In this article, you can learn how a Mars dominant planet in the natal chart influences you.
Mars is the planet of energy, drive, aggression. It can be a wonderful planet in the birth chart, helping you to achieve your goals and stand up for yourself. At the same time, an unleashed Mars can turn your life into chaos.
Mars as your dominant planet reveals that you have a lot of things in common with the stereotypical Aries.
If this planet is strong in your chart, you are energetic, impulsive, passionate. However, you can be impatient and aggressive, if you live the negative manifestation of Mars.
Dominant planets influence various things in your life. Depending on their position in the natal chart, they can affect your physical appearance, career, life path in general.
Keep reading to learn more about Mars as your dominant planet in astrology!
Mars Dominant Planet in the Natal Chart
How to know if Mars is one of your dominant planets in astrology?
There are ten planets in the natal chart. They are all important, and they govern different parts of the human psyche. However, some planets have a special importance. These planets stand out in the natal chart, and they become particularly influential. These are the dominant planets. What happens if Mars is one of them?
But first, how to find out if you have a Mars dominant planet in your natal chart?
Here, we have to look to the zodiac sign Aries, to a lesser extent, to the first house, and to Mars. In astrology, Mars rules Aries, as they have a lot in common. Pay attention to important placements or several planets in Aries, such as an Aries Sun, Moon, or ascendant.
If Mars is placed around the angles, especially the ascendant or the Mideaven, it stands out in your natal chart. The angles are the most personal points of the chart. Planets located in an area around the angles become more powerful (these are the Gauquelin sectors).
Another thing that makes a planet dominant is a lot of aspects. If Mars is in contact with several planets in the birth chart, there is some Martian energy to all these planets. If these are personal planets (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus), this becomes even more important.
Several aspects give a Mars dominant character to the chart as a whole.
Here are some ways to find out if you have a Mars dominant planet in your natal chart.
Mars Dominant Chart
The more you can find of these indicators in your birth chart, the stronger the influence of Mars over you.
- Mars conjunct the ascendant
- Mars conjunct the Midheaven
- Mars aspecting the ascendant/Midheaven
- Mars conjunct the Sun or the Moon
- Mars in aspect to the Sun or Moon
- Mars in aspect to several planets in the birth chart
- Sun, Moon, ascendant, Midheaven in Aries
- several planets (stellium) Aries
- a stellium in the first house
If you can find several of these in your chart, it suggests that Mars is important for you. Chances are that it is one ofyour dominant planets.
If Mars stands out in your chart, pay special attention to its sign and house. The house of Mars shows the life area where you spend a lot of your energy, and where you have a high drive to succeed.
You can also use a calculator to find out which planets are your dominants in the birth chart.
Mars Dominant Personality in Astrology
Mars is a fiery planet in astrology. It is all about action and initiative. A Mars dominant person cannot sit around all day doing nothing: they are always on the go, doing something.
Mars dominant people are leaders rather than followers. Mars has a pioneering quality in astrology, and Aries, the sign ruled by Mars is the first sign of the Zodiac. A Mars dominant person loves to be the first, too, whatever they do. They enjoy beginning a new project, and taking initiative in general.
Another thing Mars enjoy is conquering. This planet loves to win and hates to loose. With Mars strong in your chart, you want to be the first and the best. Victory fuels you like nothing else. A Mars dominant planet suggests that you are very competitive.
Named after the god of war in Roman mythology, Mars is the planet of fighting. A strong Mars suggests a person who never gives up and never looses hope. Mars makes you enthusiastic and gifts you with high energy levels.
You are a go-getter, who doesn’t waste their time on being perfect. You don’t care about the best way how things should be done, you just go and get things done. A Mars dominant person holds the saying done is better than perfect in high regards.
People with a prominent Mars in their charts have a lot of energy. The Sun is exalted in Aries, and fire signs are the most energetic in astrology. Mars dominants love physical activity, many of them excel at sports. They don’t enjoy a sedentary lifestyle, for this planet, it is essential to get enough exercise. This planet indicates great vitality and a strong physical body.
Mars is one of the most active planets in astrology. With Mars strong in your chart, you are rarely idle. It even annoys you when someone is too passive and just drifts through life.
Sexuality is very important to Mars dominant people. Mars rules the libido in astrology, and with a strong Mars, you are passionate and have a high sex drive.
Mars Dominant Planet and Assertiveness
Mars is the planet of aggression in astrology. It helps you stand up for yourself, but it can make you violent and impulsive. When watered down, Mars can be a great asset in your everyday life.
Mars in harmonious aspects to Mercury suggest a person who is direct and assertive in their communication. A good thing about Aries and Mars is honesty. Here, what you see is what you get.
On the other hand, Mars can be brutally bold. There is fine line between honesty and hurting other’s feelings, and Mars have no idea where this line is, unless there is some Venusian influence to balance it out.
Mars is not afraid of confrontation. With hard aspects, Mars as the dominant planet in the birth chart can suggest a violent, destructive person. The assertiveness of Mars turns into aggression here, and when Mars gets out of control, it becomes very dangerous.
The Weaknesses of a Mars Dominant Planet
Being a Mars dominant has many perks, but it also has some traits that can be disadvantages. Let’s see what are some weaknesses of the Mars dominant personality in astrology!
Mars is a fiery, explosive planet. Explosive is a word that describes people with a strong Mars well. They get angry quickly, and when they are angry, they are really angry. They don’t hesitate to let you know how they feel. Mars dominants are impulsive and can be aggressive. When they see red, they stop thinking and act out of anger.

The violent nature of Mars can be destructive. With a strong Mars, you are prone to outbursts that cause a lot of harm. Hard aspects to Mars in the natal chart can indicate a violent and disagreeable person.
One of the greatest shortcomings of a Mars dominant person is their lack of patience. Mars is all about primal instincts, and delayed gratification equals torture for this planet. With this planet strong in your chart, learning to be patient can help you go a long way.
Aries and Mars are great at beginning things. However, they are not that great at follow through. Sticking to a plan and working patiently can be hard for you, unless you have the element earth strong in your natal chart.
Mars Dominant Appearance
Appearance is described by the ascendant and the first house in astrology. Planets conjunct or in aspect to the ascendant have a strong influence over what you look like. Planets in the first house are also important, but if they are further from the ascendant, they describe your personality rather than the physical body.
What does the Mars dominant appearance look like?
This planet indicates an athletic body type. The Mars dominant appearance is usually muscular, strong, tall or of average height. With a strong Mars in your birth chart, you often have a good posture.
Martians usually have a strong bone structure, thick shoulders, and a strong jaw. Aries risings often have scars on their body.
Mars Dominant Careers
In the natal chart, career is seen primarily through the tenth house. However, there are several factors here you have to take into consideration:
- planets in the tenth house, their aspects
- the sign on the Midheaven
- the ruler of the Midheaven
- aspects to the Midheaven
- the sixth house
- the second house
to name a few. It is important to read the birth chart as a whole, which is more than the sum of parts.
Nevertheless, there are some careers primarily associated with the planet Mars. You can meet many Mars dominant people in these fields.
Mars is commonly associated with engineering in astrology. The other planets important for engineering are Mercury, Saturn, Uranus. Mars is often in aspect with these planets in the birth charts of engineers. For example, Saturn-Mars aspects are great for mechanical engineers, while Uranus-Mars aspects can suggest an electrical engineer or computer scientist.
A typical Mars dominant career is sport. Many Mars dominants work in sport in various roles, but they also make great trainers.
Mars is the planet of war in astrology. The military is also associated with Mars (also Saturn and Capricorn). This planet is connected with guns and weapons, too, so work in this industry is also ruled by Mars. The police is another organization influenced by this planet.
Some Mars dominant careers involve fire. Fire is strongly associated with Mars, and many firefighters have it strong in their charts.
Another population where you can find a lot of Martians are entrepreneurs. Aries is the sign of entrepreneurship in astrology, and you can find a lot of Mars dominants among them. This planet gives you the courage and the initiative to take action and execute your plans, what is all important here.
Meaning of Mars in Astrology
Mars is named after the Roman god of war. It has been known to humanity since the earliest days, as it is visible to the naked eye.
Mars rules the zodiac sign Aries. Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars was considered the ruler of Scorpio, too. Traditional astrologers still use Mars as its ruling planet. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, in fall in Cancer, and in detriment in Libra. In the first house and in the eighth house (the natural houses of Aries and Scorpio, respectively), Mars feels at home.
Mars is a planet that can be your inner drive or a destructive force in your life. With Mars, you have to learn how to keep it under control instead of letting it control you (that’s when things turn into a disaster).
In astrology, Mars is the instinctive, animal part of the psyche. It helps you survive and protect yourself. It also enables you to go after what you want and get it.
Here is a list of some of things ruled by Mars in astrology:
- survival instinct
- aggression
- sex and libido
- war
- guns, weapons
- knives, sharp objects
- surgery
- blood, red blood cells
- the muscular system
- physical activity
If you want to learn more about the Red Planet, read this article about the meaning of Mars in astrology.
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