If you have your natal Venus in the sixth house, or you don’t, but you want to learn more about this placement, you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, we’ll look at what Venus in the sixth house means in astrology.
Venus in the sixth house is in the house of Virgo, and the house of work and health. Venus here makes you lucky when it comes to your job, work environment and coworkers―you are often popular with them.
Do you know what else a Venus in the sixth house reveals about you? That you love sweets!
Keep reading to learn more about this position of Venus in the natal chart!
Meaning of Venus in Astrology
The planet Venus got its name after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus. This is the only planet named after a female divinity, and it represents femininity in astrology.
Venus is all about love. It shows both your love life and what you love to do or to possess in life.
Here’s a short list of the most important things associated with Venus in astrology:
- relationships
- unions
- diplomacy
- charm
- romance
- art
- culture
- all things beautiful and pleasant: fragrances, sweets, flowers, fruits, jewelry, beautiful clothes, and so on.
A well-aspected Venus in the natal chart makes you attractive and charismatic. A weak Venus, however, suggests that you don’t feel worthy of love.
In the natal chart, Venus shows what you find attractive, what you enjoy doing, and what kind of partner you want. It also shows how you attract others to you. Venus is about getting what you want in an effortless way.
In the chart of a female, Venus describes the kind of lover you are, while in the chart of a male it shows what kind of women they are attracted to (if they are heterosexual).
Venus rules two zodiac signs in astrology: Taurus and Libra.
Taurus is the natural sign of the second house, and it’s the sign of hedonism, possessions, luxury and financial stability. Libra, on the other hand, is the natural sign of the seventh house of partnerships. This sign is associated with relationships, diplomacy, and justice.
If you want to learn more about the planet Venus, read more about what Venus means in astrology here.
The Sixth House in the Natal Chart
Now that you know what Venus represents in astrology, let’s move on to the meaning of the sixth house!
This house is traditionally associated with practical and down-to-earth Virgo. It’s an earth house, which means that this house is focused on making a living and on reality.
The two key life areas for the sixth house are health and work.
It’s important to understand the difference between the sixth and the tenth house when it comes to your professional life. The tenth house shows your overall career and life path, while the sixth house is about your job and workplace. It’s how you make a living and pay for the bills.
The sixth house is also the house of health. It shows your tendencies when it comes to diseases and what you should watch out for. The sixth house is the house of everyday routines that help you preserve your health. Habits are more important than we think.
If you want to learn more about the sixth house in the chart wheel, you should read this article.

What Does Venus in the Sixth House Mean?
And now let’s learn what a Venus in the sixth house means in astrology!
If you have this placement in your birth chart, you can expect luck and ease in the life areas of the sixth house.
You like to give service. People with this placement often end up in a workplace where they can help others. You often work in the field of health or counseling, but there are many less stereotypical jobs where you still help people indirectly. You often work with people, though. The sign of Venus also influences your career path in this case.
Venus in the sixth house people value work and achievements in their professional life. You take your job seriously. And your boss takes you seriously in return.
People with this placement are conscientious when it comes to work and they are good employees. You have an emotional bond to your work, and you want to do your best.
Venus in the sixth house points to a profession where you spend your time in a pleasant work environment.
This position of Venus shows that you get along well with your co-workers. You are charming in the workplace, and your colleagues are instinctively drawn to you. You also have a talent for creating a harmonious environment. Venus in the sixth house makes you loved and popular in the workplace.
Your job often involves working with women.
Venus in the sixth house gives you luck in your career. It often happens in your life that the universe has your back when applying for a job, and you manage to land a cool job even when the chances are against you.
Venus in the Sixth House and Health
The sixth house is the house of health in the natal chart.
Wherever you see Venus in the natal chart, you can expect luck in the matters of its house. Venus in the sixth house suggests that your health is excellent.
Generally speaking, you like a healthy lifestyle. You pay attention to getting enough sleep, drinking water and avoiding harmful habits.
However, if your Venus receives challenging aspects, you can be prone to self-indulgence. Venus here suggests that you eat too much sugar and carbs.
Here’s What Venus in the Sixth House Reveals About Your Love Life
In your life, success in work and in love often go hand in hand. When you are happy and fulfilled in your job, your whole being radiates happiness, what makes you very attractive.
Venus in the sixth house people often meet their partner through work. Even if you don’t get involved in a relationship, it often happens to you that you find your co-workers cute and you are drawn to them.
With this placement in your birth chart, you often have the same profession or work in the same field as your lover. You want more than just a few dates in a relationship.
If Venus is in an earth sign, you are reserved and appear cold. You take your time to decide if a relationship is right for you, but once in, you are a loyal and caring partner.
Venus in a house full of Virgo energy absorbs some of the qualities of this sign. How you approach love depends on the sign of your Venus, too, but generally speaking, you have a rational attitude when it comes to the matters of the heart.