If you asked someone to name the most complex zodiac signs, one of the winners would be Cancer. This zodiac sign is very sensitive under it’s shell and it is hard to understand for the other signs. The ones who would get it would be the fellow water signs, but still, Cancer is very special.
Cancer means crab in Latin. If you think about it, crabs have squishy body, protected by a big and hard exoskeleton. This is in many ways similar to the personality of people with strong Cancer in their charts. They are hypersensitive and soft souls. To protect themselves, they must grow a shell to survive on this hostile planet. This helps them hide when necessary but it makes opening up difficult.
Cancer in the Zodiac
As a cardinal sign, Cancer marks the beginning of summer during the year. Cancer season takes off on June 21st (hello, summer solstice) and ends on the 22nd of July when royal Leo steps on the stage.
In astrology, each zodiac sign has a symbol. The symbol for Cancer is a particularly interesting one as opinions are divided here regarding its meaning. Some astrologers associate the glyph for Cancer with breasts. This is backed up by the fact that in the human body, Cancer rules the breasts and stomach. According to the other group of astrologers, the glyph resembles the crawls of a crab. Here is what the glyph looks like, so you can decide for yourself: ♋.
All zodiac signs are connected a planet that shares similar traits . For Cancer, this is the Moon in astrology. They are both mystical, sensitive and emotional.
Each sign is connected to a house with similar life areas in the chart wheel. In the natural chart, Cancer is associated with the fourth house of family and home. They are both about your private life, nurturing and (emotional) safety.
Cancer is an extremely feminine sign. The Moon describes your mother, you as a parent or in a male’s natal chart, the wife.

Element and Modality of Cancer in Astrology
It’s not a surprise that Cancer is one of the water signs in astrology (along with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – animals they got their names after can all live in water). (OK, Scorpio prefers dry land.)
An abundance of water signs in the natal chart give depth to a personality. This element is all about emotions. These signs are highly intuitive, deep and mysterious (any Scorpio will confirm this). These zodiac signs are very sensitive and it’s important to learn to protect their boundaries. Water signs are in tune with their higher self. They have an innate talent for psychology and they can read people like open books.
You can also classify the zodiac signs by quality or mode. There are three basic modes in astrology: a sign can be cardinal, fixed, or mutable.
Cancer is a cardinal sign like Aries, Libra and Capricorn. The most important trait of cardinal signs is that they are self-starters who enjoy new beginnings. They are restless and take action all the time.
When is Cancer Strong in Your Natal Chart
If your Sun or Moon is in Cancer or you are Cancer rising, you share the most qualities of this zodiac sign.
A person with Cancer Sun identifies with the traits of Cancer in a great amount. The Sun describes the core of your personality. If your Sun is conjunct your Moon, you probably have some Cancerian characteristics glued to your personality.
(By the way, the sign of the conjunction is very important in your natal chart. If your Sun and Moon are both in Aries, for example, you are a double Aries and your personality reflects the qualities of Aries very strongly.)
The same is true if you have your Sun in the fourth house in your natal chart. You will recognize some Cancer traits in yourself no matter which sign your Sun is actually in.
Let’s continue with the position of the Moon in your natal chart. The Moon rules Cancer. This makes it operate with ease here. With the Moon in Cancer, you find the description for Cancer accurate for the emotional side of your personality.
The third most important point of the natal chart is the ascendant. If you are a Cancer rising, you come across as a Cancer and can strongly identify with this sign. This is especially the case for the first part of your life.
Many (personal) planets, for example, Mercury, Venus or Mars in Cancer or in the fourth house hints that Cancer’s energies are present in your life above average.
Cancer, the Caregiver in Astrology
As we mentioned before, Cancer is associated with home and family in astrology. Cancer’s planetary ruler, the Moon is the symbol of the mother, wife or the nurturing female energy in general. This sign has a sixth sense and it is in touch with the needs of others.
Cancer is another name for empath. Those born under this sign can’t stand to see someone suffer. Many helping professions are ruled by Moon and Cancer where you need to take care of others. In astrology, the Crab is the nurturer of the Zodiac. This is true both on an abstract and a physical level -Cancers are famous for their cooking talent. If you want to have a tasty meal, ask your Cancer friend to take care of the food.

Cancer is the most domestic zodiac sign. Like the crab that is protected by its shell, Cancers need a safe space to help them recharge and let go of stress. This hypersensitive sign gets easily overwhelmed with all the stimuli out there.
Cancer people love to be at home. Their space serves as a protective bubble to them. Introverted, many of those born under the Crab prefer to work from home, close to their family. They have a strong parental instinct. Cancers take care not just of their own kids and family, but of others, as well. If there is a connection with the eleventh house or Aquarius in the natal chart, they might become foster parents or adopt children.
Cancers are famous for their more than excellent memory. They can remember even the tiniest details about past events. Gentle and caring, Cancer people are the ones who keep in mind all the birthdays and anniversaries. Their retentive abilities should be no surprise as Cancer and the Moon rule memory and the personal unconscious in astrology. With its watery energies, it’s easy for the Crab to tap into the bottomless repository of faded memories.
Unconditional Love
Being loved by a Cancer is a unique experience. As the famous internet quote goes: One day, someone is going to hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will fit back together. This is a short and accurate description of the Cancerian love.
Cancer is a very dependable zodiac sign. Warmhearted and compassionate, they are easy to love. If you are so lucky that a Cancer invites you to the circle of their loved ones, you have very good chances to be taken care for life. Crabs are extremely loyal to the ones they love. You have to do some really bad thing for a Cancer to abandon you.
Besides their own physical home, Cancers are fond of their community and country in general. This sign is usually patriotic and it is not afraid to stand up for their loved ones, if necessary. Even though soft and sensitive at first sight, Cancers are very protective and they are not the ones to mess with.
In Astrology, the Crab Comes With an Inner Compass
Cancer is very sensitive and this gifts them with an extraordinary talent for reading people. Their refined senses register clues others simply pass over. Besides their powerful perception, Cancer is in touch with their unconscious. This results in a crazy intuition, beyond the depth of rest of the Zodiac.
Those born under Cancer should always, but always listen to their inner voice. If it says that something is wrong, it is wrong, period. Sooner or later this irrational feeling will prove right. If you are a Cancer, please, trust your instincts.
Being a water sign, the emotions of a Cancer run very deep. This sometimes makes them grow a shell around themselves to protect their extremely rich and complex inner world. Most Cancers focus on their immediate surroundings and make it a pleasant and supporting nest.
Shadow Side of Cancer in Astrology
Cancers have very, very deep emotions, emotions so deep non-water signs can’t even imagine. This also means that they pain hits them harder than other signs. Things the rest of the Zodiac doesn’t even notice hurt the Cancer’s soul. If they let you in, you can do great damage, so be careful with hurting their feelings. Try to avoid being blunt with them.
If you do so they will be in pain and won’t even want to talk to you for some time. They are super sensitive and often touchy. They can be so sorry for themselves that they become totally self-absorbed and forget about the rest of the world.
Cancer’s good memory can sometimes be a disadvantage. People born under this sign are prone to self-pity. They dwell on grievance for a long time. When others have already forgot happened, Cancers are still heartbroken. The fact that they are so drawn to the past just makes moving on harder here.
Have you heard the word crabby thrown around? Cancers tend to be moody. Ruled by the Moon, no wonder that this sign is sensitive to the changes around them. Water signs are based on emotion, and emotions are irrational. Signs who are by nature more rational have trouble understanding them.
A True Enigma
Direct communication is a great challenge for this sign. They tend to be manipulative if things don’t turn out as they wanted. Cancers love to give (one of the most generous signs) and take care of others, but they need to be taken care of, too. The problem is, not everybody comes with an antenna to receive the subtle signals you send when you need something.
For Cancers (and water signs in general) it’s crucial to learn how to communicate their wants and needs in a straightforward way and set their boundaries. They don’t like to share their deepest feelings (all water signs are somewhat mystical and secretive, not just Scorpio), but keep in mind that few people can read minds.
The truth is, the world around you more often wants to help you than not (unless you are in a seriously toxic environment), but they need your clear instructions on how to do it.
If you are a Cancer, please learn how to set up your boundaries properly so that others can respect your sensitivity and you won’t have to use any manipulation. Direct communication strengthens relationships and helps to put an end to playing harmful games.
If you are blessed enough to have a Cancer in your life, be very grateful for them and make sure to appreciate their love.
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