The Midheaven is one of the most important features of the birth chart. It is highly personal, just like the ascendant. By studying your Midheaven, you can find out which career would suit you the best, according to astrology.
There are some people who know what they want to be when they grow up at the age of five, but the majority of us struggle with finding the perfect career. The angles of the birth chart all deal with important questions: identity, family, marriage, career. Finding the perfect career can take a lot of time. In astrology, this is what the Midheaven can help you with. As the cusp of the tenth house―the house of career and professional life―in many house systems, the Midheaven has a lot to do with your occupation.
In this article, you can learn about the ruler of the Midheaven through the houses of the birth chart.
The house where the ruling planet of the Midheaven is located is of special importance. Your career is likely to be intertwined with the matters of this astrological house.
Keep reading to learn more about the ruler of the Midheaven in houses!
How To Find the Ruler of the MC in the Birth Chart?
In order to find the ruling planet of your Midheaven
Here’s a list of which planet rules which sign in astrology:
- Aries: the ruling planet is Mars
- Taurus: the ruling planet is Venus
- Gemini: the ruling planet is Mercury
- Cancer: the ruling planet is the Moon
- Leo: the ruling planet is the Sun
- Virgo: the ruling planet is Mercury
- Libra: the ruling planet is Venus
- Scorpio: the ruling planet is Pluto (previously ruled by Mars)
- Sagittarius: the ruling planet is Jupiter
- Capricorn: the ruling planet is Saturn
- Aquarius: the ruling planet is Uranus (previously ruled by Saturn)
- Pisces: the ruling planet is Neptune (previously ruled by Jupiter)
Now that you know which planet to look for in your natal chart, it’s time to find out what it’s house placement reveals about your professional life and reputation!
Read this: How to Find Your Career Based on Your Natal Chart
Ruler of the Midheaven Through the Houses
The house where the ruler of the Midheaven is placed represents a life area affected by your career. Your career serves the matters of this house in your life.

Ruler of the Midheaven in 1st House
If you have the planetary ruler of the Midheaven in 1st house, you will be known out there for who you are. The ruler of the MC in the first house might indicate a career where your personality is very important. You are more of a leader than a follower. Being professional is a part of who you are and how others see you. The ruler of the MC in 1st house suggests that your professional life is very important for you.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 2nd House
The ruler of the Midheaven in the second house suggests that your career serves the matter of finances. People with this placement often make the most money through their profession. The ruler of the Midheaven in 2nd house suggests that financial stability is one of the most important things to you. Your career contributes to your self-esteem, and you take pride in your work. It makes you feel grounded and secure. The ruler of Midheaven in 2nd house can indicate a career related to finances, food, wine, fashion, or other things in the symbolics of Taurus, if the chart as a whole supports it.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 3rdHouse
With this placement, connecting with others is essential in your professional life. You have a strong desire to express your thoughts. The ruler of the Midheaven in 3rd house suggests a career where you have to communicate a lot or one that includes a lot of writing. Some people with this natal placement work as teachers or their career is tied to their immediate surroundings. It can happen that you make connections because of your career and it requires you to chat with a lot of people. A career related to transportation is also possible with the ruler of Midheaven in the third house.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 4th House
What happens with the ruler of the Midheaven in 4th house? This placement suggests work related to home, or working from home. Some people with this placement stay at home in order to take care of their family. The ruler of Midheaven in 4th house can also manifest as a career related to land or real estate. Some people with this placement find their calling in exploring the past. You might be patriotic and choose a career that allows you to serve your country. Some people with the ruler of the Midheaven in 4th house people gain a reputation for taking care of others.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 5th House
The ruler of the Midheaven in 5th house suggests a career when your creativity can come to expression. Some people with the ruler of Midheaven in 5th house make a career out of a hobby. People with this placement want a job that allows them to have fun. You might find yourself in a field related to art, something related to being in the center of attention. Some people with this placement are interested in acting or the theater. The ruling planet of the MC in 5th house can also indicate work with children. Alternatively, you might be known as someone who enjoys gambling, flirting and has a lot of love affairs.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 6th House
The ruler of the Midheaven in 6th house makes it important for you to have a job. What you make for a living aligns with your profession and your career. Your job and profession are intertwined. The ruler of the Midheaven in 6th house suggests that you want a career that includes a lot of routine and requires you to pay attention to the details. You are very organized and take your work seriously. This placement suggests excellent work ethics. The ruler of MC in 6th house can also indicate work in a field where you serve others or in healthcare. Service is very important to you with the ruler of the MC in 6th house.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 7th House
What happens when the ruler of the Midheaven is placed in the 7th house? This placement suggests a career that involves one-on-one interaction, such as counseling, or you can also work in a field that is in some way related to the public. You are great at settling a conflict and you have a talent for negotiation. As the seventh house is the natural house of Libra, the ruler of the Midheaven in the 7th house can suggest work related to the court or the law. Getting married might influence your career, or your career your marriage.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 8th House
The ruler of the Midheaven in the 8th house suggests a career that involves dealing with secret matters, hidden from the public. You often dislike publicity. Some people with this placement work in banking or in finance. The ruler of Midheaven in 8th house can be a great placement for researchers, investigators, professions dealing with death and transformation. Your career allows you to investigate and dig deep. Your partner might support your career advancement.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 9th House
The ruler of Midheaven in 9th house suggests that you are known as wise and a citizen of the world. Your career helps you become wiser. With the ruler of MC in 9th house, your career is likely to be something that makes you broaden your horizon all the time. Sometimes people look to you as a thought leader. Some people end up in careers that require a lot of travel or moving abroad, or they work with foreign cultures. The ruler of the Midheaven in 9th house can also indicate a career that involves teaching. Publishing, higher education, law, spirituality, religion also belong to this house.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 10th House
The ruler of the Midheaven in 10th house indicates a very ambitious person. Your career is important to you, beyond making a living. You work on building your career for the sake of building a career. People with this placement are often well-known in their communities. Working in the public eye is also possible with the ruler of MC in 10th house. You are inclined towards leadership. With this placement, it is important to pay attention to maintaining and excellent reputation.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 11th House
The ruler of the Midheaven in 11th house suggests work with a lot of people. Networking is an important part of your career. With the ruler of MC in 11th house, you want to make a change in society. Some people with this placement work in science, technology, engineering, computer science. It can also indicate that you find your calling through friends. The ruler of MC in 11th house can also indicate that you are known for your humanitarian efforts.
Ruler of the Midheaven in 12th House
The ruler of the Midheaven in 12th house suggests work behind the scenes. You could do well in a career where you spend a lot of time in solitude, hidden from the world. Work can be a way to escape. Many people with the ruler of the Midheaven in 12th house feel drawn to helping professions. Work in an institution, such as a hospital or prison is also possible with the ruler of the MC in 12th house. Some people with the ruling planet of the MC in 12th house are focused on contribution rather than on worldly success. You want to be of service to others. Often, you avoid exposure in the world.
The Midheaven in the Birth Chart
The Midheaven is one of the angles of the natal chart. This point in the chart corresponds to the point of the sky that was at the highest at the time of your birth, as seen from the place where you were born. It is often abbreviated as MC, short for Medium Coeli. Medium Coeli is latin for the middle of the sky.
The Midheaven is associated with the image you strive towards. It takes a lot of time to develop. In the beginning, most people identify the most with their ascendant, and they grow towards the Sun around the age of 30. The Midheaven is the last stage in this process of evolution. The Midheaven shows what you accomplish in life, and what you are remembered for. To understand the Midheaven better, it is the best to see how it works together with your ascendant.
As the cusp of the tenth house, the Midheaven has a lot to do with your career and public reputation. When analyzing the Midheaven, you have to look to the sign where it is located. This sign shows what qualities are you likely to develop later in life. The next step of the analysis is finding the ruling planet of this sign. In which sign is it located, and in which house? These are both important when it comes to the MC. It is also important to pay attention to the aspects this planet forms with the rest of the chart. Planets in the tenth house, if any, add even more detail.
Besides your career, the tenth house is also a parental house in the natal chart. The IC-MC axis represents your parents. Opinions are mixed on which house represents which parent.
Rulership in Astrology
Rulership is one of the most important concepts in astrology. By looking to the position of the planetary rulers, the pieces come together, and the story of the birth chart comes into life. This reveals how the houses interact with each other, and which life areas are particularly intertwined in your life.
For example, if the ruler of your seventh house is placed in the second house in your birth chart, the matters of the seventh house serve the matters of the second house. This can manifest as making money through partnerships, marrying into money, or financial stability after marriage.
Rulership is essential in order to read the chart as a whole. It helps you discover a new level of astrological insight.
In order to find the ruler of a house in your birth chart, you have to look to the sign on the cusp of the house in question. Next, you need to find where the ruling planet of this zodiac sign is located. It is important to analyze its position by sign and house, and the aspects it forms to the rest of your natal chart.
The ruling planets of the angular houses, such as the ruler of the ascendant (also called the chart ruler in astrology) or the ruler of the MC are particularly important.
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