Astrology is an amazing tool for self-discovery, but also for analyzing the potential and the underlying dynamics of a relationship. In this article, you can read about the meaning of the Moon sextile Mercury natal and synastry aspects. This is a beneficial influence in any chart.
Here, the planet of the soul comes together with the planet of reasoning ability. In the birth chart, the Moon sextile Mercury natal aspect suggests a smart, eloquent, empathetic person. In synastry, this connection indicates that you intuitively ‘get’ each other, it is one of the best aspects for long-term compatibility. The Moon person feels very much at home in the presence of the Mercury person.
Both Mercury and the Moon are very quick celestial objects. Because of this, their aspects are particularly important. You can allow a wider orb for this sextile.
Keep reading to learn more about the Moon sextile Mercury aspect in astrology!

Moon Sextile Mercury Natal Aspect
Harmonious Moon-Mercury aspects (the conjunction, the trine, and the sextile) are amazing to have in the natal chart. They indicate that your mind and your soul support each other and work together. You express your emotions with ease. This sextile suggests good mental health, even if you feel blue for some time, you are able to get over it quickly, unless the Moon is in a fixed sign. You understand yourself well and you know what you need to do to feel better. In one word, your intrapersonal intelligence is high with the Moon sextile Mercury in your natal chart. This also helps you understand other people better.
This aspect is wonderful for interacting with others. People who have this natal aspect are usually great conversationalists. They find it easy to understand others and they are very good listeners. You intuitively know what to say in any situation. This aspect suggests that you are brilliant at negotiating. If the rest of the chart supports it, you can be a pretty popular person.
You can make good use of the Moon sextile Mercury in any profession where you work with people. You get along with young people particularly well. This aspect between the Moon and Mercury can also be great for work related to administration, trade, anything related to documents, transportation, media, marketing (as these are ruled by Mercury).
People with this aspect often enjoy literature and reading. They are often well-educated and they are life-long learners. In school, this aspect suggests exceptional performance, these people are excellent students and they are very smart. You enjoy learning. This aspect is characterized by a very good memory. You remember the small details.
In the birth chart, the Moon also tells about your mother. Mercury in harmonious aspect to the Moon suggests that she was an intelligent, resourceful, tactful person. Sometimes this aspect suggests that she works with the youth or a people-oriented job.
The Moon semi sextile Mercury natal aspect has a similar effect, but less intense (in this case, the planets are placed 30 degrees apart).
The zodiac signs where your Moon and your Mercury are placed reveal more details about how this aspect manifests in your life. The planets’ positions by houses are also important. You have to read everything in the chart in context.
Moon Sextile Mercury Synastry Aspect
What does the Moon sextile Mercury synastry aspect suggest about your relationship?
In synastry, you analyze how the natal chart of someone interacts with the natal chart of someone else. By putting the two natal charts on top of each other, you can see what aspects the planets form to each other. These aspects reveal the potential of the relationship and if there is a connection between these two people. Synastry is often used when assessing the potential of a romantic relationship, but of course you can compare the natal charts of people in any kind of relationship, parent-child, boss-employee, friends, it does not matter.
The Moon is a particularly important planet in synastry. This luminary governs a deeper, more private side of you, your emotional nature, instincts, your need for love, nurturing, protection. Moon aspects are extremely important in synastry. Harmonious aspects from one person’s planets to the other person’s Moon indicate a deep connection on the level of the soul. There is an enhanced sensitivity between you.
So, what does the Moon sextile Mercury synastry aspect indicate about your relationship?
This is a wonderful aspect. The sextile is a harmonious aspect, bringing ease and mutual support between the planets that form it. Moon sextile Mercury in synastry suggests that the two people understand each other very well. The Mercury person can put into words the feelings of the Moon person. The Moon person feels that nobody understands them as deeply as the Mercury person. Their presence helps the Moon person get in touch with themselves too.
Communication functions very well in this relationship. Both people feel safe to speak their mind, and constructive criticism is well-received. Sometimes the Mercury person is impelled to say what the Moon person wants to hear.
The Moon person is mesmerized by the intellectual abilities of the Mercury person. They adore the Mercury person, find them witty, funny, unique. The Moon sextile Mercury in synastry suggests that you enjoy being in each other’s company.
The Moon sextile Mercury is a great aspect not only for couples, but also for friends, business partners, coworkers. This aspect suggests that the connection is not superficial, you feel seen and heard.
Read this: the best synastry aspects in astrology
Moon Trine Mercury
The Moon trine Mercury natal aspect is similar to the sextile, but it is an even easier flow of energy between the planets.
The trine is similar in its effect to the sextile, both are harmonious planetary aspects. The difference is that the sextile requires some work to make the most out of it, while the trine indicates a talent that comes naturally to you. Because of this, people are often unaware of them, as they don’t consider it anything special.
Meaning of the Moon in Astrology
The Moon is one of the most important planets in astrology. Of course, the Moon is not one of the actual planets, but in astrology, it is referred to as such. Its influence is outstanding as the celestial body located the closest to the Earth.
In astrology, the Moon represents women and children. It’s energy is very feminine. The Moon also governs periodicity, fluctuations, changes. The Moon is the planet of emotions, needs, nurturing, gentleness, home, the subconscious. It rules your intuition.
The Moon rules Cancer in astrology. Cancer is a water sign, and its energy is soft and nurturing, similar to the Moon’s. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, while it is in fall in Scorpio and in detriment in Capricorn.
In the birth chart, it is a must to pay special attention to this luminary. Some people identify with their Moon sign rather than with their Sun sign, yet it is frequently overlooked in popular astrology.
Meaning of Mercury in Astrology
Mercury is the first planet of the Solar System from the Sun. Being so close to the Sun, it has a relatively short orbital period of 88 days. It is the quickest moving planet. The only aspect Mercury can form to the Sun is the conjunction (0 degrees).
In the Zodiac, Mercury is the planetary ruler of two signs, Gemini and Virgo.
Mercury governs the intellect. It’s energy is neutral, neither feminine nor masculine. This planet is connected with communication, speaking ability, writing, thinking, mental processes. Mercury is the rational, conscious mind in astrology. It is all about processing information and expressing it. It also rules science, mathematics, medicine.
Mercury is also associated with transportation, vehicles, small trips, day-to-day activities, your local environment and neighborhood.
In the birth chart, Mercury tells how you express yourself and how you related to others. A strong Mercury suggests an intelligent, communicative person.
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