners. They might not let you close and they bottle up their emotions. Financial abuse or sabotaging your career development can also happen. Saturn’s coldness can freeze the relationship. Of course, you should not judge anyone based on one aspect only.
Another way how Venus square Saturn in the natal chart can play out is extremely high standards when it comes to choosing a partner. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this if it is related to substantial things, but the tricky side of this aspect is that you might miss exactly those and insist on superficial criteria. People with this aspect often end up with partners who have a completely different value system what leads to frictions in the long run.
Sometimes this placement manifests as being attracted to older partners (they might be significantly older). Or alternatively, it can happen that you are the much older person.
The positive manifestation of Venus square Saturn is being a committed, loyal, caring partner and partnerships that withstand the test of time.

The zodiac signs where Venus and Saturn are placed are really important here. A strong Venus, such as a Venus in Taurus or Venus in Pisces deals with the challenges of Saturn better. This aspect is perhaps to deal with as a woman because Venus rules femininity too, and Saturn here weakens your ability to tap into it. If any other planet is involved, it further complicates the situation.
Venus Meaning in the Birth Chart
Venus is one of the most important celestial bodies in astrology. It is the third brightest object in the night sky (after the Sun and the Moon). This planet was given its name after the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology. Venus is a benefic in astrology.
Every planet rules a zodiac sign, some two. Venus rules two signs, Taurus (nocturnal Venus) and Libra (diurnal Venus). This planet is in accidental dignity in the natural houses of these signs, the second house and the seventh house.
Venus in the birth chart speaks about your aesthetic, love style, attitude to relationships. In astrology, this planet is connected with art, harmony, beauty, grace, tact, diplomacy, peace, balance, justice, fairness. Venus is a feminine planet, and it is associated with women two (young women in particular).
Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is the great malefic in traditional astrology. This planet is slow, insensitive, objective. Saturn is the ruler of time. It reminds us that we are mortal and have to make the most out of the moment if we want results in the future. If you fail to learn the lessons of Saturn, it has consequences in the sense that it makes you repeat the process until you master it.
Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. This sign is linked with the tenth house of career and public reputation. Capricorn is about structures that withstand the test of time. Saturn is connected with hierarchy, work, maturity, responsibilities.
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