If you want to learn what a natal Venus in the eighth house means in astrology, you’ll love this article!
Venus here is in the house associated with Scorpio. The eighth house is a mysterious place, and this mystery sticks to your Venus, too. You are drawn to hidden things, you are passionate and secretive.
This placement is a very intriguing one. You have an alluring presence and others often find you magnetic. Others want to figure you out but you are enigmatic and you are picky about who you let close. In a relationship, you want depth and closeness. When you love someone, you are fiercely loyal.
Venus in the eighth house indicates that you receive a support from other people in life. This placement suggests you luck when it comes to joint resources and other people’s money.
Keep reading to learn more about what Venus in the eighth house means in astrology!

What Does Venus Mean In Astrology?
Venus, named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, is the most feminine planet in astrology. It is the planet of grace and charm.
There are two zodiac signs that belong to Venus. It’s the ruling planet of both Taurus and Libra. Taurus is an earth sign, focused on the beauty we can experience on the Earth. Libra wants to be surrounded by harmony and balance, both in relationships and in the physical world.
Venus rules a lot of things in astrology:
Flowers, fruits, sweets, jewelry, beautiful clothes, fragrances and other luxuries are all associated with Venus. It’s also the planet of art and beauty. But Venus is the planet of relationships, too. Venus rules all forms of partnerships, both romantic and business.
Venus knows that you can achieve much more when you cooperate with others. It is the sign of social niceties, tact and diplomacy.
Venus doesn’t like to be alone. A strong Venus gifts you with social skills, charm, grace and charisma. A well-aspected Venus makes you attractive to people.
In the natal chart, Venus shows what you enjoy doing the most. It also shows how you can attract love into your life, and how you give and receive affection.
If you have a weak Venus in the horoscope, it can suggest that you don’t feel worthy of love, and your self-esteem is low.
Want to learn more about Venus? Read more about this beautiful planet here.
The Eighth House in the Natal Chart
Now you know what Venus represents in astrology, but what about the eighth house in the natal chart?
Well, this house is a super mysterious place. It can be called a dark place as well, because its matters are not your everyday fun activities. In fact, they can be quite painful.
The eighth house is the house of death, sex, rebirth, deep and intense transformations in astrology. This house shows you your dormant strengths, but these strengths are usually awakened through the challenges and hardships you face. The eighth house governs hidden things, like your subconscious and taboos. The eighth house is the house of loss and trauma as well.
Other people’s money, financial gain through legacy or marriage, taxes belong to this house, too.
The eighth house is traditionally associated with Scorpio and Pluto. Scorpio is a water sign, mysterious, passionate, emotional. It is resourceful and investigative, and if you have several planets in the eighth house, the same qualities describe you as well.
Here’s What Your Venus in the Eighth House Reveals About Your Personality
Venus in the eighth house people share some traits with the Venus in Scorpio folks.
If you have your Venus in this house, you are charismatic, alluring and have a magnetic power. There is an aura of mystery around you, what makes you irresistible. This placement indicates that you are very seductive.
The eighth house is the house of joint resources. Financial gain often comes into your life through other people’s resources. There are many ways how this can manifest: Venus in 8th house can be an indicator of inheritance, a romantic partner who helps you financially, gains from investments, but this placement can even show up in the charts of people who receive benefits from the government. It’s likely that you receive some form of support from other people, not just in money, but also gifts etc.
Relationships help you evolve on multiple levels. As mentioned above, Venus in 8th house often suggests your life improving financially through your partner, but they also help you transform yourself psychologically and emotionally. Relationships help you grow spiritually (especially when they end).
Depending on the rest of the chart, Venus in the eighth house can indicate that you’ll have a long life, and you’ll die in peace. This placement can suggest protection in adverse situations.
Fascination With Taboos and Venus in the Eighth House
The eighth house is the house of secrets. People who have placements here are interested in mysteries and things beyond what logic can explain. You are very drawn to the hidden layers of life.
Most people find death scary and thinking about dying or the afterlife terrifying and bizarre,. But not you. Venus in the eighth house people are puzzled by these phenomena. Forensics, detective novels, horror movies, all these things are welcome.
You like to think about everything hidden. This placement can make you interested in psychology, too―the eighth house is the house of the subconscious. Venus in 8th house people tend to be introspective. They want to understand people on a deep level.
Generally speaking, you are not the one to run away from difficult emotions with this placement. You are comfortable with holding space for others. This placement is excellent for therapists.
This placement suggests a strong intuition, especially if Venus is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or if there are other planets in water signs or houses. You are fine-tuned for the emotions of others as well.
You are often drawn to spirituality, too, and it can be a source of great happiness in your life.
Venus in the Eighth House Love and Relationships
Venus in the house of Scorpio makes seduction easy for you. If your Venus happens to be in Scorpio, then multiply this magnetic attractiveness by two. Others find you extremely magnetic and sexy.
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you easily find happiness in a relationship. You want a very deep bond, superficial connections are not enough for you.The eighth house is a hidden place, and with many planets there, you might not always understand your emotions.
In a relationship, you want to share yourself on a very deep level. An evolved Venus in the eighth house is looking for her soulmate. Intimacy is extremely important to you. You want to share yourself completely and on every level.
Sex is a crucial part of a relationship here. Venus in the eighth house people are passionate and they often have a lot of love affairs. Think of a femme fatale type of women or its male equivalent in case of men.
If you experience the unevolved side of Venus in 8th house, there might be power struggles, manipulation in relationships (either you or the other person). You can become jealous or possessive if you feel hurt or in danger.
Depending on the rest of the chart, Venus in the eighth house sometimes indicates that your marriage doesn’t last long. You get a lot out of it, however, even if it ends.
Venus in the eighth house can indicate secrets in your relationship or secret relationships. In some cases, there can be lot of drama involved with this placement.
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I have a loaded 8th and 12th house.
Well done several articles…
A lot of small “endings and beginnings”… The TRUE house of a MAGICIAN… wielding the power over change.
oooo you’d be someone I’d love to chat with. I have venus and sun in Taurus 8th house and jupiter in 12 in virgo 😀
Hi Mark! Will you please tell me what you know about the 8th house? I have my Venus & Mars conjunct in Aries in the 8th house.
I have a stellium in the 8th house including Venus. In fact I have 5 planets in the 8th house. I’ve had my fair share of tumult and deep themes in my life with hard lessons. I have definitely had to seek therapy lol! let me just say I have had premonitions in my dreams that come true.. people say I am eccentric and I have a strange sense of humor. not like an edgy teenager just bizarre.. (maybe thats also my 6 placements in Aquarius) I love to laugh at the absurdity of life. 8th house placements are not a death sentence! it can be really fun. you are so welcome for all the info xx –
Love it iv got North Node & Venus in Aquarius in 8th aspecting my mars & pluto & lillith in Scorpio in 5th and 5 planet sag stellium next door in 7th good fun indeed
Let me say, I’m an 8th house stellium with 4 planets being the aqua & I totally see & feel you💫✨💫✨💫blessed be!
I have both my moon and venus in the 8th house and Aries.. with a Taurus sun.
This article helps and explains a decent amount.
That’s fascinating switch to me, I have both sun and venus in the 8th house and Aries, with a Taurus moon.
I’m a Libra rising gemini sun sag moon
I have Venus in the 8th house in Taurus At 29 degrees.
I am just thinking right now that I’m probably more powerful then I give myself credit for
I am an Aquarius with Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Pisces located in the eighth house forming a triple conjunction. These three planets are located between my Aries Moon in the ninth and Sun in the seventh, which form a mystic rectangle with Neptune and Pluto. The planet Pluto is in Leo conjunct my ascendant. I love to research for the truth and am a good judge of character. My inner voice has been my best friend and protector. I’ve studied Astrology for at least 40 years and enjoy doing research in this area. This eighth house alignment allows me to understand and perceive things that most people are unaware of, I state this with humility. The sensitivity and depth of the eighth house is somewhat overwhelming at times, I have to admit.
I believe Astrology is not the cause but a reflection of who we are and a way quantifying how certain forces of cosmos operate. The universe itself is aware and all things within it, us included. Very amazing to exist in this unfathomable reality.
I love your eloquent take on the essence of astrology and couldn’t agree more. We obviously come from the same generation, as I also have Pluto conjunct my Leo Asc (and I share your Aries Moon in the 9th!). What a mystical/ evolutionary chart — that’s a lot of Pisces!!! I deeply value my own Venus in Pisces in the 8th — and I am grateful everyday for the grounding of my 1st degree Taurus Sun. Maybe we will find ourselves in the Dreamtime some day, enjoying a mystical conversation over a cup of tea :-).
I have venus in my 8th, also at 29 degrees as well my saturn, mars, Neptune & Uranus.. moon in Scorpio, lilith and Pluto in Scorpio, both 6th house. Malefic jupiter in retrograde in Gemini, and an Aquarius sun, Taurus ascendant just to top it all off nicely… it has been unrelenting, I’ll leave it at that… people always tell me I have this beautiful energy though and everyone always speaks of my “energy”. Sometimes they won’t even mention me, for example, often people will say things like “I really miss your energy,” or “it would feel nice to be in your presence..” and people cannot seem to leave me alone, I literally find myself hiding to get moments alone to catch my breath/thoughts… used to I was so flattered by this, now I’m simply exhausted.. a girl recently told me it sounds like I’ve learned how to transmute that pain into healing energy and that’s why they swamp me… but I’m just exhausted. And when I can’t give someone what they want, instantly they become an enemy and try and slander me… ugh this battle in life is hard… should anyone have any ideas.. PLEASE do not hesitate to email.
I have Venus in Taurus & mars in Aries in my 8th. I am quite magnetic to both sexes. & ive had life-death experiences. I’m fascinated with astrology, tarot, mysteries, life-death, all of that! & sex is super important to me. My husband is a funeral director/embalmer, & we may get decent inheritances when older. Great article! Thank you!
I feel strongly about this. I have Venus in Scorpio in 8th house. I also have Pluto in Scorpio in 7th house. Words aren’t enough to describe the intensity of my relationships. It’s awkward when I attract the opposite sex especially when I don’t intend to. I have to downplay my femininity and sexuality in order to function and be seen as an ordinary woman in public. In private, I embrace my inner goddess and give my all in order to consume the soul of my lover.
I have 8th house stellium in planets sun, mercury, venus, saturn. Im really secretive as a person but at the same time mingle easily with everyone in any social situations. I also have 7th house stellium in Mars, uranus, neptune.
I have Venus, Mars and Black moon lilith in the 8th house in the sign of Leo.