When winter is over and Pisces prepared the world for a new iteration of the cycle of life, it’s time for Aries to step on the stage. The Aries season of the year begins with the March equinox, on the 21st of March, and ends on the 21st of April – when nature is in bloom to the fullest. Aries in astrology is the sign of new beginnings.
In this article, you can learn everything about this zodiac sign: Aries strengths and weaknesses, element, modality, ruling planet, and many more.
The Zodiac Sign Aries in Astrology
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries strengths and weaknesses reflect the advantages and disadvantages of being first as well!
Its name means ram in Latin. This mirrors the essence of this sign: Aries is strong, hotheaded, full of energy and desire. It can’t wait to take over the world. Each zodiac sign has a symbol or glyph that withstands the test of time and contains a great amount of wisdom.
The glyph used for Aries in astrology resembles the horn of a ram: ♈.
In the natural chart, the zodiac sign Aries is associated with the first house, the house of beginnings and the physical body. In astrology, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and desire. They share similar qualities. So, don’t expect this zodiac sign to shy away from any challenge! Aries strengths and weaknesses are both related to the fiery nature of this sign.
Every sign governs a part of the human body. For Aries, this is the head and face. Just like Aries in the Zodiac, the head is the initiator in the body. If you want to get something done, the head will think about the best way to do it and the body parts have no choice but to do as the head orders.
Keep reading to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of Aries in astrology and learn what makes this zodiac sign special.
Aries Strengths and Weaknesses
What are some Aries strengths and weaknesses in astrology? Each zodiac sign has its unique traits, both positive and negative ones.
The Ram is pioneering, eager, action-taking and brave, but on the other hand, it is hot-headed, impatient and sometimes straightforward aggressive. It doesn’t think about the consequences, if Aries wants it, it will get it. It is a sign of fiery energy and it’s important to handle it with caution, because it can burn you.
The Zodiac begins with the sign Aries. This couldn’t be more appropriate, as those born under Aries are born leaders and there is a strong me-first attitude attached to this sign. Aries is the best for the role of the initiator and the trailblazer.
This energy marks new beginnings and helps us to get started and take action. Aries in astrology is passionate and energetic, the one who has a vision and decides on what the goal is. Then it lets the other zodiac signs contribute and finally, the idea turns into reality.
If you want to read some fun facts about Aries, check out these Aries strengths and weaknesses facts.
Aries Element and Quality
You can group the zodiac signs by element and quality in astrology. There are four elements: fire, earth, air, water and three qualities: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Aries is cardinal fire, and Aries strengths and weaknesses are both tied to these energies.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn share the traits of the cardinal mode. During the year, these signs mark the beginning of a new season (spring begins with Aries, summer with Cancer, autumn with Libra and winter with Capricorn). People who have many placements in cardinal signs are not the ones to sit and wait for others. They prefer to take action and get the ball rolling.
Cardinal signs have good leadership abilities and love to begin a new project or chapter in life. These signs are energetic and have plenty of ideas, they are a force to be reckoned with. People born under cardinal signs are quite ambitious.
If you group the zodiac signs by the element, Aries in astrology is part of the fire family. These include Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Sun is in very high dignity in Aries which means that it can operate well in this position. This gives high energy level and self-confidence. Fire signs are active and have masculine energy. They are motivated, ambitious and driven. This sounds like Aries, right?

What Makes Aries Strong in the Birth Chart in Astrology
All of us have Aries somewhere in our charts. But in some natal charts, Aries sticks out more. These people are more under the influence of Aries than others. The stronger Aries is in your chart, the stronger you identify with Aries strengths and weaknesses in astrology.
First of all, the sign of the Sun, Moon and ascendant are very important in astrology. If you have your Sun or Moon in Aries or you are Aries rising, this sign has a big effect on you.
The planet Mars rules Aries in astrology. If Mars touches these points in your birth chart, you’ll find the description of Aries quite accurate for you. For example, if you have Mars conjunct your ascendant, you often seem to be an Aries rising, nevertheless of which sign is the ascendant.
Besides these very personal elements of the natal chart, if you have many planets, especially personal planets in Aries, you identify a lot with its qualities. Don’t forget about the sign on Midheaven. This becomes a major influence later in life, but it’s still important.
A strong Aries in the natal chart makes you display the Aries strengths and weaknesses strongly.
What Are the Strengths of Aries?
Aries is a force of nature. If the Ram is your sign, you have unlimited energy and you are a highly motivated person.
Passively waiting for things to happen and doing nothing is not an option for you (actually, it’s quite annoying to do so). Aries people love to lead and be in charge. Ruled by Mars in astrology, they have a very strong drive. They can’t wait to take action.
This can get them far in life because the word ‘impossible’ is unknown to them, what also means that they triumph sooner or later. One of the greatest Aries strengths is that Aries is unstoppable.
If this sign had to choose a motto, it would be if there is a will, there is a way. With Aries strong in your chart, you thrive in leadership positions. After all, Aries is the boss among the zodiac signs.
An abundance of Aries energy in the natal chart gives excellent organizational skills. Aries is the sign of entrepreneurship, they have it all: vision, taking action, finding the right people for their team, making adjustments quickly if necessary. Count in their love for independence and victory, and there you go. The Martian influence makes them fearless. Danger actually excites them. They don’t have a reputation of being a daredevil for nothing. Aries folks are quite rebellious and prefer to do things their way.
Aries Strengths and Weaknesses: Bravery and Straightforwardness
People born under Aries are not afraid of competition. In fact, it gives them extra motivation and makes them work even harder. Just like Mars, their planetary ruler, Aries people are quick, brave and loves challenges. This Martian energy contributes to Aries strengths and weaknesses, too. They want to be the first in every area of life. This is a very dynamic sign and can’t stand to sit in one place and do nothing. Don’t expect an Aries to give up without making serious efforts. This sign indicates a powerful personality.
Aries is a very straightforward sign, sometimes even to the level of being blunt and insensitive. These traits can be both Aries strengths and weaknesses.
You can expect honesty and a direct communication from them. They are outspoken and they will probably share their opinion with you -sometimes even if you didn’t ask it. But they expect you to tell the truth, too. Aries doesn’t tolerate dishonesty.
One of the greatest Aries strengths in astrology is the famous optimism and positive thinking of the fire signs. Aries folks are charismatic and have a good sense of humor. Hanging out with them is pure fun. People born under Aries don’t lose faith easily and they instill hope in you, too. You’re welcome.
There are few zodiac signs with the energy level of Aries in astrology. It loves to play sports or work out. This is an excellent way to channel their excess energies and gives a chance to win -and Aries thrives on challenges. Most sportsmen and sportswomen have a prominent Mars in the natal chart. Mars rules sexual desire, too. Aries is a passionate sign with an enormous libido.
Aries Strengths and Weaknesses: Negative Traits
What are the weaknesses of Aries in astrology? Every zodiac sign has its negative side, and there are both Aries strengths and weaknesses.
Even though Aries rules the head, it does not the brain in astrology (that belongs to Aquarius). Those born under Aries often run their heads against the brick wall. They tend to use a brute force approach even in cases when patience and tact would be the wisest choice.
If not used properly, Mars becomes violent and destructive. The dark side of this planet includes war, torture and killing. This energy must be controlled or it will destroy both the person and the people around him. If you have lots of Martian energy in your chart, it is a challenge for you to keep your cool when provoked.
Aries people often see red if they are in anger. If they get angry, you’ll know it for sure, as hiding it isn’t their greatest strength. It’s important to find a way to vent. As mentioned before, physical activity is an excellent stress relief.
In extreme cases, Aries can be prone to violent behavior and sometimes even commit crimes. But if this is the case, there are always multiple signs in the natal chart, and don’t forget that you have free will.
Finding a way to use your anger constructively can be a challenge for Aries. It’s especially important to communicate less aggressively if you are dealing with a gentle and emotional sign like Cancer or Pisces or with a diplomatic Libra. Another negative trait of Aries is its domineering and bossy attitude -trust me, you’ll get much further if you use empathy instead. Making Aries strengths and weaknesses work together properly is key.
Aries Strengths and Weaknesses: Drive and Impatience
Mars wants to get it now. You can notice the same mentality by people born under Aries. Impatience can be a pitfall for them. They are sparkling with ideas, don’t hesitate to take action either, but they get bored easily when it comes to doing the monotone hard work. Dull and repetitive tasks definitely not their cup of tea.
If you have some important placement in Aries, remember every now and then that Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn the sign of hard work and persistence. You can make the most out of your efforts if you work in an organized way. It’s a crucial part of each process to pay attention to the details. Learning to channelize both Aries strengths and weaknesses in astrology can make you more successful.
Aries is a restless sign. If you are dealing with an Aries, keep in mind they hate waiting. Try to take up their speed to keep things going smoothly.
Aries in Love
Direct and honest, Aries doesn’t hesitate to express his feelings. Both Aries strengths and weaknesses are expressed in their love life, too.
If they fall in love, they are extremely loyal and caring. This sign doesn’t come off as a sensitive soul, but Aries is sensitive and they can be deeply hurt. If they trust you with their love, try not to make them suffer. Even though they re very strong, their heart needs lot of time to heal after a breakup.
Aries is fun and exciting to be in a relationship with. Ruled by Mars, sexuality is extremely important to Aries in astrology. This sign needs passion in their relationship on a regular basis. As a fire sign, they prefer to be the one who takes the initiative.
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