No matter if you have a natal Mercury in second house or if you just want to learn more about this placement, in this article, we’ll talk about how to interpret Mercury here.
This placement suggests that you are a practical thinker. You know how to grow an idea and turn it into reality. And often, there are material benefits when you do so!
Keep reading to learn more about how to interpret a natal Mercury in second house!
The Planet Mercury in Astrology
Mercury is the planet of the mind. It represents your thinking processes, analytical thinking, reasoning, your logical side. When you do maths, you use Mercury. When you make a plan, again, you use Mercury. It governs all things intellectual.
Mercury is what makes us different from the animals: we can think, plan, but most of all, communicate.
All forms of communication belong to Mercury in astrology. If it receives some challenging aspects, the person has a hard time making himself understood. Think about Mercury as a bridge between you and the world.
Mercury rules two zodiac signs: both Virgo and Gemini.
If you want to learn more about the meaning of Mercury in astrology, we’ve got an article about it here.
The Second House in the Natal Chart
The second house is also known as the House of Values. This house governs all things you consider valuable: possessions (except real estate or land), money, but also more abstract possessions, like innate talents. The second house is a talent house, and if you have planets here, it’s a good choice to develop them fully.
This house is associated with the zodiac sign Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign: it focuses on working hard and providing, but the Bull also knows how to enjoy the fruits of the hard work.

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, and the second house governs things Venus loves: good food, nice clothing, artworks, everything that makes life more enjoyable. Hence it’s the house of possessions.
An emphasized second house tells that financial security is important for you. A well-aspected second house suggests that you can become quite well-to-do, if you are not already.
If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the second house in astrology, you can read more about it here.
Mercury in Second House: Practical Thinking
This placement suggests that you are not a theoretical person. You are smart and bright, but you are usually not the straight A student in school.
However, when it comes to practical things, that’s a whole different story!
With Mercury in the house of earthy Taurus, the tangible world is your cup of tea. Making theories for the sake of theory makes no sense to you. You want to see the result in the physical world. The sign is important, too, but a Mercury in the second house is a rational placement. You value logic and facts more than fantasy.
The second house is the house of finances. To be more specific, it’s one of the money houses: it shows the money you earn. A natal Mercury here suggests that you use your intellect to gain wealth. When it comes to making money, you can always come up with a brilliant idea or two.
With your natal Mercury in second house, you have an innate talent for business. You make a good economist, businessperson, or you would do well in any profession that requires practical thinking.
You value material things a lot. A Mercury in second house knows the value of money and work. How much (or little) you spend depends on the sign of Mercury and the aspects it receives from the rest of the chart.
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