Chiron conjunct Venus is an interesting placement in both a synastry and in a natal chart, but it’s not an easy one. Venus here (and how you love) becomes altered by the deep wound of Chiron. Chiron aspects to personal planets indicate pain related to the matters ruled by the planet in question.
Chiron conjunct Venus suggests wounding through love, and later healing through love, too.
The inner planets move very fast, and their aspects are particularly important in both a birth chart and a synastry chart.
If Venus is weak in your natal chart, it indicates that you don’t feel worthy of love, and there is a deep fear of being rejected.
Chiron conjunct Venus (and all Chiron-Venus aspects―opposition, square, trine, sextile) suggest great pain related to your self-worth and ability to give and receive love. This can manifest in many different ways in your life, as you will see it later.
In a synastry chart, Venus conjunct Chiron is a strong indicator of a romantic relationship. Venus is the planet of attraction in astrology. When it comes into contact with the planets of the other person, there is a sometimes irrational liking between the two people.
Chiron Conjunct Venus Synastry
What happens if there is a Chiron conjunct Venus in synastry?
In a synastry chart, you can see how two people operate together. It shows the highest probability of the outcome of a relationship. You can see how the relationship is likely to evolve if they don’t choose to consciously work on overcoming the challenging things.
Chiron conjunct Venus synastry indicates that you were meant to be in each other’s life for some time. There were lessons you had to teach each other and help each other evolve. You feel happy in each other’s company, and together, you see the world as a more joyful place.
There are two possible ways the relationship can influence you. Here, the Venus person enhances the feelings of the Chiron person about their wound.
- If the Chiron person is in the process of healing themselves, the Venus person helps them on their journey.
- If the Chiron person is not in the phase of healing yet, the Venus person usually triggers their wound and makes them more aware of the pain (it oges without saying that this is not pleasant).
If you make the most out of this aspect, you can open up to each other in this relationship and the Venus person can heal the Chiron person. Or to be more precise, help them heal themselves.
From time to time, irrational behavior patterns come to the surface, usually caused by the woundings in the past.
The relationship serves as a way to become aware of beliefs that cause you pain and work through them.
The Chiron person should watch out for giving too much. There is a tendency of self-sacrifice from their side, what makes the Chiron person feel bad and overwhelmed. Setting healthy emotional boundaries is very important in the relationship. You cannot give if you yourself don’t have enough.

Chiron Conjunct Venus Natal
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
― Rumi
Chiron conjunct Venus natal is not an easy aspect. Venus-Chiron aspects in the birth chart suggest that you feel that you are not worthy of love. It is often accompanied by a low self-esteem.
With this placement, your feminine side is wounded (no matter what’s your gender, you can also think of this polarity as your receptive side).
Still, if Chiron is in aspect with other planets it’s better than if it is unaspected. Even bad aspects are better, because this way, the energy can flow and there is a chance of making something good out of it.

It often feels like there was a barrier between you and other people, as the quote above states it. The flow of energy between you and the world is broken.
You often feel that you are not worthy of being accepted and appreciated, and you tend to question if you are likable at all. Venus conjunct Chiron people are very sensitive to how others react to them: feeling disliked or feeling that there is imbalance in a relationship overwhelms you.
Self-sacrifice is often present in the life of a person with their Chiron conjunct Venus. Often, there is a fear of abandonment and being rejected. These feelings are usually connected to childhood memories, and you learned that the only way to keep your partner with you is by giving up on your own desires if they don’t align with your partner’s wants.
In a relationship, people with a Chiron conjunct Venus natal aspect often feel like they have to make the other person happy, no matter what. With this aspect, you often do so even at the expense of your own happiness.
You are understanding and generous towards others, but you are often harsh on yourself.
When you sense disharmony in your relationship, you easily become overwhelmed. Your Chiron conjunct Venus suggests that you often beat yourself up, you feel that it was your fault that something is wrong. The lack of peace makes you feel stressed, and you are willing to do everything just to keep things peaceful.
Chiron conjunct Venus suggests a low self-esteem. There is a feeling of worthlessness. This aspect indicates that you don’t believe in yourself that you are worthy of having the things you want.
Venus is all about effortlessness and ease. It’s about being as charming as this cat in the picture. It doesn’t have to try hard to be liked: people will adore it just because of how beautiful it is.
Often, the side of you that can get what it wants just by being charming is damaged.
You feel that you have to work hard to prove that you are worthy of existence―while in reality, it is your birthright to exist and be loved and accepted for who you are. This aspect is similar to a journey to learning that you are enough, just the way you are.
Because of this feeling of worthlessness, you have a hard time receiving from others.
Besides love, Chiron conjunct Venus people often cannot accept money either. In astrology, finances are connected with Taurus and the second house, ruled by Venus. With your Chiron conjunct Venus, you often struggle to charge what you are worth.
In other cases, you try to buy love with money. But in the long run, this is not a viable strategy.
Venus Conjunct Chiron and Painful Lessons
People with a Venus conjunct Chiron natal aspect experience love as something painful. Relationships are often a source of suffering in your life. You experience rejection through them again and again, what tears up old wounds.
However, it’s important to tell love and pain apart. Real love is not supposed to be painful. It’s the feelings of jealousy, fear of abandonment, unrealistic expectations, or just simply expectations that hurt, not real love.
For Chiron conjunct Venus people it’s important to develop healthy relationship habits, such as learning how to set boundaries, and recognizing when a relationship becomes abusive or toxic. Pure love is never painful. When you feel hurt, it’s because of something else.
There is a tendency with Chiron-Venus natal aspects to choose a partner who can’t love you in the way you need it. This is a somewhat masochistic placement. Reflecting on what you expect from a relationship and from your partner can help you find the reason why you are attracted often to the wrong people.
If you learn how to maintain emotional boundaries and understand why you choose a partner who makes you feel rejected or abandoned, Chiron conjunct Venus can become the source of healing and wisdom in your life.
Venus is the planet of art and beauty in astrology. You can benefit a lot from creative endeavors with this aspect: it’s a way to let go of pain and nourish your soul. Tapping into your creativity can help you release the pain. People with their Chiron conjunct Venus are more sensitive to art and the beauty around them. They are able to see beauty even when no one else sees it.
With Chiron conjunct Venus, sometimes there is a tendency to try to overcome the pain by achieving outer beauty. You are self-conscious about your physical appearance, and you think that you are not beautiful enough.
Some people with this aspect overcompensate by wanting to be seen as beautiful, and they become obsessed with their physical appearance. This aspect teaches us that beauty is about something more than just looking good, it comes from your soul.
In other cases, your attractive physical appearance contributes to your pain.
Chiron Conjunct Venus in the Birth Chart
As always, when analyzing an aspect, you have to look at the chart as a whole.
It’s important in which zodiac sign the Chiron-Venus conjunction takes place.
A Chiron conjunct Venus in Virgo will not be the same as in Aries or as in Scorpio. In Aries, you can expect it to manifest in a more passionate, fiery way, while in Scorpio, it is more intense and mysterious.
The house where the conjunction takes place is also important. If you have Chiron conjunct Venus in the seventh house, it will manifest in a different way than if you have this aspect in the twelfth house.
In the first case, you experience pain because of relationships in your committed relationships or marriage, while in the second case, there are some secrets involved, and the person you love is often unavailable.
An example of Chiron conjunct Venus in the natal chart is the chart of Simone de Beauvoir in Aquarius. In the natal chart of Kurt Cobain, Venus is also conjunct Chiron, but in Pisces. (On the site of the astro data bank, the Placidus house system doesn’t display Chiron by default, but the whole signs system does.)
Chiron Conjunct Venus Transit
Venus transiting your natal Chiron lasts for a short time only, as Venus moves very quickly.
Chiron transit natal Venus is a long-lasting transit.
During this time, the old wounds often start to hurt again. You often remember the painful relationships from the past, and think about how things could had been different.
There is an increased awareness of issues related to receiving. You start to crave love more, and this transit can shed light on where you have work to do in the healing process.
Chiron conjunct Venus transit is a great time to let go of the pain of the past.
During a Chiron conjunct Venus transit, you become more sensitive to the suffering of others.
Venus in Astrology
Venus is one of the visible planets, used in astrology since the early days. It’s a quick-moving planet, one of the personal planets in the birth chart.
Named after the Roman goddess of beauty, Venus is the planet of everything that makes life more enjoyable. Venus rules romance, harmony, art, flowers, fruits, fragrances. It rules everything that you enjoy. In the natal chart, Venus shows what you like and how you like it.
Venus has a more materialistic meaning, too. This planet is also about enjoying the physical world, and it’s not connected with the zodiac sign Taurus and the second house by accident. If you have your Venus in a good condition in your birth chart, you are able to find joy in life, and in return, joy finds you, too.
Venus is associated with money and possessions, too. If Venus is weak in your chart, you often feel that you are not worthy of living comfortably, and you often struggle with making ends meet.
Through the zodiac sign Libra, the other sign Venus rules in astrology, Venus is connected with unions of all kinds, partnerships, harmonious relationships. A strong Venus makes you graceful and charming. You have great social skills, and it people are drawn to you.
Venus is a very important planet in the natal chart. It also gives luck and an easy flow of energy. Where you find Venus in the birth chart, you can usually expect to achieve your goals more easily.
Venus is in accidental dignity in the second and in the seventh house.
If you want to read more about Venus, read this article about the meaning of Venus in astrology.
Chiron in Astrology
Chiron is not a planet, it’s a comet discovered only recently, in 1977. It was named after a centaur in Greek mythology, Chiron. The story of Chiron is a very interesting but a very painful one. This asteroid is also called the Wounded Healer in astrology.
In the birth chart, Chiron shows your deepest wound. This asteroid is associated with trauma and pain. Where you see it in the chart suggests where you were hurt, but also how you can overcome your pain and later help others to do the same.
Besides pain, there is the pain of injustice, too, what is perhaps even harder to cope with. Often, you didn’t do anything wrong: you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
People with a strong Chiron in their charts can help others heal their wound.
If you are curious about the meaning of Chiron in signs and houses, you can find more information about this topic in this article about Chiron.
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