If you want to learn about the meaning of a natal Mars in the eighth house, this article is for you.
Why is the placement of Mars important in astrology? Without the red planet, there would be nothing that would push us to accomplish our goals and get what we want. Understanding your Mars helps you understand your motivation and desires better.
Mars in the eighth house is placed in the house of Scorpio, the sign it used to rule before the discovery of Pluto. It becomes stronger in the eighth house, no matter its sign.
If you have your natal Mars in the eighth house, this article is for you. Keep reading to learn what this placement means in astrology!

Meaning of Mars in Astrology
One of the personal planets, the placement of Mars in the natal chart is important both by house and sign. It shows where you find strength and in what way. The house of your Mars tells in which life areas you invest most of your energy.
Named after the Roman god of war, Mars has a violent and dangerous side. When it gets out of control, we witness destruction and war. However, when used properly, Mars is your inner powerhouse.
In astrology, Mars is the planet of action. It’s impatient, impulsive, pioneering, always ready to fight. People who have a strong Mars or important placements in Aries reflect these qualities, too.
Without Mars, you couldn’t survive. It helps you fight back if someone attacks you.
If you want to learn more about this planet, look up this article about the meaning of Mars in astrology.
The Eighth House in the Natal Chart
Now that you know what Mars is about, here’s a short overview of the eighth house in the chart wheel.
The eighth house is a mysterious place for sure. Traditionally associated with the sign Scorpio, it governs intense transformations. Some of the life areas here include birth, death, rebirth, sex, but also transformations on a mental level. Your old self dies and a new one is born. It also shows joint resources and financial gain through other people.
This house is not easy to access. As a water house, it shows the unconscious and what is hidden in some way. The eighth house is the house of secrets and taboos. It’s also the house of pain and trauma―and learning how to transform them into wisdom.
The purpose of the eighth house in the natal chart is to help you cut the ties and let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore. Dramatic and painful, sometimes we need a push to move on to something better.
Natal Mars in the Eighth House
There is a touch of Scorpio’s intensity to any planet located in the eighth house. Mars is no exception: it becomes powerful and intense here, and it suggests high energy levels, especially if it’s strong by sign. The fire within burns very strong in you.
Mars in the eighth house people have a strong inner drive. They are extremely motivated to achieve their goals and find success. Mars here becomes persistent and resourceful. If it doesn’t work out this way, it will work out that way, an eighth house Mars thinks. If you have this placement, you are very ambitious in life, and you have the inner resources necessary for succeeding. Mars here often becomes obsessed with its goals. You put a lot of effort into achieving them.
Mars here operates well in tough situations. When the stakes are high, you easily utilize your strengths. If you have this placement, you would do well in a career where you work under pressure to find the perfect solution, for example, resolving crisis.
You sometimes experience crisis in your own life, too. Mars is known as an impulsive and unpredictable planet. When it’s placed in the house if intense transformation and life-changing experiences, you can expect some sudden crisis to be a source of evolution in your life.
People who have planets I the eighth house are often drawn to the occult This house is known as the gate of the underworld in astrology. You are fascinated by topics others find dark or morbid, such as death or life after death.
The eighth house is the house of sex. Mars, the planet of libido here suggests that the person has a high sex drive. How they expresses this energy depends on the zodiac sign. Sexuality is a source of power in your life, and you have intense desires. Mars in the eighth house is one of the most passionate placements when it comes to sex in astrology.
Subconscious Fears in the Natal Chart
Planets in the eighth house suggest a desire for self-discovery. This house rules the subconscious and psychology in astrology, and it’s no surprise that you enjoy learning about these subjects
Water houses are karmic houses. They show your unconscious in astrology. Do you know those seemingly irrational fears and phobiast? Several planets in the eighth or twelfth house suggest a person who has a lot of subconscious fears.
Planets here are hidden from you. As you grow older and mature a you learn how to work with them.
Mars in the eighth house people often suffer from anxiety. Even they don’t understand where it comes from, but they are often worrying about non-existent threats.
The sign and aspects of Mars can give you more information about these deep-rooted fears in the natal chart.
Mars in the Eighth House and Dangers
Because of its fiery energy and impulsiveness, Mars brings some adversities to the house where it’s placed.
If you have your natal Mars in the eighth house, at some point in your life a near-death experience can occur. You are quick and impulsive, what makes you accident-prone.
Mars in the eighth house people can become controlling or obsessive. This placement is somewhat similar to a Mars in Scorpio.
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This article was awesome. It describes ne some well, my childhood and life beyond what I can remember in my astrology studies. I lived out so far everything its saying. The near death experiences I almost never share with other people. Determination and hard lessons to build my ego from innocence to the will to overcome dark and difficult scenarios that were eye opening beyond my understanding. I have Mars in the 8th house Retrograde in Capricorn, sextile to Saturn in Scorpio Retrograde. It is in opposition to a stellum in Cancer of Jupiter exalted, Mercury, in the 2nd House, while Venus in the 3rd House direct opposition with the South Node, with Uranus, with the Moon in the final degrees of Cancer.
Mars, the planet of war- I enjoyed reading this article, certainly identify with near death, the important Formidable years, the darker lower aspects of Mars have cause me to finally take a stand – Boundaries ++.
My grief reminds me – others far worse off!!
my anxiety – breath, and remind. Yourself tthatt We have a voice – the most challenging yet, however worth the work and the love I need finally, feels fantastic to start living again
♥️ reading this article. New here exciting to see new astrology sites
IDentify with Mars more than with my sun ♐- strong, powerful traits.
Often attracts peeps or repels them.
I also 😥 looked at death several times I’m my Formidable years. Learning to balance both darker/ higher Vibs – the lower aspects of Mars have cause me to finally take a stand No no no- Boundaries ++. Plus the grief reminds me – others far worse off!! Finally my
anxiety – taught me 1 breath
Remind Yourself tthat We have a voice – use correctly —
the most challenging yet
feels fantastic to start living again ♥️
Wonderful Very Insightful Article! Keep up the good work! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, Carli Logan.
Mars (retrograde) in Scorpio, (in the 8th house)
(mars square Uranus 3.0 orb) in 11th house
(mars conjunct Lilith 9.5 orb) in 8th house
(mars square Neptune 8.5 orb) in 10th house
(Mars square north node 9.5 orb) in 5th house
I’m also an Aries rising and an Aries moon ✌️😆