Mars is a planet that can do a lot of harm or a lot of good. You have to learn how to control it. When used properly, Mars will help you achieve all your goals.
If you have your natal Mars in first house, this article is for you! It’s all about what Mars means here in the birth chart.
This placement is often present in the charts of sportsmen and sportswomen. People who have their natal Mars in the first house are full of energy, ambitious, and have a strong inner drive.
Mars is in accidental dignity in the first house (this house is traditionally associated with Aries, the zodiac sign Mars rules). This means that it is strengthened and it can operate well here, as it feels at home.
Keep reading to learn more about this placement of Mars in the natal chart!

Meaning of Mars in Astrology
Mars got its name after the Roman god of war, the equivalent of the Greek Ares. This planet represents aggression, war, violence, but also the urge for survival and the drive to go after what you want in life.
Mars is associated with the zodiac sign Aries. Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars used to rule Scorpio, too. It’s exalted in Scorpio and Capricorn―if you have it in these signs, it’s strong in your chart.
Mars is the archetype of the hero. People who have this planet emphasized in their chart love to fight for their goals and they are passionate about winning. They need to feel that they are on a mission.
In the natal chart, where you find Mars shows where you put in a lot of effort and energy in life. The life areas of its house is where you want to win and you feel in charge here.
If you want to learn more about this planet, here’s an article about what Mars means in astrology.
The First House in the Natal Chart
The first house is the House of Self. This house is all about you: it tells what you look like, what are your qualities, how you come across and how you approach new beginnings.
The cusp of the first house is called the ascendant. The ascendant is one of the most important components of the natal chart.
Every house is associated with a zodiac sign. The first house is traditionally the house of Aries and Mars―therefore, Mars in the first house is a very good placement! Mars is in accidental dignity here.
Natal Mars in First House
The sign of you Mars has a great influence over how you express your Mars.
Reckless and self-confident, you go after what you want in life. You are not scared easily. Mars in the first house suggests a leader, someone who enjoys taking action and loves to be the first. There are few things Mars loves more than winning.
The first house describes you, the chart holder. With your natal Mars here, you have great strength and vitality. This placement of Mars is very good, as this planet is in accidental dignity here. If Mars is not afflicted in your chart, it operates really well in your life!
You are full of energy with this placement. Mars in first house has to get rid of its excess energy, and people with this placement love physical exercise. No matter if they choose a martial art or play tennis, sport is an important part of their lives. Some of them work out or take up running as a hobby.
Incorporating physical exercise is essential for your well-being. It helps you release the tension and channelize the energy of Mars in a constructive way. Mars in first house people have great physical strength.
This placement suggests a success in sports. Even if you pursue a career in some other field, you are good at physical exercise, and it’s an important part of your life.
Mars in first house people have a strong libido. Sex is very important to them, and they can’t live in a relationship where intimacy doesn’t work well.
Mars is all about being quick and alert. Mars in the first house people are quick themselves, they react in a millisecond when something around them happens. This trait can make you accident-prone.
You are spontaneous. In some cases, you react before you think.
Mars in First House and Conquering the World
Others immediately notice about you what is in the first house. If you have your Mars in the first house, you come across as bold, straightforward, assertive and sometimes aggressive. Independence is very important to you.
You approach life as a battle. Mars in the first house loves challenges, and even more loves to win. Victory is what makes you feel alive. People who have this placement in the natal chart are ambitious and like to fight. If you use this placement constructively, you fight or your goals and dreams.
However, if you have an afflicted Mars and fail to harness it, you can be aggressive. Aggression is here to help you protect yourself, but you should know when to stop. A Mars that gets out of control hurts both you and people in your environment.
Mars in the first house suggests a dynamic person. Someone who is always on the go. With your high energy levels, you have the potential to accomplish a lot of things.
For a person with a prominent Mars, it can be a challenge to stick to a plan. Impulsivity is an important trait of Mars in the first house people. You are spontaneous and impatient, but this can hinder your success if you don’t take care.
Even though you begin a project with great enthusiasm, persistence is not necessary a trait of yours. Another possible pitfall is that you tend to act before evaluating the situation.
Mars in First House Conjunct the Ascendant
If Mars is in the first house, it can happen that it’s close to the ascendant. Most astrologers allow an orb of 8 degrees for the conjunction.
This placement enhances the traits of a natal Mars in the first house. Mars conjunct ascendant makes you similar to an Aries rising person.
This placement suggests a very active person. You have extremely high energy levels, and it’s a must for you to find an outlet. If you don’t learn to use your energy and aggression constructively, you might become violent, especially if Mars is in aspect with Saturn or Pluto in your chart.
Your drive is very strong and you want to accomplish great things. Mars conjunct ascendant reveals that you are an ambitious and motivated person. Your reactions are extremely quick to changes in your environment.
Mars here makes you come across as self-confident and assertive. You have leadership skills and charisma. In life, you have the potential to become a victorious and successful person.
Depending on the sign of your Mars and ascendant, you are hot-headed and straightforward. With few Libra energy in your chart, people sometimes perceive you as pushy.
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