When you start to learn astrology, sooner or later you find out that there are more celestial bodies in use than you initially thought. For example, asteroids like Chiron!
Why is Chiron important in astrology? What happens when you have a Chiron retrograde natal placement? What if Chiron is conjunct a personal point in your natal chart? How to cope with this asteroid?
In this article, you can learn more about Chiron in astrology, its placement by signs and houses, and what if Chiron is retrograde in your natal chart.
Chiron is one of the most well-known asteroids in astrology. (There are tens of thousands of asteroids, however, they are not all in use. This is still a new area and it will take a lot of time until we learn how they exactly operate.)
In the natal chart, Chiron shows where you were wounded and how you can heal yourself. Understanding your Chiron shows how you can become whole again.
On our journey on this planet, all of us experience pain. Some of us face this challenge in relationships, others in the field of finances, while others suffer with some kind of illness. This is the story of Chiron in astrology.
Chiron in the Natal Chart
In the natal chart, the position of Chiron reveals where you were wounded. Badly. It’s the inner pain that tortures over and over, taking decades to heal, if ever. When talking about Chiron, it’s important to mention that this is a process, you cannot expect to get over a trauma overnight.
Often, Chiron shows injustice and pain that was caused by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This purposelessness makes it even worse.
Understanding Chiron in the natal chart helps you find the cure for this pain. You can read about the meaning of Chiron in signs and houses later in this article, and also about what it means to have a Chiron retrograde natal.
Often, there is no pre-made remedy, you have to come up with your own solution and synthesize your own cure through experience. However, when you heal yourself, you can heal others suffering from the same pain. In many cases, just sharing your journey and process helps others tremendously.
Chiron retrograde natal shows a tendency to hold on to pain longer than it is necessary for the healing process.
This asteroid describes what kind of trauma or conditioning causes suffering in your life. The house and sign of Chiron in your natal chart and if Chiron is retrograde reveal a lot of information about this topic, just like the aspects this asteroid makes with the rest of the chart.
When talking about Chiron in astrology, it’s important to mention that Chiron is not a purely personal object. Taking place between Saturn and Uranus, it has a lot to do with collective pain and collective healing.
A prominent Chiron in the natal chart is a predisposition for working in a healing career. This doesn’t have to be medicine, it can be any profession where you influence people life’s for the better, often through developing introspective awareness and understanding.
Chiron has an eccentric orbit, and the time it spends in the signs varies. It takes seven to eight years to go through Pisces, while in Virgo or Aries, it spends less time, approximately one and a half to two years. Its orbit is approximately 50 years.
Outer planets are more often retrograde. There are Chiron retrograde natal placements, and there are also times when Chiron seems to move backward in transit.
Chiron in Astrology
Chiron is not a planet, even though it’s usually there in a birth chart by default, along with the north node. Chiron is an asteroid, whose orbit takes place between Saturn and Uranus in the Solar System. It was discovered only in 1977, so as you can see, it’s a modern addition to astrology. If you want to analyze the discovery chart of Chiron, it’s available in the astrodatabank.

This asteroid got its name after a centaur called Chiron in the Greek mythology. This detail is important to understand what Chiron is all about in astrology and in the natal chart.
The story of Chiron is beautiful and very painful at the same time. This centaur was very wise and just. He knew a lot about healing, medicine, and herbs. Even though most centaurs were wild and self-indulgent, Chiron was known as civilized, smart and kind. He was well-respected, and Chiron was the teacher of many heroes in Greek mythology, including Achilles.
One day, Chiron was wounded by accident by the arrow of his friend Herakles. His wound was very painful and he was begging for death, but Chiron was immortal, and even though he preferred to die and not suffer anymore, he couldn’t. In the end, he gave his immortality to Prometheus, who became immortal, and finally, Chiron could pass away. In this story, it’s not just physical pain that had to be healed, it’s also the pain of injustice.
Some astrologers consider Chiron to be the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign Virgo. In traditional astrology, Virgo is ruled by Mercury. This makes sense, because Virgo is analytical, detail-oriented, scientific, and Mercury is the planet of thinking and reasoning in astrology.
However, there are arguments that support Chiron as the ruler of Virgo. Virgo is the sign of service and has a strong sense of duty. This zodiac sign is associated with healing, medicine, and Chiron is the archetype of the Wounded Healer, so they are somewhat connected.
It takes a lot of time to find out how a celestial body exactly works in astrology, so the final decision about who is the ruler of Virgo won’t be made soon.
If you want to learn about other asteroids in astrology, click here.
Retrograde Chiron
Chiron retrograde is a period when you are given an opportunity to revise your pain.
Chiron retrograde natal suggests that you find it challenging to accept that humans are imperfect and vulnerable. This is not an easy lesson to learn at all for any of us, however, it’s an organic part of human existence. Sometimes we hurt, just because we happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
There are uncomfortable truths that need to be faced, but also that things don’t always work out, and injustice is a big part of human existence. When something bad happens, it’s even worse when we feel that it’s unfair. Chiron retrograde natal teaches us to accept imperfection because by acknowledging that you are hurt, you become whole sooner again.
Retrograde planets in the birth chart indicate that these planets manifest on an inner level. Chiron retrograde natal suggests that the energy of this asteroid is more internalized. In this lifetime, you are asked to re-evaluate your relationship to everything that doesn’t support you anymore.
If you don’t learn the lessons of Chiron, at worst, you can unintentionally hurt others the same way you were hurt.
When Chiron is retrograde, time is best spent on healing work and letting go of the old pain. When working with this planet, accepting that you are deeply wounded is essential. The key to becoming whole again stems from accepting that you are not whole.
What Are Retrograde Planets?
In karmic astrology, retrograde planets are strong indicators of unresolved karmic tasks. They show where the soul needs to revise a lesson of previous lives in this lifetime.
In the natal chart, when a planet is retrograde, it operates on a subconscious level. The energy of this planet is internalized, it’s a milder influence in your life, but still, an important one.
When is a planet retrograde in astrology?
In reality, never, however, from time to time, planets seem to move backward when observed from the Earth. This is because of the inconsistencies of its orbit. This is called apparent retrograde motion in astrology.
When talking about a Chiron retrograde natal placement, this means that this asteroid seemed to travel backward at the time of your birth.
Chiron in Signs
The wound is the place where light enters.
The sign of Chiron is shared by large groups of people, as it usually spends several years in the same sign (it varies). However,its sign in your natal chart shows how you were wounded, and also, how you can overcome this pain. If you have Chiron retrograde natal placement, this is not easy to access, however, it rewards you with a new awareness once resolved.
Chiron in Aries
This placement of Chiron indicates that you have deep injuries, both in the physical and psychological sense of the word. Chiron here indicates that you often encourage and support others but you fail to give this to yourself.
Chiron in Aries people often experience that they are denied to be who they really are. Identity issues are one of the most painful things in life, being forced to be someone who you are not. People with this placement sometimes feel that they don’t have the right to exist.
Chiron in Taurus
Chiron in Taurus suggests painful experiences related to the material world. Your possessions were maybe taken away from you, or you lost your safe place at some point in your life. There is a great need for stability here, however, it is a challenge to build this up in your life.
Chiron in Taurus people have to learn to have a healthy approach to enjoying life. They tend to either over-indulge or they don’t allow themselves to enjoy life at all. With this placement in your natal chart, don’t expect your pain to go away quickly. Chiron in Taurus needs a lot of time to heal.
Chiron in Gemini
This placement suggests trauma and pain related to connecting with others. Sometimes you feel misunderstood or rejected. Sharing your thoughts is very important to you, however, you often find it challenging. You can be too talkative or someone who cannot speak up.
Chiron in Gemini finds healing through developing a healthy attitude to connections. Once you get through your pain, you have the potential to become a powerful communicator. Calming your mind and learning to focus is very beneficial here.
Chiron in Cancer
You want to be taken care of and feel safe, however, it seems like these things didn’t want to come to you. Chiron in Cancer has painful memories of being homeless emotionally. This placement suggests that you give a lot of love to others, however, you have a hard time giving this live to yourself, too. You often feel guilt when you crave to be taken care of.
Chiron in Cancer is hypersensitive and feels that they have to live up to the expectations of others. This is a source of pain in your life, sometimes you feel that you have to save everyone, what is impossible.
Chiron in Leo
With this placement, there is a wound related to taking proud in your accomplishments. Chiron in Leo feels guilt when they need attention, they feel that they are not worthy of being adored from time to time. You are afraid of criticism, especially when it is related to your creative pursuits. Self-expression was a source of pain in your life, either because you feel that you have to deny it to yourself or because you were ridiculed. Accepting being vulnerable and learning how to be authentic and unique no matter what others think is of great help here.
Chiron in Virgo
Chiron in Virgo suggests that you really want to be perfect, and you have a hard time accepting that it is impossible. You are oriented at helping others, however, in the process, you often lose track of yourself. Chiron in Virgo people have to learn that they can only help others if they help themselves first.
You have many insecurities. This stops you from living your full potential because you are always second-guessing yourself, wondering if you are good enough. Your life becomes better once you stop stressing yourself over things that are not even important.
Chiron in Libra
Chiron in Libra people have a need for connection with others, however, they often felt rejected ad unwanted. Relationships are often painful for them. Sometimes they attract partners who hurt them even more, because they have unresolved issues, too. With Chiron in Libra, you have a deep wound caused by this feeling of being unworthy of love.
Once you learn how to accept and love yourself properly, you will become very charming, and you will be able to help those in the same boat as you were. Expressing your emotions through art is beneficial here.
Chiron in Scorpio
Chiron in Scorpio is a very intense placement. It indicates a wound caused by betrayal, too intense love, obsession. Sometimes you are so afraid of losing the person you love that you don’t get involved in relationships. Trust issues are frequent with this placement.
To resolve it, you have to open up to someone, but you are afraid of being hurt again and being vulnerable. Chiron in Scorpio possesses a very strong healing power once they work through their own issues.
Chiron in Sagittarius
Chiron in Sagittarius reveals that you experienced pain when developing your own philosophy. Encountering a set of moral values was demolishing you, leaving a wound in your soul. There is a need to find a higher meaning and believe that everything happens for a reason.
You are often of great help to others on their own spiritual journeys, however, you have a hard time finding your own path. A philosophical approach can help you a lot when dealing with pain. You tend to identify with your ideas.
Chiron in Capricorn
Chiron in Capricorn people often have painful experiences related to success. In some cases, there were impossible expectations from your parents to succeed, what you have internalized, especially if you have your Chiron retrograde natal.
People with their Chiron in Capricorn create structure and they are disciplined enough to achieve great things, however, a constant fear of failing can hinder their success. You are often shy.
Chiron in Aquarius
Chiron in Aquarius wants to heal the world through connecting. However, sometimes you feel disconnected. Often, you feel that no matter how hard you try, you don’t truly belong to your group of friends. Chiron is an inescapable wounding, in this case, through loneliness and your uniqueness not being embraced by the world.
Chiron in Aquarius has to give themselves the support they want from their like-minded friends. Trusting yourself and your intuition are essential here. This placement can make you hypersensitive, so you have to learn how to distance yourself in a healthy way. your intuition can guide you towards a more meaningful existence.
Chiron in Pisces
Chiron in Pisces is suggests wounding through being compassionate and perhaps forgiving too quickly. People with this placement are extremely sensitive. You can feel the suffering of others, and you absorb it, too, what causes you pain.
Spending enough time on your own is essential. This way, you can reflect on what is happening around you without actively taking part in it. Creative endeavors and meditation are very helpful for Chiron in Pisces people.
Chiron in Houses
The house of Chiron in your birth chart shows the life area where you were wounded. It holds the key to coming to terms with this pain, and later helping others who are going through the same once you had to.

Chiron in First House
Chiron in the first house makes your pain visible to others. They can sense your wound. Often, you are self-conscious about your body or maybe your personality in general. Chiron in first house suggests that you were wounded early on in life. It’s important to work through your pain, so that you be a beneficial influence in the lives of others. Becoming who you really are is the main challenge here.
Read more: Chiron in First House
Chiron in Second House
Chiron in the second house suggests wounding because of your values or possessions. Maybe you were criticized because of the choices you made related to these life areas, or they were taken away from you. Chiron in the second house often faces challenges becoming self-sufficient.
Read more: Chiron in Second House
Chiron in Third House
If you have this placement in your natal chart, you probably experienced pain in early childhood connecting with others. You feel that you failed at communicating, maybe it took more time for you to express your thoughts, in some cases, this placement indicates problems with your voice. Your relatives or siblings were maybe critical of you which caused you great pain. In some cases, primary education was a painful experience.
Read more: Chiron in Third House
Chiron in Fourth House
This is a particularly painful placement of Chiron, suggesting that the home and family was erratic and you couldn’t grow up in love and safety. The fourth house and childhood lay the foundation for your whole adult life. If you lacked love and nurturing in your early childhood, you have to work consciously on developing them in your life. Learning how to love yourself is challenging, but once you learn it, you can help both yourself and others with it.
Read more: Chiron in Fourth House
Chiron in Fifth House
Chiron in fifth house can suggest pain related to children. This can be your own child or children around you. Maybe you lost them, or you wanted to have your own child but you could not have. In some cases, you were denied creative self-expression, which is a very painful experience. Suffering related to romance or gambling is also possible when Chiron is located in the fifth house.
Read more: Chiron in Fifth House
Chiron in Sixth House
This placement of Chiron suggests pain related to criticism and feeling that you are not good enough. You feel that you don’t fit in in the workplace and your efforts are not appreciated. You tend to take criticism too seriously, especially when you are still learning and honing your skills. However, no one of us is perfect, and this is for a reason. Pain related to loss of health is also possible.
Read more: Chiron in Sixth House
Chiron in Seventh House
Chiron in the seventh house often gets wounded through their relationships. You feel that you cannot get the love you want from your partner. If you don’t shed light on this, you tend to attract partners who reinforce that relationships are painful. You often feel rejected and that you are not worthy of love.
Read more: Chiron in Seventh House
Chiron in Eighth House
Chiron in the eighth house is a very painful placement. It often speaks of trauma related to crisis, sexuality, death. These are very hard to cope with. Betrayals were a frequent motif in your life, often by people who had your trust and who you were supposed to be intimate with. Trust issues are characteristic of this placement. Sometimes your pain is related to other people’s possessions or money.
Read more: Chiron in Eighth House
Chiron in Ninth House
Chiron in the ninth house suggests pain related to religion, philosophy, law, or education. You could be a victim of fanaticism or maybe others judged your personal views. Chiron here can also manifest as pain related to higher education or foreign countries. People with this placement can feel betrayed by the universe at some point. Once you work through your issues, you can be a great teacher or mentor to others.
Read more: Chiron in Ninth House
Chiron in Tenth House
Chiron here indicates that your career didn’t turn out to be what you hoped. Maybe you experienced a painful relationship with an authority figure in your life. This placement sometimes makes your pain visible to others. With Chiron in the tenth house, usually, there is a strong desire to prove to others that you are worthy and capable. You have good leadership skills, but you can be overly status-oriented.
Read more: Chiron in Tenth House
Chiron in Eleventh House
Chiron in the eleventh house suggests wounding related to groups. Maybe they didn’t live up to your expectations, and you were betrayed. People with this placement are often anxious around others. This placement suggests that at some point in your life, you lost your faith in the universe.
Read more: Chiron in Eleventh House
Chiron in Twelfth House
This placement suggests that you are very sensitive, and you absorb energies around you quite easily. Sometimes you are not even aware of the influence of your surroundings on you. Chiron in twelfth house sometimes represents a pain that is hidden, silently operating in the background. You are often nervous and anxious. Once you understand the unique gift your sensitivity represents, your struggles can become a source of the greatest strength in your life.
Read more: Chiron in Twelfth House
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Working through my retrograde Chiron in Leo in my 8th house, thank you so much for the insight.
I have a retrograde Chiron in leo in my 8th as well!
Interesting^ I have a retrograde chiron in leo in my first house!
Yeah me too , and also in conjunction with Mars. Just found out and I never belived in astrology much but this explains a lot for me at least.
I as well not sure if it conjuctions anything will have to check what have you learned from this placements?
Alex ! How do you deal with insecurities
According to equal house systems I have Chiron in retrograde in Cancer 12th house, but according to whole signs system in 1st house in Leo. Both descriptions kind of work but the second one is closer. Which should I take into consideration as more reliable?
Hi, thanks for commenting. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer to your question. There are several schools of astrology and they prefer different house systems. I used to use Placidus but nowadays I prefer whole signs.
Chiron Retrograde in Taurus, 11th house.
It’s been lonely and exhausting 😔
Me too. But don’t give up on finding your tribe
Me too! It is always so lonely and no one to trust. I think dogs are my tribe. 😅🫶🏼☺️
Same here, and I have never related more to a comment!!! 🙂 The animal kingdom is my tribe.
Chiron RX Taurus 10th house. Lonely indeed, still hopeful my tribe is ahead <3
We’re out there, don’t give up! It took over 40 years for me to understand what a gift and opportunity this pain was… just ask for encountering masters or teachers along your path, they’ll come! (Btw, sometimes they come in the shape of dog, like the ones in the tribes above ☺️). Cheers, mate!
wow, Same here. came here to try to understand this placement. I don’t know how much this seems to fit my current life experience, since I was always functioning out of a sense that I was the cause of my own feeling mistreated or isolated, and inherently trusted even those that hurt me. recently learning that was abuse talking. but i’ve definitely felt rather wounded by people and been seeking my tribe and failed my whole life. I have wondered recently if there are any folks out there who get me. but learning to be ok with being alone and spending time with myself.
Retrograde Cancer in my 7th house cusp.
Jupiter is in Cancer- retrograde
I also find it a huge karmic joke that I was named Amanda; which translates to worthy of love. Yet, my chiron is in the sign of Cancer as well as in my 7th house. With Jupiter also in cancer, and retrograde. I’m 32, and just starting to sort this aspect out.
I have a chiron retrograde in Aquarius in my first house, it is in conjunction with Jupiter, and my Jupiter is also in Aquarius in first house my but not retrograde 😃
Thank you for this information! I’ve been trying to figure out what healing Chiron retrograde natal in my 7th house of Taurus requires me to look at.
Chiron Retrograde in natal chart in Capricorn and 10th house. Description is true. Experienced problems with authority figures, have a strong desire to prove my worth and success. Shy too. My pain is visible. Career isn’t turning out to be what I hoped for. Failure. I hope others with the same placement like mine feel related and do not lose hope, work hard. Success is ours. You are worthy.
My natal chart shows Chiron at 29 degrees in the sign of Scorpio. It’s also in retrograde and in the 3rd house which is the house my Sun sign rules and therefore is also where my ruling planet. I..
Chiron retrograde Taurus, 8th house.
Saturn in 12th house. Sun, Ascendant, Pluto, Neptune and Venus all in my 1st house of Saggitarius. Moon in Taurus.
Anyone good with Astrology? Kerriwyn could use your help.
Both Chiron and Jupiter are both 4th house and both Cancer. However, both are opposite of where most of my planets are which is Capricorn and both of it’s houses which are 10 and 11. Trying to figure out what all that means. But from the article I should start by learning to love myself more. But how do I learn to love myself more when I don’t want to see myself as being selfish from loving myself more than I love others? (this is a fear I have). Also, how do you learn to love yourself more?
Hi, did anyone respond to you on this? I have tips!
Currently trying to make sense of / heal my Retrograde Chiron in Cancer in my 4th house . .
Clearly I wanted to feel all of the HURT this time around with this soul contract I signed on for hahaha
Thank you. Fantastic
I have Natal Chiron in Libra in the 4th house (R). I’m working on that self love.
I have Chiron Retrograde in Scorpio in my 7th house. I am 60 years old and finally escaped an abusive relationship (emotional, mental, verbal). I feel I am on the road to healing. It may be a long road, but I will keep going. This karmic cycle is broken.
This has been really helpful. I feel like it was written just for me.
I have Saturn conjunct Chiron in my 11th/Pisces – both retrograde, trine an exalted Jupiter, and sextile the Moon. Sun/stellium in Virgo, and Taurus Asc & Moon.
It’s been a rough ride but as I’m getting further along, I can see that I’ve actually gotten over some of the difficult things this configuration presents.
So, for anyone reading who might be in a similar situation, there is hope!