Chiron in 8th house in the natal chart is said to be one of the most difficult Chiron positions. At the same time, it takes you on a journey through which you emerge more powerful in the end. This placement in the birth chart suggests that your wound runs extremely deep. The Wounded Healer is in the house of deep transformation and regeneration here. It is a very intense placement.
The 8th house is the house of extremes: it governs losses, grief, complete powerlessness, traumas. At the same time, it is also a place for complete renewal, rebirth, deep transformation. The process of rising up again stronger than before is preceded by having all dysfunctional parts stripped away.
In the birth chart, Chiron represents your deepest wound. The wound can’t be healed completely, it’s a part of who you are. However, it also serves as a source of wisdom once you work through the pain. Chiron in 8th house is somewhat similar to Chiron-Pluto aspects and Chiron in Scorpio.
The zodiac sign of your Chiron shows which qualities can help you heal yourself.
Chiron in 8th House in the Natal Chart
This Chiron placement invites you on a journey to explore the deepest levels of your psyche. At some point, you often find yourself in a position where you encounter losses that shake your world from its core. It makes you question everything about yourself and the world.
Chiron here asks you to reflect on your wounds and bring them into the light. Suppressing your emotions is very common with this placement, especially at a young age. They tend to be very intense, you experience very low lows and very high highs. Since the 8th house is a hidden house, Chiron here can stay in the shadow but still manifest through blockages in your life. Chiron in 8th house wounds heal through deep cleansing. It’s really important to heal your traumas if you have this placement, with professional help if necessary.
The 8th house is very multi-faceted, and Chiron in 8th house can manifest in a variety of ways as well. For example, betrayal at some point in your life is a very common experience. In the birth chart, Chiron in 8th house suggests that trusting someone is very difficult for you. However, when you find someone who you can trust, it also facilitates your healing process. There is a tendency to hide your insecurities and vulnerabilities at any price.
Chiron in 8th house can manifest in sexual trauma. In some other cases, it can indicate a rejection or fear of sexuality.
It can also manifest as pain caused by inheritance matters, support from other people or the lack thereof. This placement can sometimes indicate being financially dependent on others. Chiron here can suggest pain related to loss of resources.

With this placement, facing the powerlessness that we all experience as human beings is part of your journey, although it is an emotionally very difficult process, of course. Sometimes the pain can manifest in an obsession with control. You often fear change. The most important lesson of the Chiron in 8th house natal placement is to let go and trust that you can come back stronger and in the end, things will work out in your favor.
Spirituality, the occult, astrology can be very healing if you have a natal Chiron in 8th house placement.
People with this Chiron position often become good at understanding other’s pain and problems. This can be a helpful placement for any type of consulting, helping and healing profession.
The 8th House in Astrology
The 8th house represents the gates of the underworld in astrology. This house governs life areas such as death, birth, near-death experiences and crises. On a mental and emotional level, the 8th house governs deep self-reflection, therapy, inner transformation but the growth is often induced by a painful event. The 8th house governs secrets, mysteries, hidden things, and the occult as well.
The 8th house is a financial house, too, it is linked with the resources of your partner and other people, money of others, the support you get from other people, but also with taxes and investments. It is a succedent house, which means it acts as a reservoir of resources for the previous angular house, in this case, the 7th house of partnerships.
In the Zodiac, the 8th house is connected with Scorpio.
What Does Chiron Mean in Astrology?
Chiron represents the archetype of the Wounded Healer in astrology. It is linked to the deepest wound and how it changed you, but it also gives you hints how you can heal and integrate it, eventually helping others to ease their own pain.
Chiron was discovered only a few decades ago, in 1977, to be exact. After its discoverer, Charles Kowal, it’s sometimes referred to as Object Kowal. Chiron is located between Saturn and Uranus and it has a fairly long orbital period, around 50.4 years. This means it stays for years in the same zodiac sign (the exact time varies).
Chiron was named after a prominent centaur in Greek mythology. Chiron was widely known and respected as a healer and teacher. His wisdom, medical skills and erudition drew numerous students to him, including Heracles, who later became the cause of Chiron’s suffering: one of his arrows covered with poison accidentally shot Chiron. The wound was so dangerous that even Chiron’s healing talents were not enough. He was allowed by Zeus to give up his immortality so that his suffering could come to an end.
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