If you are into astrology, you have probably heard the terms afflicted planet, strong planet, emphasized planet thrown around. You also know that the chart is complex and everything should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis because cookbook interpretations only go so far.
In addition to their general meaning, planets can gain different additional layers of meaning in different charts. But how to find out if there are any afflicted planets in your natal chart? Or which planets are the most emphasized in your horoscope?
Afflicted Planets Meaning in Astrology
Affliction means that the planet is weakened, held back from functioning at its best. Afflicted planets in astrology are in a poor condition. In general, there are two ways a planet can be afflicted:
- if it receives negative aspects from malefics
- if it is weakened in the zodiac sign where it is placed.
- some astrologers also consider retrograde planets to be afflicted planets
Afflicted planets tend to struggle to express their energy positively (however, having an afflicted planet doesn’t mean that you are can’t be successful related to the matters of the planet in question! It might take a bit more effort for you than for others, but you are not ‘doomed’ by any means). The planet is somewhat restricted, but not powerless.
Let’s take Mars in different signs, for example, in Cancer or in Capricorn. Mars is in fall in Cancer (weakened) and exalted in Capricorn (strengthened). Mars is the planet of action, energy and willpower in astrology. It shows how you pursue your goals. In Capricorn, Mars can express itself in an organized, structured way. Sometimes, you might not feel like working but Mars in Capricorn still does the tasks planned for that day.
In Cancer, where it is in fall, Mars is an emotionally charged placement. It suggests that your actions are heavily influenced by your mood. In some situations, intuitive action (Mars in Cancer) is better than structured action (Mars in Capricorn), but in general, self-discipline and following a plan gets you further than relying on your mood and working towards what you want only when you feel like it. Can you still achieve your goals if you only follow your emotions and rely on your mood that day for motivation? I’d say it’s possible. But achieving what you want is more stress-free and you have a higher chance of success if you make a good plan and keep yourself accountable, following the deadlines for the tasks and working hard.

The second way a planet becomes afflicted if it receives a difficult aspect, a square or opposition from a malefic planet (Mars or Saturn) or if it is conjunct them. Some astrologers consider planets receiving negative aspects from the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to be afflicted planets in astrology as well.
Negative aspects and afflicted planets in astrology don’t necessarily mean that you won’t experience the blessings of the planet in question. These aspects can be interpreted as limiting beliefs rather than outer experiences, something that you have control over, especially if you become aware of them.
If you have a negatively aspected planet in a sign where it’s strong, or vice versa, a positively aspected planet in a sign where it’s debilitated, the effects of the affliction are mitigated. In other words, there are still some challenges, but the planet is better equipped to handle them. At the end of the day, human beings are complex with some inner contradictions, and this is reflected in the natal chart as well.
Emphasized Planets Meaning
You may also often hear that a planet (or zodiac sign) is emphasized in a natal chart. In such case, the planet is prominent and its energy heavily colors the birth chart. This concept is similar to the concept of dominant planets.
Read more: Dominant Planets in Astrology
A planet is emphasized if:
- it is on the angles (the ascendant, the Midheaven, the descendant or the IC—in this order)
- in a zodiac sign it rules or where it is exalted
- in an angular house—the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses (as a rule of thumb, planets are the weakest in cadent houses (the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th), but there are exceptions)
- if it forms several aspects in the natal chart
- It is the planet located the highest in the chart, the closest to the MC
- if it is the dispositor of several planets
- if it is your chart ruler
Even if an emphasized planet happens to be in a sign where it is weaker, these things usually improve its condition in the birth chart, so it can function better, more easily.
Depending on the shape of the birth chart, some planets might gain additional importance, for example, the planet that serves as the handle in a bucket-shaped chart.
If you have a stellium which is a cluster of three or more planets in the same zodiac sign, that zodiac sign becomes emphasized as well. If there are planets in the signs on the angles, the ascendant and the MC in particular, that zodiac sign becomes important in your chart, too.

Many astrologers prefer making a table for determining the strength of the planets in the birth chart. Using this method, you give points based on the planet’s dignity in the zodiac sign where it’s placed, the strength in its house, how many aspects does it have, etc. You add up the points and the planet with the most points is the most emphasized planet in the natal chart.
Emphasized planets are important both when it comes to someone’s personality and self-expression and to general life themes. You exhibit the energy of this planet very strongly (it can show both its positive and negative side, depending on how evolved the chart owner is). These planets also become more important in predictive astrology: you should pay special attention to transits and progressions involving the planet in question.
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