If you want to improve your health or you are not satisfied with your current job, you’ve come to the right place. Both of them are governed by the sixth house in astrology.
Isn’t it fascinating how tightly they are connected to each other? Both work and health are represented by the sixth house in the natal chart. The majority of us have to spend a great deal of time working. It’s essential to find a job you like doing (or at least you don’t hate). If you are under stress each day in a negative environment, it will sooner or later seriously affect your health.
What Is The Sixth House In Astrology?
Luckily, there are some clues in the natal chart about the kind of work you should be doing, the stars are a great help when you are curious about the right job for you. The answer lies in the sixth house in astrology.
This house reveals your relationship with your coworkers, the ideal workplace for you (should you work in the corporate world, in healthcare or maybe from home), it describes your employees and your approach towards them.
The sixth house is also the house of health and the daily habits that maintain or destroy it. It hints which body parts are your weakest point. The sign on the cusp, any planets there and the ruler of your sixth house in astrology tell a lot about your health outlooks.

People Represented by the Sixth House in Astrology
There are many people playing various roles in our lives. We have family members, partners, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, bosses. We engage on a daily basis with baristas, cashiers, taxi drivers, and the list goes on.
Each house is a home for a dozen of folks in our lives. Some of the tenants of the sixth house are:
- coworkers
- employees
- everyone who serves you, for example:
- hairdressers
- janitors
- waiters
- health workers.
- +1: even though they are not humans, pets live in the sixth house, too!
The sixth house represents people who provide service and who depend on you in some way.
Virgo, Mercury, the Sixth House in the Natal Chart
Each house is assigned to a sign they share similar qualities with. The sixth house is connected to the zodiac sign Virgo, which is the sign of service and healing. The sixth house in astrology is the house of work and health—see, how this sign and house belong together?
Virgo’s planetary ruler is Mercury. Mercury rules two signs in astrology, Virgo and Gemini (Gemini is the sign of the third house). Mercury is the planet of analytical thinking and reasoning (and many more things, of course, but let’s keep it simple for now). People who have a strong sixth house usually excel in these areas. They are critical thinkers, have a high attention to detail and they always want to do their best.
The sixth house in the natal chart is the last personal house. Taking place between the fifth house of joy and the seventh house of partnerships, it’s a place that supports moving your focus from yourself to other people. The sixth house is a cadent house in astrology, which means that planets here manifest on an inner, mental level rather than in the physical world.
Important: Career vs. Job
The majority of us has to work to make a living. The job where you show up every day is described by the sixth house in astrology.
There are three money houses in the natal chart (the earth houses): the 2nd, 6th and the 10th house. They show different aspects of your career and financial life.
- The second house is about your possessions which also include money,
- the sixth house in the natal chart is about your job and workplace
- and the tenth house is the house of career.
It’s important to tell your career and your job apart. The sixth house in the natal chart is about the latter. It describes how you make money to pay for the bills. It also shows your work environment and your approach to your coworkers and employees, if you run your own business.
For example, someone with Cancer in the sixth house treats their colleagues like family members and takes care of them (or works from home, as Cancer is the sign of home and family). Libra on the cusp of this house is diplomatic and charming in the workplace. On the other hand, Capricorn in the sixth house prefers working in a corporate environment and appears cold and reserved when dealing with their coworkers.
Health and The Sixth House in Astrology
For some people, the sixth house in the natal chart is a major issue. Health is something we don’t even think about as long as things are going well, but once it’s lost, nothing else matters than to restore it.
There are more ways the physical body is described in the natal chart. The Sun represents your vitality. Mars is your energy. The ascendant includes (but it’s not limited to) how you look and your physical body. And the sixth house describes your health.
Health is super important for all of us, and there is even a whole branch of astrology about it. It is called medical astrology (quite a surprising name, isn’t it?).
The sixth house is one of the major indicators of illnesses (both short and psychosomatic illness). The sign on the cusp, the planetary ruler and its aspects, eventual planets in the sixth house all give us information.
It’s crucial to understand that both mental and physical health are important. It’s not enough to treat only the symptoms, you have to dig deeper and find the real reason. This is especially important if you are facing serious health issues.
If you have trouble releasing stress and being playful in the fifth house, it affects your health and gives you some more trouble in the sixth house.
The sixth house also gives you clues how you can avoid health problems. Here another matter of the sixth house plays a big role: routines and habits.
Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day
Maintaining optimal health has a lot to do with your everyday routines. Your body is a vehicle which enables you to exist in the physical world and to enjoy all its beauties. Our bodies serve us in many ways. You don’t need to remember to breath, make your heart beat or ask your liver to detox every day. The body just does all of this on its own.
(Can you see how much Virgo energy is in here? to serve and to fulfill your duties are the most self-explanatory things to a Virgo.)
On the other hand, your body can function at its best when you return the favor. Your part of the deal is to take care of the body. Healthy eating, enough sleep, tons of water and physical activity are all important here.
How is this connected to routines?
Just like Rome was being built for many many years, you have to take care of your body continuously, every single day to get the results. The sixth house is the house of self-discipline and work, even if you don’t feel like doing it, you just have to do it. But once you get used to it, you realize that discipline equals freedom and it pays off in the long run.
Having an optimal daily routine helps you a lot and in many ways.
The Sixth House of Routines in Astrology
All your routines are shown through the sixth house in astrology. You can say that this is the lifestyle house of the natal chart. This includes food you like to eat, clothes you like to wear (Venus has a say here, too) and exercise habits.
Since we are in the house of Virgo here, it’s no surprise that hygiene routines like washing your teeth and taking a shower each day are also part of the sixth house in astrology. Often, these activities have become so normal that you just do them by default, for example, brushing your teeth.
The sixth house is also the house of chores, everything you have to do no matter if you feel like it is part of this house in astrology. Virgo is the sign of hygiene, so cleaning your house, washing up the dishes or tidying up are all sixth house activities.
Virgo is very organized, and those with a well-aspected sixth house mirror this quality. They are on time, always know where to find what you need and just do the work that needs to be done.
Servant are also governed by the sixth house in astrology. Even though the majority us has to deal with the household on our own, people who help us and make our lives easier are also part of this house. Plumbers, gardeners, maids are all people of the sixth house, as they provide service for others.
Cat Person vs Dog Person vs Fish Person vs Anything Goes Person
Cats? Dogs? Iguanas?
No matter what you prefer. All pets belong to the sixth house in astrology!
The sixth house in the natal chart is about service and routines, remember? Well, your pets require exactly these two things from you.
You have to take care of them every single day. If you have a dog or a cat or any pet (it can also be a fish or a squirrel, anything goes here really), you must feed it every day (or at least regularly, if you’ve got a spider or a snake).
Plus it’s well-known how beneficial pets are to our health. This is one more way they are related to the sixth house in astrology.
Domestic animals serve us in many ways. Because of this, they also belong to the sixth house. (Wild animals are part of the twelfth house. An afflicted twelfth house can mean trouble around them, so be careful!)
Planets in the Sixth House
The sixth house is the house of duty and service.
If you have several planets here, this house is very important in your natal chart and an essential part of your personality. The same is true if you’ve got some important placement here, like the Sun or the ruler of your ascendant (this planet is also called the chart ruler).
Virgo is the sign of healing and medicine. An emphasized sixth house often shows up in the natal chart of doctors, nurses and other healthcare personnel. These are professions where you have to work hard, but at the same time pay attention to details and take care of the emotions of your patients, too. If there are other indicators in the chart, people with several planets in the sixth house often end up in medicine or other healing professions.
But there are many other occupations where you can put the sixth house traits to good use. An emphasized sixth house can make a person workaholic and a high achiever.
These people are focused, organized and extremely self-disciplined. Making a plan and sticking to it comes naturally to them. They often become very successful in life, sometimes they are late bloomers, but in the end, hard work pays off.
Nevertheless, having a little fun every now and then never killed nobody!
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