Have you ever wondered why are Aquarians so different?
There are a couple of reasons, and today, we’ll explore some of them. It’s time to get to know the majestic zodiac sign Aquarius better. This sign is a riddle, but a very fascinating one, you have to admit. If you want a sign that is sparkling with ideas and can’t wait to get off the beaten path, this is the zodiac sign for you.
Aquarius is the sign of the future. If the Water Bearer is your sign, it might be the reason why you are interested in astrology, as astrology is actually ruled by Aquarius and Uranus!
Some Data on Aquarius in Astrology
Aquarius is the sign of originality, humanitarianism, revolutions and technology. And of course, freedom. Taking over from traditional and past-oriented Capricorn, Aquarius is crazy about everything new.
Aquarius means water carrier, its glyph consists of two horizontal wavy lines: ♒. Opinions are divided on the symbols’s meaning, Steven Forrest claims in his book The Inner Sky that the lines are actually serpents of knowledge, which, knowing this sign, suits Aquarius well.
The Water Bearer is the eleventh sign in the Zodiac, and correspondingly, it is connected to the eleventh house. This is the house of groups and organizations in the natal chart, plus it shows everything that comes into your life, so it’s also called the House of Hopes and Wishes. (Noticed how many good things come through your friends and acquaintances?)
Most zodiac signs have one planetary ruler, but Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces are the exceptions, they have both a traditional and a modern ruler (as the modern rulers were discovered only “recently”, after 1700).
The two rulers of Aquarius are Saturn (traditional) and Uranus (modern ruler). Uranus is the planet of electricity, brilliance, uniqueness and rebellions. Well, Aquarius is a super unique, rebellious and smart sign.
Aquarius is a winter constellation. During the year, its season starts on January 20th and lasts until February 19th (under the tropical zodiac).

Aquarius Element and Modality
Each sign is of a particular element and mode in astrology. You would say that the Water Bearer must belong to the water signs. In fact, Aquarius is an air sign, and a fixed sign by modality.
- Element: As we just mentioned, Aquarius is an air sign, like Gemini and Libra. This might sound strange at first, but if you think about the characteristics of air sign: intellectual approach, detached, more interest in ideas, it makes sense why Aquarius isn’t a water sign (which are emotional and super sensitive).
- Modality: Aquarius is a fixed sign by modality. This means that they are won’t change their mind easily, no matter the pressure of the world. If they have a goal, they’ll do anything to achieve.
- Polarity: Aquarius is a masculine or active sign. They prefer to be in the driver’s seat instead of going with the flow.
What Makes Aquarius Strong in Your Natal Chart
As mentioned above, the Sun is in Aquarius approximately between January 20th and February 19th, depending on if the year is a leap year or not. If you were born during this period, this sign is your Sun sign and it’s very important in your chart.
The position of the Sun by house has to be analyzed, too. If it is located in the eleventh house (the natural house of Aquarius), it has some Aquarian traits, no matter the actual sign.
Aquarius still describes you in a great amount if you are an Aquarius rising. It’s a big part of your personality and you can probably identify with this sign a lot. You give off the impression of an Aquarius when someone meets you for the first time.
The third most significant component is the Moon in astrology. People with Aquarius Moon have a rational and intellectual approach to emotions, and they prefer acquaintances to deep commitment and intimacy.
There are a few more cases when Aquarius is particularly important in a natal chart, for example, if you have this sign on your Midheaven (the cusp of the tenth house) or if you have several planets there.
Why We Love Aquarius
As an air sign with strong mental abilities, Aquarians are often referred to as deep thinkers, and this description suits them very well. This sign is famous for its original insights.
Like the man pouring water from a vase, Aquarius loves to share its knowledge. The Water-Carrier carries water, and those born under this sign carry their unique knowledge which they want to share with us.
This might be the reason why this sign also rules groups organized around mutual interests. Aquarius likes to surround itself with like-minded individuals and bounce off ideas. This zodiac sign is super tolerant, it actually enjoys the company of different people with valuable different points of view.
Even though Aquarius comes across as shy and remains quiet (it’s traditional ruler is Saturn, remember?), they are genuinely interested in other people. The Water Bearer is the sign of humanitarianism, organizations working for the greater good of society have a strong Aquarian atmosphere.
Justice, truth and freedom are all very important for Aquarius in astrology. As mentioned before, this sign doesn’t like to be emotionally involved, but this gives them the special gift of objectiveness. Aquarius is fascinated with the truth and they want the world to be fair. This sign believes in equality, it’s the most democratic sign of the Zodiac.
Aquarius feels a deep concern for humanity as a whole. They want to help and understand everyone, regardless of gender, color, nationality or any other parameter. The Water Bearer goes for the value, not for the packaging.
I know—Motto of the Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Brilliance and the genius are associated with Aquarius in astrology. Its planetary ruler, Uranus, which is the higher octave of Mercury (nervous system) governs the brain in the human body, so it’s no coincidence that those born under this sign are often super intelligent.
The unique gift of this sign is their visionary abilities. Uranus represents the future in astrology, so a prominent Uranus often tells us that the chart holder is in tune with what lies ahead. Inventions and science are all connected to Aquarius in astrology. Many people with Aquarius emphasized in their charts have revolutionary ideas and invent devices or techniques that make life easier for all of us.
To give you an idea, electricity is connected to Aquarius in astrology. Life has not been the same since we use electricity. It saves us time and effort, saves us from the darkness of the night and enables us to connect with others through the internet, which is also associated with Uranus and Mercury.
If these two planets are prominent in the natal chart, the person is talented in the field of computer science or electronics, and it might be a good choice to pursue a career where they can put this talent to use.
The Road Less Traveled or Aquarius in Astrology
One of the main traits of Aquarius is their originality and their appreciation for uniqueness. It is the odd-on-out in every setting, so don’t expect it to follow the best practices. They are unwilling to do so if the rules don’t make sense to an Aquarius.
Because of they progressive nature, Aquarius dislikes traditions because they feel that they restrict them. Those born under this sign are known as lovers of everything modern, many of them enjoy owning the latest gadgets, for example. They are always looking for new ways to do things and they strive to overwrite the conditioning of the society.
Even though you don’t agree with many aspects of the existing, it’s very important to keep your revolutionary energies under control. Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius governs sudden events and unexpected changes. Make sure that you have a better system before you destroy the old to prevent the world turning into chaos and anarchy.
Weaknesses of Aquarius
The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius, which means that it operates with difficulties here. This celestial body represents you ego and energy levels in the natal chart, and with a weak Sun, Aquarians need to be economical with energy.
As the polarity of Leo, which is a warm and welcoming sign, Aquarius sometimes appears cold—in addition to being a winter sign, the old ruler of this sign is Saturn, a planet with morose vibes. It’s no surprise that Aquarius can come across as aloof or standoffish.
Even though it’s one of the most open-minded and tolerant signs, don’t forget that Aquarius is a fixed sign in astrology. All fixed signs are stubborn in astrology, and Aquarius is no exception.
Aquarius in Love
As an air sign, Aquarius has a detached approach and needs plenty of space, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t want a relationship at all.
Those born under this sign want a partner who is an intellectual companion. Mental connection is inevitable here, the sign of friendship, Aquarius, needs more than just romance to commit. Because of they impersonal trait they are sometimes insensitive. Don’t expect Aquarius to read your mind, neither to be very romantic, if you are more into a passionate relationship, go for a Taurus, for example.
It isn’t visible on the surface, but Aquarius-borns are sensitive souls who desire safety in a relationship besides mental connection. Trust is very important to them. Honesty is also a must here.
Aquarius is all about freedom and independence. If they feel restricted, they won’t stay in the relationship for a long time. The right relationship for them is about finding freedom together, what is heaven on earth for them.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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