Have you ever wondered what indicates wealth in astrology? What are the tell-tale signs that the owner of a chart has above-average earning potential?
Since we live in a physical world where we need resources to stay alive, money is an important topic for everybody. Besides that, it is fun to observe it from an astrological perspective too. Such an important thing must be emphasized in the horoscope.
There are various indicators of wealth in the birth chart. The most trivial planets are Jupiter and Pluto, but as you will discover it later in this article, there are other telling factors as well. Just keep in mind that even if the potential is there, it doesn’t mean that it will happen.
Note: in this article, we will look at wealth as really big money (although this is relative of course), beyond the level of never having to worry about money. There is enough money in everyone’s chart to live a decent life and prosper. This article focuses on massive wealth.
Note: this article is absolutely no financial advise, it is exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Keep reading to learn more about wealth indicators in the birth chart!
What Indicates Wealth in the Natal Chart?
Wealth is seen through a few planets and houses. The most significant indicators are Jupiter and Pluto.

What makes someone wealthy? Does having a lot of money equal being able to enjoy it? And most importantly, does it bring happiness and a sense of purpose? There is no simple answer to these questions. If you are curious about your own finances, first you have to know who you want to be, what you want to own, what activities you want to do in order to have a clear picture of what you are looking for in your chart.
Money and savings are described by the second house, real estate by the fourth, investments by the eighth.
Which Planet Gives Wealth in Astrology?
The most important planets for money in astrology are Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune. Venus is also associated with money, but to a lesser extent, small amounts of money rather than huge wealth (which is Jupiter). Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus, the sign of finance and economy. Venus is the natural ruler of the second house.
The more connections in the chart between these planets, the stronger the potential. Any planet aspecting them (especially the so-called good aspects) reveals more information about how you can make money.
If some of these planets are at a critical degree, you should pay special attention to it. Planets at the 29th degree are really important. If you have a planet at the exact sign of its exaltation, that is just as significant in the horoscope. (You can read more about anaretic degrees here).
Jupiter and Wealth in Astrology
Jupiter is THE planet of wealth. This gas giant is associated with expansion, growth, abundance. Jupiter expands everything it comes into contact with. Jupiter is one of the indicators of money in the natal chart.
Jupiter’s aspects show through which planetary energy you can grow or find your good fortune. For example, Jupiter trine Uranus is a splendid aspect for science, technology, engineering.
The house of Jupiter shows the life area where you have a particularly easy flow of energy. Its sign describes how you can activate it.
Pluto and Money in the Natal Chart
Pluto is the planet of extremes. When this planet touches something in the birth chart, it scales up things related to it 1000x. Pluto in aspect to Jupiter is one of the most frequent indicators of wealth in the birth chart.
Pluto governs things hidden, other people’s money, leverage, power, control. This planet often stands out in the charts of the wealthy, and it’s not hard to see why. It gives extremely strong will, good understanding of any situation, charisma, street smarts. It is a super important planetary energy for investing too (along with Scorpio placements).
Have you heard the word ‘plutocracy’? It refers to a society where the rules are made by the wealthy. The astrological meaning of Pluto reflects this. Pluto, Scorpio, and the eighth house are also linked with secret money and hidden wealth.
Pluto’s manifestation in a chart depends on many things, including the level of consciousness of the chart owner and if they want to use this energy for good or for bad. The lower octave of Pluto is abuse, exploitation, the underworld, coercion.
Saturn and Money in Astrology
Saturn itself has not that much to do with money than with longevity and dedication. The planet of hard work teaches you to hold on. Saturn rules Capricorn, the sign of big organizations and corporations.
The energy of this planet is beneficial for keeping what you have if you integrate Saturn properly. Saturn in second house is often said to be an indicator of poverty in the birth chart, but this doesn’t have to be true. A nice Saturn in the birth chart give self-discipline, persistence, structure, an effective way to achieve your goals. Without Saturn, you can get rich, but is hard to stay rich.
Saturn in the second house is often mentioned as a placement for poverty, but this is just one possibility, and it is by no means a certainty.
Mars is not typically associated with money, however, it provides the drive to be successful. People with a strong Mars are extremely ambitious. Mars in aspect to Jupiter or conjunct the Moon or Mercury is a frequent indicator of success in what you do.
Let’s not forget that Aries, the sign ruled by Mars is the sign of entrepreneurship. This bold, initiative, energetic, passionate energy is much needed to tackle the challenges if you are to acquire wealth on your own.
Money Houses
There are some houses that are particularly important for finances. While every house can be connected with money through planets in it or through other connections in the chart,
- the second house,
- the eighth house,
- and the eleventh house
are the primary houses linked with money in the natal chart. Pay attention to the rulers of these houses.
These houses all deal with money, but in a different way. If you are not sure what they have to do with it, brush up on the meaning of these houses here. Let’s dive into this topic!
The 2nd House as a Money House
This house is the house of resources in the astrological chart. Everything that supports you belongs to this house: your savings, possessions, the food you eat. The second house is associated with money and finances.
Planets in the 2nd house are an indicator of an inner drive to become financially successful. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto here all point into this direction. The Moon, Uranus, and Neptune can bring a lack of stability and clarity when it comes to finances. Saturn in this house is an infamous placement, but it doesn’t have to mean poverty, it can suggest money earned through persistent work and conservative money management. People with their Saturn here are frugal and know how to save. While with Jupiter in this house, money seems to come to you almost on its own, but you tend to spend carelessly too.
Planets in this house might show how you generate income.
The 8th House as a Money House
This house is one of the most complex houses. It governs quite a few life areas, but now we will focus on its connection with money. Th eighth house is directly opposite the second house, and it is the second house (resources) from the seventh (partners). It governs other people’s money you have access to. Here you rely on others as opposed to the second house, where you work for what you have.
This is an important house for all kinds of partnerships, including business partnerships too. The eighth house governs banks, loans, investing, tax, accountants too, so it is a rather significant house for extraordinary finances.
The 8th house is also associated with inheritance, your spouse’s money, money you make through investments. A well-aspected 8th house is one of the indicators of wealth in the birth chart. In the birth charts of people who inherited larger sums of money there seems to be a connection between the rulers of the 8th house and the 2nd house.
A nice Venus or Jupiter in the eighth house can indicate luck in these life areas. In the chart of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, both of them are in the eighth house, a textbook example of well-off partners.
In the case of inheritance (from your parents or family in the first place), the parental houses are often emphasized, especially the fourth.
The 11th House as a Money House
Also called the house of hopes and dreams, the eleventh house is the house of support you receive from the world. As the natural house of Aquarius, the eleventh house leads you to new ways of doing things and achieving your goals with the help of others. People who live in the public eye often have a full eleventh house.
An emphasized eleventh house in the birth chart indicates a lot of helpers on your journey. This house is the house of groups, organizations, your social circle, networking. It is how other people help you level up.
What if your money houses are empty?
No big deal. It just means that in this lifetime, the major focus will be some other life area rather than acquiring wealth.
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