In this article, you can learn about Lilith in the sixth house.
In the natal chart, the position of Lilith tells where you felt rejected, shamed, denied. The house of this point shows in which life area this is the most expressed, and the sign of your Lilith tells in what way you experience this energy.
Lilith in 6th house suggests that on a subconscious level you reject the idea of work and discipline. It is hard to obey the rules.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Black Moon Lilith in 6th house!
Lilith in 6th House Natal Meaning
What Does Black Moon Lilith in 6th house mean in the natal chart?
People with their Lilith in 6th house often feel that they have to give more than other people, but they often receive less. This placement can manifest as a fear of not being good enough. It can poison your everyday activities, indicating habits that don’t serve you and a resentment towards self-discipline.
People with this placement can be so perfectionistic that it prevents them from getting things done. Lilith in 6th house can indicate impostor syndrome. You can be obsessed with doing your absolute best, but you lose too much time fussing over the details. Being efficient is a challenge with Lilith here in the natal chart. It is hard to relax. People with this placement can be pessimistic and depressive. Depending on the rest of the chart, they are often strongly attached to reality. According to Lilith in 6th house, dreams equal delusion. You don’t believe in things not visible to the eye. This can make it hard for you to find purpose in things.
In the natal chart, the sixth house is the house of your job, relationship with coworkers and employees, the way you contribute to the daily life of the world. Sometimes Lilith in 6th house suggests quarrels in the workplace. If your personality is not really Lilith-like, it can happen that you seem to attract people who embody it. They might be jealous, malefic, negative.
This placement can indicate a manipulative atmosphere in the workplace. It is the best to be extra careful. Lilith here suggests that scandals are more likely to happen if you let things spiral out of control in your professional life. You should be particularly wary with any sexual relationships with coworkers or people you meet through work.
Lilith in 6th house makes it hard to collaborate with others. Your coworkers or employees can cause problems. Some people with this placement unconsciously perceive the people they work with as enemies.
For people with their Lilith in 6th house, it is important that their job allows them a lot of freedom. They don’t want to be micromanaged. With this placement in your birth chart, you work the best on your own. You need a workplace that doesn’t make you feel restricted. Lilith here wants to be autonomous and she wants to be in charge. The perfect job allows you to make decisions. If your boss is domineering, power struggles are almost guaranteed with this placement.
Some people with their natal Lilith in 6th house had to start working at an early age. Maybe they were pressured to take up too much responsibility they were not ready for, or they had to dedicate all their time and energy to work. Lilith here can reflect a disdain for duties.
People with this placement feel that they want to break free from their everyday life. However, this can cost them a lot in the long run. Lilith here sabotages her success by rejecting the necessary discipline. It is hard with this placement to have systems in place that truly serve you and which guide you to success. Lilith in 6th house can indicate issues with sticking to a plan and unconsciously refusing to work diligently towards your goal.
Lilith in 6th house is often a sign of hypersensitivity. You easily absorb energies around you. It is important for you to be in an environment that supports your well-being. Try to remove harmful, triggering influences from your life as much as you can.
Lilith here can indicate health issues. These people can be prone to psychosomatic diseases if they don’t learn how to manage stress and let go. They often don’t pay attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle either. Harmful, self-destructive habits can also be present with this placement.
At the same time, Lilith in 6th house can reject healthcare. When dealing with health problems, you can refuse to ask for help. Some people with their Lilith in 6th house don’t trust healthcare workers. You find it hard to reach out to others in general when you need help.
Black Moon Lilith here wants to be self-sufficient, not giving and not receiving service.
The sixth house is the house of pets and small animals too. Lilith in 6th house can indicate a challenging relationship with your pets. They might be too self-willed, rebellious, and hard to control.

Meaning of Lilith in the Birth Chart
Lilith is less frequently used than the planets, but it can add some details to the chart analysis. It is not equally important in every birth chart.
There are more Liliths in astrology. Black Moon Lilith, the asteroid Lilith, and Dark Moon Lilith are all calculated differently, but only the asteroid Lilith is an existing celestial body. In this article, Black Moon Lilith is discussed. This point is calculated as the second focal point of the Moon’s orbit (in the first focal point takes place the Earth).
Lilith is of feminine character. It represents the dark, denied feminine that couldn’t express herself under the pressure of patriarchy. Lilith can only exist if it rebels and refuses control. In the natal chart, the position of Lilith shows where the native had to face rejection, loss of power, shame, grief, pain, even trauma. Its meaning is somewhat similar to the astrological meaning of Pluto. Black Moon Lilith is an extremely raw, primal point.
Lilith is connected with female sexuality too. It is seductive and focuses on her own pleasure instead of just being available to her partner.
Lilith was a female demon in various mythologies. According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first woman. She was created to be the wife of Adam, but Lilith didn’t want to submit to him. Because of this, she had to leave the Garden of Eden, and she later lived with demons in a desert.
The Sixth House in Astrology
You can read more about this astrological house here.
The most important keyword of the astrological sixth house is service. This house shows the way you serve others, yourself, your body, even your animals. The sixth house describes your daily routines, activities you repeat over and over whether you feel like it or not.
Work is one of the key life areas associated with it. It is important that the sixth house is about how you make a living, your job and your workplace, not your career. People you work with are also seen through this house.
The other important life area connected with the sixth house is health. This house can indicate potential health issues, but it also describes how you take care of your health. Hygiene, food, physical activity, your lifestyle in general belong here. The sixth house speaks about how you take care of your body.
In the natural chart, the sixth house is linked with Virgo (which is the sixth zodiac sign). But in your own chart, of course it can begin in any of the twelve zodiac signs.
The sixth house is one of the cadent houses. Planets here are considered to be somewhat weaker in their expression.
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