Chiron is a relatively new object in astrology: discovered only in 1977, it’s still being studied by astrologers. Its main themes are dark and heartbreaking: wounding, trauma, life-long pain, experiences that cut the deepest. Chiron is not an easy topic. On the bright side, it is also associated with qualities like wisdom and healing.
In the birth chart, this asteroid describes your deepest wound. Its sign, house and aspects all tell different parts of the story of your wounding. This post focuses on a lesser-talked-about, yet extremely insightful aspect of your Chiron placement: how it interacts with the rest of the chart through rulership. It brings the pieces of the chart together and adds a new layer of interpretation. If your Chiron is conjunct another planet in your birth chart, you can learn so many things about your Chiron with the help of this planet.
Planetary rulership is a central concept in astrology. Chiron doesn’t rule any sign in the zodiac. (although some astrologers believe Chiron could be assigned as the ruler of Virgo). However, Chiron conjunct another planet in the birth chart suggests that the life areas linked to this planet take part in your Chironic story. This post helps you look at your Chiron from a new perspective. If you have any planet conjunct this asteroid, the house this planet rules can reveal additional precious information about how to work with the pain and how to overcome it.
Finding Which House the Planet Conjunct Your Chiron Rules
If you are already familiar with how rulership works, feel free to skip this part!
If you are not sure how to find which house your planet rules, here’s how you do it. First, you’ll need to know which zodiac sign the planet rules. Depending on the planet, it may be one or two signs in question. Mercury and Venus rule two signs. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars also rule two zodiac signs in traditional astrology. Although in modern astrology they are replaced by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as the rulers of Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio (respectively), it’s still a good idea to look up both signs for them.
Here’s which planet rules which sign:
- The Sun rules Leo
- The Moon rules Cancer
- Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo
- Venus rules Taurus and Libra
- Mars rules Aries and Scorpio (traditional ruler)
- Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces
- Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius (in traditional astrology)
- Uranus rules Aquarius
- Neptune rules Pisces
- Pluto rules Scorpio
Next, you need to find which houses start in the zodiac sign(s) the planet conjunct Chiron in your chart rules. Read the interpretation for the house in question below:
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 1st House
The ruler of the first house is one of the most important planets in the birth chart. This placement suggests that the matters of identity and self-acceptance are a painful topic for you. Often, Chiron conjunct the ruler of the first house indicates that you are not satisfied with your physical appearance and your body. Low self-confidence is also common. It can sometimes indicate wounding related to the body or health issues. Chiron here can also manifest as self-sabotage.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 2nd House
This configuration indicates severe self-esteem issues. You don’t have faith in your abilities and you may seek your worth primarily in fleeting things like what you own instead of who you really are as a person. Chiron conjunct the ruler of the second hose may indicate trauma related to losses and a fear of never having enough. Feeling safe and secure is usually not easy with Chiron conjunct the ruler of the 2nd house. Sometimes this conjunction signals that you don’t take good care of your health.

Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 3rd House
Chiron with the ruler of the 3rd house suggests a difficulty in communication and insecurity about connecting with others. Often very smart, you may withdraw and keep silent more than you should. You are serious and reserved. At the same time, this placement suggests that you are introspective and have a strong mind. This placement can indicate not fitting in your immediate environment, feeling like a stranger or an outsider.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 4th House
Chiron conjunct the ruler of the 4th house implies that in childhood, you didn’t get the nurturing you needed. Pain related to your family is very common. The lack of caregiving in childhood colored your perspective of what security means. You may avoid emotional closeness in order to avoid being hurt again. This placement can indicate trust issues or transgenerational trauma. Chiron here often indicates an overachiever.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 5th House
This conjunction indicates blockages in self-expression. You struggle with getting attention for your accomplishments. Sometimes it can indicate wounding related to children. Your love life may have been a life area that caused you pain.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 6th House
Chiron conjunct the ruler of the 6th house implies wounding related to feelings of inferiority, lack of autonomy, discipline. It may be hard for you to get recognition for your work. This conjunction can also indicate health issues.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 7th House
Chiron linked to the 7th house suggests that relationships were not easy for you. You may have been with partners who don’t treat you as an equal or who turn into enemies after some time. Sometimes Chiron here suggests that relationships are delayed in your life. It can also indicate wounding related to publicity or the law.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 8th House
This placement signifies that your wounding is related to the loss of control and power. Generally, loss is a central topic here. Chiron conjunct the ruler of the 8th house may indicate sexual trauma. The healing process includes a deep transformation process. You may accelerate the healing process for other people as well.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 9th House
If you have this conjunction, religion, philosophy, ideologies are all topics that could have contributed to your wounding. At some point in your life, you probably struggle with finding your life purpose. Higher education can also be something you remember as traumatizing. Sometimes the wounding is related to foreign countries or cultures. It’s common to lose faith in life with this placement, feeling that the universe betrayed you at some point. Over time, you distill great wisdom from your experiences.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 10th House
If your Chiron is conjunct the ruler of your 10th house, career and your public image may be a sore point in your heart. Perhaps you faced significant blockages in this life area or you couldn’t realize your dreams because of other reasons. This conjunction suggests that you are insecure about what you can accomplish in the world. Chiron with the 10th house ruler can also indicate issues related to one of the parents.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the11th House
Chiron conjunct the ruler of the 11th house indicates that making friends and fitting in was not easy for you. This is very much of a loner placement. You were probably never fully at ease in groups and in a social setting. Sometimes people with this placement were bullied in childhood.
Chiron Conjunct the Ruler of the 12th House
This placement suggests that subconscious issues are involved. You repress your pain and try to hide it from yourself. Chiron conjunct the ruler of the 12th house can also indicate wounding related to substance abuse, addiction, other forms of escapism. Isolation and losses may wound you. You may find solace in spirituality. It’s common for people with this conjunction to feel as an outsider in the world.
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