If you were born with the Moon square Pluto natal aspect, your emotional life is characterized by intensity and depth. This aspect is turbulent and passionate. It can be difficult to find peace. Your emotions are very intense and complex, but it’s difficult for you to process them because of the level of intensity. You hate putting them on display. Sometimes they stay hidden even from you yourself. The Moon square Pluto tendency to feel things profoundly yet wanting to bury your emotions simultaneously often creates conflict in your psyche. You were born with a need for depth and authenticity. You despise superficial things.
In your relationships, you are loyal and devoted if you love someone, but letting your guard down requires complete honesty and genuine love from the other person. There’s a tendency to experience power struggles even with your loved ones. This aspect indicates that you are afraid of being left and in order to avoid this, you might grow possessive of your loved ones and you might try to control them. If you haven’t integrated this aspect yet, you might struggle with taking ownership and you might blame people around you when things go wrong.
Moon square Pluto in the natal chart suggests that your emotional world is strongly intertwined with your subconscious. Your subconscious infiltrates your mind—bringing both gifts and challenges. You are very sensitive and your intuition is extremely powerful, especially if the Moon is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or in a water house (the fourth, eighth or the twelfth house).
If the square is applying in your chart, you probably experience the things linked with this aspect more with age while with a separating aspect, it’s becoming less perceivable as you get older.
This square makes your Moon a bit similar to a Scorpio moon, regardless of your actual moon sign. Moon-Pluto aspects are also called Hades moon (Judy Hall has an excellent book of the same name on this topic).
Keep reading to learn more about the Moon square Pluto natal aspect!
Moon Square Pluto Natal
The Moon is one of the most important things in a birth chart. Because of its rapid movement through the Zodiac, its position is extremely significant, to the degree and minor aspects. This luminary stays in each sign for two and a half days. This makes its house and sign positions just as personal as its aspects. Pluto, however, is the slowest planet: as a generational planet, its aspects to personal planets and house position are what reveal the most information about you as an individual.
Although fears are represented by Saturn in astrology, Moon square Pluto natal suggests deep-seated, karmic fears. People with this placement often have trust issues and a fear of abandonment. These usually originate from early childhood, but they are part of a wider, karmic pattern as well. This square can be particularly karmic if water houses or Saturn are involved.
With a Moon square Pluto natal aspect, you dislike opening up to others. People with this aspect are often enigmatic regarding their emotions and thoughts. Sometimes even you are unaware of your emotional patterns. However, being in touch with your feelings can be really liberating—Pluto is all about unearthing hidden secrets and healing, deep transformation. Transforming your emotions is one of the most important lessons this placement teaches you.
People who were born with the Moon square Pluto natal aspect tend to be control freaks. However, Pluto is also about letting go: from time to time, you might experience situations that are beyond your control. Surrendering and trusting that the process is ultimately happening in your favor is really important with a natal Moon square Pluto aspect. This aspect asks you to be more flexible and open to change.
Although you are afraid of letting go, Pluto here emphasizes the importance of not holding on to past hurts. This square can indicate life experiences that force you to let go of past baggage (but the more self-aware you are, the easier they are to deal with). An unevolved Moon-Pluto person might hold grudges and seek revenge. However, this is a purging aspect: Pluto in contact with the Moon asks you to let go. Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of generational patterns too in order to evolve.
In some cases, Moon square Pluto in the birth chart can suggest that your birth was high-risk. Some people with this placement almost lost their lives in the birth process or there were some complications. These early experiences of loss and uncertainty might indicate the extreme need for safety later on. The Moon represents your most vulnerable part-Pluto is obsessed with keeping it safe but if you haven’t integrated it, you sometimes do it in an unhealthy way. This aspect can indicate separation anxiety.
With a Moon square Pluto natal aspect, you often feel unsafe. Because of this, you are often fearful of drastic changes in your life and you tend to stick to the status quo. When you find someone or something that makes you feel safe, you hold on to them as long as possible. Change is one of the most difficult things for you with this placement.

Despite your efforts to keep things the same, you can’t avoid powerful emotional turbulences. Over time, you become proficient at navigating crisis situations. When in pain, you are prone to beating yourself up. People with this aspect undergo many deep transformations throughout their lives. Finding the root of your pain is central with this aspect. You were born with a potential to dig really deep into your psyche and transform everything that doesn’t serve you. Identifying triggers is important too. With a natal Moon square Pluto aspect, you could benefit from psychology and therapy. If you muster up the courage to face your shadow self, it can have a very regenerative effect on you.
Moon square Pluto in the natal chart can imply the effect of the dark side of Pluto in your life in some cases (if the chart as a whole points in that direction). This aspect can indicate some very sad things growing up: abuse, abandonment, betrayal. The rest of the chart is really important. But even if nothing majorly terrible (pain is relative) happens to you, it still induces quite a few journeys through the underworld. Making peace with the pain and turning it into an ally is something Moon-Pluto people often experience.
People with this placement often grow up getting a glimpse into the underworld. This aspect can indicate a tendency towards depression and mental health issues at some point in your life (depending on the rest of the natal chart). Moon-Pluto difficult aspects can indicate that you are detached from the world of emotions. You might find yourself apathetic and numb, finding it difficult to be enthusiastic about anything.
Moon square Pluto natal can indicate that it’s difficult for you to observe your emotions objectively. Learning emotional self-regulation is usually an important lesson with this aspect in the birth chart. Your emotions run extremely deep and your reactions can be quite drastic as well.
The good thing about Moon square Pluto in the birth chart is the healing abilities. If you get to the bottom of things, you are able to recover and come back more powerful than ever. One of the best things about the Moon square Pluto natal aspect is that it makes you extremely resilient. Even though you sometimes experience extreme emotions, you are able to come back stronger and ideally, wiser from every journey to the underworld.
Moon Square Pluto Natal Aspect and Relationships
If you have a Moon square Pluto natal aspect, relationships play an important role on your journey. They tend to be very transformative for you. You tend to be afraid of being hurt and avoid being vulnerable. If you have someone who doesn’t attack you when you are at your weakest, it’s a deeply healing experience for you.
People with this powerful aspect are often shy at a young age. As children, many of them experience rejection and loneliness. They are worried about not being liked and they are simultaneously suspicious of people around them and want to make sure they are safe before being vulnerable with someone. Moon square Pluto is often a very lonely aspect. In general, it can be said that you don’t like letting people close to you. However, if someone climbs the wall around your inner world, you are fiercely loyal and protective of them. When you love someone, you love them with all your heart, but this is true for when you hate someone as well. You have strong reactions to people. Your environment reacts strongly to you as well. In many cases, people either love you or try to avoid you.
When you love someone, you love them very deeply. You are prone to become possessive of your loved ones. You usually take some time to warm up to someone, but when you do, you are extremely dedicated. People with this placement are often afraid of their intense emotions and they might try to sweep them under the rug. Often, they had the experience growing up that expressing their emotions was not safe. Sometimes you assume the worst and you are often preparing for the worst-case scenario. Moon square Pluto natal can indicate obsessive-compulsive tendencies (if it is accompanied by other indicators in the chart). It can indicate a tendency towards depression as well (depending on the rest of the chart).
Moon square Pluto indicates a strong parental influence. This aspect suggests that there’s a deep relationship with the mother that really shapes your psychological profile. The maternal line is very emphasized in general. In the ideal case, being vulnerable feels safe in your relationship with her and it helps you resolve your trauma. Moon square Pluto natal often indicates that you are very close and the umbilical cord is never really cut psychologically. This aspect can also suggest that you are so attuned to each other, it’s as though there is a telepathic connection between you two. Often, there’s a deep-seated fear of losing each other.
Sometimes the relationship is burdened by power struggles. People with a Moon square Pluto natal aspect might feel a strong need to live up to their mom’s expectations and they might be afraid of disappointing her, especially at a younger age. Power struggles with other family members can also occur.
Other aspects to Pluto in your birth chart reveal more details about your relationship with your mother and how you perceived her. It’s important that one aspect is not enough to come to any kind of conclusions.
On a more abstract level, Moon square Pluto natal can indicate issues with giving and accepting nurturing. It’s common that people with this aspect want to do everything on their own, don’t want to burden others and refuse help. Learning to both give and accept it is one of your life lessons. Sometimes you consider reaching out for help to be a weakness. However, depending how you experience this aspect, you might become too demanding yourself, trying to control your loved ones.
Moon square Pluto natal suggests that you have many fears that you have to sort out. Often, you are afraid of being manipulated and in your efforts to avoid becoming a victim of manipulation, you turn manipulative yourself. At the same time, you might resort to manipulation in order to avoid direct confrontation which you are often afraid of.
You are also afraid of being lied to. Honesty is essential for you in your relationships. If you catch someone lying to you, it becomes extremely difficult for you to trust them again.
Owning your power is important with this aspect. Moon square Pluto natal suggests that you may perceive yourself as a victim (unless you have a really strong Mars, a chart abundant in fire, etc). However, Pluto teaches you that there are infinite reservoirs of power in your soul and you are able to overcome and achieve more than you would ever have thought.
Moon Square Pluto Natal in the Birth Chart
The house and sign position of the Moon should be looked at too if you want to completely understand how your moon square Pluto natal aspect operates in your chart. Pluto tends to amplify the traits of your moon sign (both the good and the bad).
For example, if your Moon is in Sagittarius, on the one hand, there’s a need for freedom and optimism but this can become a manic strive to break away. Pluto’s influence can also make a Sagittarius moon lose its tolerance and open-mindedness and make it self-righteous.
The Moon in Astrology
The Moon is one of the most important, if not the most important celestial bodies in astrology. This energy is the most personal. It governs your emotions, intuition, subconscious, memories, instincts, reactions, habits. The Moon is associated with the archetype of the mother and the wife, and with women in general.
The Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is the last planet in astrology: it’s the farthest away from the Sun. It is so far away that it has been known to humans only since 1930. However, its influence is profound. Pluto is named after the lord of the underworld in Roman mythology—this mirrors its astrological themes as well.
Pluto rules many difficult topics in astrology: traumas, abuse, death. It’s positive side embodies rebirth, deep healing and transformation, going under the surface and finding the root cause of problems.
In the Zodiac, Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio (previously ruled by Mars).
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