Capricorn is a strange zodiac sign for sure. The Sea Goat is sometimes accused of being cold and soulless―while others admire them for their persistence and willingness to work hard. If you were born between December 22 and January 20, your Sun sign is Capricorn.
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. It’s ruling planet is Saturn, one of the most infamous planets in astrology! Saturn is associated with structure, time, and winter―no wonder why Capricorns come across as rigid to the more fiery signs.
But are they really monomaniac control freaks or is there a soft side to Capricorns?
No matter if you hold dear to a Capricorn in your life or just want to learn more about this zodiac sign in astrology, here are ten Capricorn facts that will help you understand them better!
Fact 1: Capricorns Often Feel Misunderstood
Yes. It’s true. This lovely zodiac sign is seen as determined, ambitious, practical. However, this is just the surface. Even through Capricorns proudly own these traits, they also have a deep need to be loved and taken care of. On most days, they can do it for themselves, but sometimes they would love it if someone else would make them food or just simply cuddle them. This depends on the love language of the Capricorn in queston.
Fact 2: Capricorns Are Incredibly Loyal
In astrology, Capricorn is a synonym for time and dedication. Those born under this sign reflect this. If a Capricorn dedicates themselves to a cause, they will stick to it. And if this cause is dating you, they will stick to it in this case, too. Capricorn is the sign of eternity in astrology.
Fact 3: Self-Control Is Their Superpower
Capricorns have desires and wishes like all of us. When they have been sitting for hours in front of their desk working, they want to go and check their social media, eat a chocolate soufflé or just go to Bali and never come back.
However, Capricorns are aware of the uselessness of wishing and how useful planning, on the other hand. And they possess the self-control necessary to actually execute on these plans!
Fact 4: If You Need to Optimize Your Life (or Your Business), Call Your Capricorn Friend
Capricorns are incredibly economical. This might be because their ruling planet, Saturn is associated with limitations and scarcity, so they instinctively know how to be frugal. One of the most well-known Capricorn facts is that this zodiac sign hates to waste time, money, energy, or anything else.
If you think that you have to use use too much resources to get something done, a Capricorn will happily help you.
Fact 5: Capricorns Like Solitude
Most people think that Capricorns are extroverts. They are often well-known in their community and work with the public, but this doesn’t mean that they want to be around people all the time.
Actually, most Capricorns like to have their own space where they can retreat from the world. Most Capricorns are introverts. They need a lot of time alone to make plans, think about what to do next and analyze the situation from every angle.
Fact 6: Capricorns Have an Insatiable Desire for Success
Everyone knows that Capricorns are ambitious. This is a sign that sets super high goals.
In the natal chart, the house traditionally associated with Capricorn is the tenth house of career and public reputation. Capricorns have high aspirations and they are incredibly motivated to get to the top (and they work hard for it). No wonder they usually become pretty successful!
Fact 7: They Are Reserved
Even though they often wish they would come across as a more friendly and warm person. The ruling planet of Capricorn, Saturn governs winter, frost, and ice in astrology. It’s no wonder that Capricorns are somewhat rigid and reserved on the surface, right?
Capricorns like to keep it professional. They are aware of it that it’s a wise decision to separate your private life and your work.
Fact 8: You Can Take the Word of a Capricorn For It
Capricorn is one of the most reliable zodiac signs in astrology, if not the MOST reliable. If they promise you to do something, it will be done.
Fact 9: Capricorn Knows That It Takes Time
Did you know that Saturn rules time in astrology? Capricorns know.
You can’t build up permanent success in a short amount of time. In some cases, you can get to the top quickly, but staying there is another matter.
Capricorns are aware of it that real success takes time and it comes as a reward for persistence and hard work.
Fact 10: Capricorns Have to See to Believe
Capricorn is an earth sign by element. Earth signs are the most realistic in the Zodiac, they have a practical approach to everything! A Capricorn finds ideas cute, but they want to see results, not dreams and wishes.

If you liked this article, make sure to share it with your Capricorn friends or friends who have a Capricorn in their lives!
all 10 facts are 100% me 😍 it
Yes your article was very accurate and especially #5 as I just realized I am an introvert at heart with needing alone time to make plans and reflect but in business I could be very outgoing and confident. I loved working but am now retired and taking life easier and doing volunteer work with animals. 🐏