If you were born between the 21st March and April 20th, your Sun sign is Aries. Every zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses in astrology. And they also have things they wish people around them knew!
Here are ten things every Aries wants you to know. These Aries fun facts will help you understand the Aries in your life better!

1. An Aries HATES to Be Controlled
There are many things an Aries likes, but being told what to do is definitely not one of them. As the first sign, Aries is the leader of the Zodiac. Those born under the Ram prefer to actively initiate things rather than just to be a follower. Aries is the sign of independence, so no wonder that they love freedom.
2. An Aries Won’t Accept NO as an Answer
Yep. Just accept this fact. If an Aries makes up their mind, they’ll do everything to achieve their goal. This zodiac sign is ready to take action and fail a hundred times if necessary. They know that in the end, they will win. And there are few things an Aries loves more than winning.
3. An Aries Will Protect You No Matter What
There is an instinct in Aries people that they are responsible for their herd. Named after the Roman god of war, Aries is not afraid of conflicts should they arise. Once you win the heart of an Aries, they’ll stand up for you no matter what. You have to do some really bad things to loose they loyalty. Which leads us to the next advice:
4. Don’t Mess With the Heart of an Aries or You Are Done For
Aries is a very passionate sign. Under the fiery surface, however, there is a soft and caring heart. If an Aries loves you, try not to hurt their feelings. They won’t take it nicely.
5. An Aries Can Have Anger Issues
It’s true. Short on patience, Aries can get angry in no time. Aries doesn’t know how to keep calm when they become overwhelmed.They can be intimidating on those occasions.
6. An Aries NEEDS to Get Rid of Its Excess Energy and Get Their Blood Pumping
Ruled by Mars, Aries is all about action. If the Ram is your sign, you are full of energy. Quick and always on the move, you were cut out for a sporty lifestyle.
7. Aries Is Not for the Faint of Heart
Aries is brutally honest. This zodiac sign is the exact opposite of diplomatic Libra. Sometimes straightforward blunt, an Aries will never sugarcoat what they have to say! When dealing with an Aries, be ready for frequent fiery arguments. However, they have good intentions when sharing with you their honest opinion.
8. Aries Is All About Challenges
The Ram is full of ambition. They are not the one who long for a quiet and grey life. Aries wants to be the best they can be and live an exciting life. This zodiac sign loves challenges and competition. While some other signs crash under pressure, not Aries! Competition (and the opportunity to win) fuels them.
9. Want to Seduce an Aries? Friendly Advice: They Are Horny All the Time!
If you want to become romantically involved with an Aries, physical attraction is crucial. Sex is very important to this sign! They are amazing in bed. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, so no wonder their libido is always high.
10. Don’t Be Intimidated, Aries is a Super Caring Sign
Beneath the surface, Aries is a kind and caring person. They are intelligent, alert, and they have a lot to give the world. If you are so lucky that you have an Aries in your life, make sure to appreciate them! Aries is full of love, and if you give them your loyalty and dedication, they will love and protect you.
If you liked this post, make sure to share it with your Aries friends and friends who have an Aries in their lives!
Sigh. Yes, Aries is ruled by Mars but Aries is NOT named for the Greek god of war. “Aries” is just Latin for “ram,” while “Ares” was the Greek god of war. Plus, Mars was calmer, more strategic and had an agricultural side to him compared to Ares.