If you have your natal Mars in twelfth house in your chart, this article is for you. Learn what this placement of Mars means in astrology!
The twelfth house is the most special house in the chart wheel. It represents everything hidden, things that belong to a different world: dreams, fantasies, but also illusions. It’s a foggy place. You cannot access easily planets in the twelfth house, and Mars is no exception.
Mars in twelfth house suggests that you have a hard time expressing your anger and desires. In some cases, you are not even aware of it that you have them! Planets in twelfth house often indicate that in childhood, expressing the qualities of these planets was not encouraged.
Mars here suggests an inner restlessness. You are constantly in a state of excitement, but it can stop you from focusing on and dealing with the present.
When dealing with twelfth house placements, you have to make a choice: bring them out of the unconscious and master them, or let them stay there and forget about the part of you they represent. It’s important to free them, because if you don’t, they will transform into self-defeating patterns.
Keep reading to understand how Mars in twelfth house operates in a birth chart!
Mars in Astrology
To understand what Mars in twelfth house means in your birth chart, first you have to understand Mars.
Mars is the planet of strife and aggression. It plays a very important role in your psyche. If someone attacks you, it’s Mars that fights back. Without a healthy Mars, you cannot protect your boundaries properly. Mars is the animal in you. It can instinctively smell when someone wants to hurt you, and it reacts from muscle, before the brain has made a decision.
When it gets out of control, Mars can be dangerous. It’s the planet of war and destruction, it got its name after the Roman god of war, Mars. People who have Mars strong in their charts are often disagreeable, but it depends on them how they use it.
The negative manifestation of Mars is aggression and destructive use of force: it can take someone’s life and ill-treat. However, when used constructively, Martian energy is incredibly useful. It gives us strong inner drive and the desire to succeed. Mars gives you the strength to go and get what you want.
A well-aspected Mars in the horoscope indicates good vitality and health, stamina, and great physical strength.
Mars rules the sign Aries. It’s also strong in other fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius), in Scorpio, the sign it used to rule before the discovery of Pluto, and in Capricorn, the sign of its exaltation. If your Mars is in one of these signs, it’s can work well there.
Where you find Mars in the natal chart shows where you spend most of your energy. It also suggests the life areas where you are willing to fight.
If you want to learn more about this planet, go here to read more about Mars and what it means in astrology.

Mars in Twelfth House
Now that you know what is the role of Mars in astrology, you can see why it is important for Mars to work well in your birth chart. The issue with Mars in the twelfth house is that is becomes locked up.
If you have this placement in your natal chart, you have a hard time expressing your feelings and anger. Perhaps your parents taught you as a child to suppress it, because it is not acceptable to be angry. Usually, this was a taboo in childhood.
However, anger is a perfectly normal reaction when someone violates your boundaries. It’s an indicator that you don’t want to tolerate something anymore. When in a controlled way, expressing it necessary and healthy. If you hold on to your anger, it turns into frustration, and it makes your life bitter.
Mars helps you protect yourself. It’s the survival instinct in us, the fight-or-flight response. When Mars is in the twelfth house, this function doesn’t work well. People with this placement are sometimes labeled as bland.
Getting the Underdog to Win
The twelfth house is the house of service. If you have planets there, giving selfless love to the world is an essential part of your life. However, don’t let others take advantage of your soft heart.
Mars in twelfth house people have to learn how to stand up for themselves. When young, they don’t know how to communicate in a direct and assertive way, what often makes them feel devastated and defeated. However, as you age, twelfth house placements become easier. With time and practice, standing up for yourself can become your second nature.
This placement is often associated with weak will and low motivation. Mars is the planet of desires, too. With your Mars in twelfth house, you have no clear vision about what you really want, what are your own goals. They are hidden from you. Often, you feel that you don’t even have right to have your goals and wishes.
The key here is to find something you are enthusiastic about. If something can wake up this emotion in you, you become very driven, and you put a lot of effort into it. Mars here suggests that you can solve problems in a unique and creative way.
People with this placement are often insecure about their body. Sometimes clumsy, they have low levels of energy, and they try yo avoid physical exercise. (Did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger has this placement, too? He resolved this placement by developing physical strength and exercising.)
Spirituality, Intuition, and Mars in 12th House
The twelfth house is a water house, soft, mystical, hidden. Planets here make you sensitive and indicate a very strong intuition. When a fiery planet like Mars is placed here, there is a great inner tension.
Mars in twelfth house likes to wonder about spirituality, and they strive to live a spiritual life. They know very deeply that hurting others is wrong. However, sometimes we all hurt others, even if involuntarily. If you have this placement of Mars in your natal chart, you often feel that you have to suppress your desires in order to be good and decent. If you had to choose, often you’ll hurt yourself rather than someone else.
People with this placement are interested in these topics, and they are also drawn to find out how the human soul works. Remember, the twelfth house is the house of collective unconscious in astrology. Often, people who their Mars here find psychology fascinating.
As with all twelfth house placements, Mars in twelfth house people need a lot of solitude, too. Make sure that you can spend enough time alone, because it’s essential for you to get rid of the energies of others. Twelfth house planets make you a highly sensitive person, and if you can’t recharge, you easily become overwhelmed and anxious.
For people with this position of Mars in their birth chart, they have to find their purpose in life. Once you feel that your will is aligned with what your higher self wants for you to do, you’ll become more energized and dynamic.
The Twelfth House in the Natal Chart
The twelfth house is the last one in the chart wheel, the house of endings. It governs otherworldly experiences, the subconscious, psychology, religion, and unconditional love. The twelfth house also represents places of service, which are often places of seclusion at the same time.
Often associated with isolation, prisons, hospitals, mental asylums, the twelfth house is an infamous place in astrology. In the earlier days, you were considered to be doomed if you had any planets there! Called the House of Self-Undoing, astrologers thought this house to be a source of suffering and pain in your life.
The truth is, pain is familiar to most twelfth house people. In childhood, most of them lack the cheerful and carefree attitude their peers have. It takes time to come to terms with being highly sensitive in this noisy world.
However, there is a beautiful side of this house, too. It can be a source of inspiration in your life. You can use your planet(s) here for making art, writing, or in any creative way. The twelfth house is the house of fantasies, illusions, music, acting―with placements here, you can easily tap into the ocean of the unconscious and turn into something unique and beautiful.
The twelfth house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Pisces.
Illuminating planets stuck in the fog of the twelfth house is important. This way, you can get rid of unconscious thought patterns that slowly and silently undermine your life. Learning how to own these planets is an important task to do here.
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Wonderful Write up. Really very illuminating. Well done.
Brilliant, very accurate. Keep up with the good work!
Thanks so much! 🙂
Fascinating and so true. Thanx for this!
Can you talk about mars retrograde in the 12th house Cancer? Thank you.
Yes, I will write about retrograde Mars in the future!
Wow I used to wonder why I was highly sensitive and I feel the need to recharge . This answers it . I cannot express my feelings and anger. Amazing article
Thank you for this text and your work in general. I have four(!) planets in the 12th house. Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars, all in the sign of Virgo. Astrology is true science 🙂
Wow, I bet you’re the nicest person ever. I have Mars, Chiron, and my North Node in my 12th. I’m too nice. I cannot express anger. I cannot imagine my sun, moon, mercury, and mars in the 12th! Can we be friends? lol
I find mars in Cancer 12th house good for unconditional love empathy helping those in need having a good listening ear sympathetic fighting for the underdog.
Good for having the drive to reach you goals.
A universal warrior
Thank you so much for the excellent article…Very infromative ..
I have a cancer stellium mars, moon, and Venus in the 12th house..just learning about what it means. My life and extreme sensitivity makes so much more sense. I’ve started to wear noise reduction headphones and staying away from alcohol it has helped tremendously. Still waiting to find my calling..it is upsetting at times.
What if sun is in 12th house too? Will it gives power to Mars and solve the problem?
What are anyone’s views on Mars in pisces in 12th house+rising pisces ?
It absolutely took me some time to separate and sift through the emotions and sensations. Any insight on
Mars in pisces in 12th house+ rising pisces?And throw in Saturn in cancer +Uranus in Scorpio? Really, any advice is welcome!!!
Surely the 12th hose does not govern religion this is the 9th house.
I have Mars Saturn and Pluto all in the 12th. 3 most powerfull planets in the 12th can you just imagine what this translates into.
Mars in 12th in Leo and thanks god, this Lion Mars is there, otherwise my dominant side will be unstoppable, At least I use him to fight for people and animals in weak position and less privileged. I’m grateful for my fiery Mars there because it makes me warrior for good causes. But one thing I’ve learnt from this article, it’s about my beloved solitude, it recharges my batteries like anything else. I cannot be balanced without my solitude times.
Great site for astrology, firstly it delights my eye with clean and stylish surface and secondly I enjoy reading the articles which are well written and meaningful. Greetings from Bulgaria
The fundamental expression of the 12th House is to live life to the fullest, soaking up the impressions of the journey through Houses 1-11 and using the spiritual wisdom accumulated to act with vision. At the very least, intuitively or strategically, and usually factoring in others as well as the Self (altruism).
There is a saying “We are our own jailors”. Our actions are karmic, striving for others and the greater good gets a positive return, but if intentions are harmful, there will be a negative return and a lesson to the conscience.
The 12th House challenge is to transcend limitations and live a dream. So it is not necessarily repressed.; in fact this can be highly liberating, especially when connecting with a higher power.