What does it mean if you have the Venus trine Venus synastry aspect in your chart with someone?
Synastry is an amazing astrological technique. It reveals how two people’s relationship is likely to unfold—if this relationship is something you should invest yourself in. When it comes to romantic connections, the aspects of the Moon and Venus carry the most weight. Because of this, the Venus trine Venus synastry aspect is super important to pay attention to.
This trine is very favorable. Venus trine Venus synastry indicates that the two people are generally fond of each other. This aspect represents an easy flow of energy, its blessings come to you effortlessly, you don’t have to work for it. Venus trine or sextile Venus synastry suggests that you get along well and you have similar taste. You want similar things in life, what makes this aspect amazing for long-term compatibility. This is a lovely, sweet connection.
Keep reading to learn more about the Venus trine Venus synastry aspect in astrology!
Venus Trine Venus Synastry
In synastry, you compare the birth charts of two people you want to know how they get along. Based on how the planets of these people interact with each other, you can get an idea about the relationship. What does the Venus trine Venus synastry aspect reveal about your relationship potential?
This is one of the best planetary aspects for romantic compatibility. Needless to say, Venus is the planet of romance in astrology, and when two people’s Venuses form a harmonious aspect to each other, they perceive love in a very similar way. However, this aspect is very favorable in all kinds of unions. Venus trine Venus synastry aspect is beneficial (and pretty common) in the charts of friends, business partners, etc.
This aspect suggests an almost instant liking between the two people. They are attracted to each other and they feel very comfortable around each other. When you meet, you perceive each other as charming, stunning, likeable. You are often interested in learning more about each other. This trine suggests that you have a lot in common. It lays the ground for a harmonious, supportive relationship.
With this aspect, you can easily find activities to do together. You like the same kind of art, same kind of food, same kind of music, or at least you enjoy the taste of the other person as well. Venus trine Venus synastry suggests that you help each other discover new things you would like. This also suggests a lot of topics to discuss. You probably find each other’s taste excellent and you are often drawn to each other’s physical appearance and personal style as well.
In astrology, your Venus describes what you enjoy doing and what is your love style. Venus trine Venus in synastry suggests that you want the similar things in a relationship. For example, if both of you have your Venus in water signs, you want more depth and intensity, while if your Venus signs are air signs, you enjoy a light-hearted intellectual connection. The point is that you give and receive affection in a similar way what makes you compatible with each other.
For a deeper connection, you need some favorable moon aspects as well, but the Venus trine Venus synastry aspect is a solid foundation to build on. On its own, it doesn’t guarantee longevity or anything serious, but it is great to have it.

In most cases, the two planets are placed in zodiac signs of the same element. This means that the ways the planets operate are similar to a great extent. If the planets happen to be in zodiac signs that are different by element, the effect of the aspect becomes weaker. (A trine is when two planets are placed 120 degrees apart. Signs of the same element are also placed 120 degrees apart, but it can happen that for example someone’s Venus at the 29th degree of Aries is trine someone else’s Venus at the 1st degree of Virgo—this makes the situation more complicated, as these signs are fundamentally different).
To fully understand how this aspect manifests, you also have to consider the position of the planets in house overlay, their role in the individual birth charts, and of course their zodiac signs. It is very important that no aspect is strong enough on its own to make or break the relationship.
Venus Sextile Venus Synastry Meaning
The sextile is very similar to the trine, but weaker in its effect. (The conjunction is the strongest, followed by the opposition and the trine). Venus sextile Venus in synastry is also a favorable aspect. If this is the aspect with the tightest orb, it indicates a harmonious and supportive relationship.
The mechanism of the Venus sextile Venus synastry aspect is like the trine, the same description applies. The main difference is that the sextile requires some conscious effort to utilize maximally. But in general, it is still a beneficial aspect, it’s great to have it.
Meaning of Venus in Astrology
To understand the Venus trine Venus synastry aspect better, you need to know what Venus represents in astrology.
Venus has been an important celestial body since the earliest days. It is the second brightest object in the night sky (only the Moon is brighter than Venus).
As the second planet from the Sun, Venus has a relatively short orbital period of 224 days. It is never further away from the Sun than 47 degrees, which means that the only aspects it can form are the conjunction and the semisextile.
Venus is one of the most important planets in astrology. It belongs to the group of the inner planets. It is named after the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology, and it governs similar things in astrology. Venus is all about beauty, affection, grace, pleasure. It is the planet of interpersonal relationships, all kinds of unions, art, luxuries, but also money. The energy of Venus is very feminine. In astrology, it rules two zodiac signs, Taurus and Libra. It is in accidental dignity in the second house and in the seventh house.
In the birth chart, Venus describes what you are attracted to, what you love, what brings you joy. In the chart of a woman, Venus represents her as a girl, her taste, how she expresses her affection, what makes her feel appreciated. In the natal chart of a man, Venus reveals what kind of woman he is attracted to. This makes Venus an essential planet when it comes to assessing romantic compatibility between two people.
Venus also has to do with your aesthetic, the kind of things you like doing, what makes you attractive. Venus tells about how you give and receive affection. If you want to attract good things to you, you need to tap into your Venus in your birth chart. Venus is all about ease.
If you want to learn more about the meaning of Venus in astrology, read this article.
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