In this article, you can learn about the north node in the eighth house in the natal chart. The lunar nodes are fascinating features of the natal chart. They show what you have already learned in the past, and what your soul wants to focus on in the present and in the future, in order to grow spiritually.
What does the north node in 8th house mean in astrology?
The eighth house is a scary house in the chart wheel: it is connected with death, trauma, transformation, but also with regeneration and rebirth. Transformation is a major focus in your life with the north node in 8th house in your birth chart.
However, transformation and letting go feels unfamiliar to you, therefore scary.
With this placement, you have a strong tendency to sacrifice transcendental experiences for comfort and safety. Material comfort is very important for you, and if you don’t take care, you can find that you abandon your relationship with other people for the sake of creating abundance. But relationships with others are not everything: your relationship with yourself also becomes important with this placement.
With the north node in 8th house, it is time to learn that you don’t have to do everything on your own. Having faith in life is one of the most important life lessons of the north node in 8th house. You often undergo deep transformation, triggered by loss or some traumatic experience what teaches you that your value is intrinsic, and no matter what happens in life, you can find strength deep within.
The north node in 8th house suggests that you have your in the second house, as the lunar nodes are placed directly opposite each other.
This placement is somewhat similar to having the north node in the Scorpio
Keep reading to learn more about the north node in the eighth house in astrology!
North Node in 8th House
With the north node in 8th house and south node in 2nd, the questions of values, financial assets, being self-reliant become a major focus. You feel that you have to accomplish everything on your own, without accepting help from others. You are used to being strong. Perhaps in the past, you had no choice but to find strength in yourself. North node in 8th house people feel very uncomfortable asking for help.

Sharing is one of the most important life lessons with the north node in the eighth house in the natal chart. Not only on a physical level, as in sharing your money or belongings, but also sharing yourself. You have a deep desire to bond with someone, but people with this placement are often afraid of being vulnerable.
The north node in the eighth house is often characterized by extreme possessiveness. There is a tendency to hold on to what is yours, and you feel anxious if you have to share them with others. The north node here suggests a fear of loss. You unconsciously feel that you have to own things in order to enjoy them.
Sharing makes you feel uncomfortable. Both you sharing your resources with others, and others sharing their resources with you.
Another tendency of this placement is to delay enjoying life: first comes work, then comes play in your book. However, it is important that relaxing and having fun also serves as a way of regeneration.
Regeneration is one of the most important keywords of the eighth house in astrology. With this placement, you are a very strong person, who can endure a lot.
However, in the first part of your life, you probably had to hide your real emotions and be strong even in situations when you were falling apart within. With the north node in 8th house, it is crucial to ask for help and accept it. People with this placement often encounter events when they simply need to rely on someone else.
Realizing that it is a very good feeling to give, and by accepting help, you give others the opportunity to feel good and happy is also an important life lesson.
North Node in 8th House Life Lessons
However, the second house north node house is not just about the material world. The north node in 8th house suggests that you need to focus on mysterious experiences, such as sharing your soul with another human being, sex and intimacy more.
People with the north node in 8th house crave bonding with another human soul. You really want to feel loved and accepted for who you are, in all your vulnerability. However, letting others see your vulnerable side is very unfamiliar to you. In the past, you provided for yourself on every level, but you grew tired of it after some time.
With the north node in 8th house, sexuality can be a new life area to you, taking more time to develop. The north node in eighth house suggests that your best experiences will come later in life.
With this placement, you are interested in the mysterious side of life. Hidden things and the unseen usually fascinate north node in 8th house people. With this placement in your birth chart, you are drawn to the occult and taboos.
Learning about spirituality can be very helpful for north node in 8th house people. By discovering the hidden and mysterious side of life, you can understand yourself and the world on a much deeper level, which contributes to your spiritual growth. The north node in 8th house is sometimes characterized by a search for meaning. It is challenging for people with this placement to find meaning that are not tangibly their own.
It is also great to learn about psychology and go to therapy. Understanding yourself on a deep level will help you improve your life in many ways, and align it with your north node―that’s when the real magic happens!
Besides the position of the lunar nodes by houses, their sign is also important. They reveal qualities your soul wants to learn in this lifetime, while the house refers to the life areas where the growth process happens.
Aspects to the nodes are just as significant. (You can learn more about this here) Planets that are conjunct the north node suggest something new and unfamiliar. Integrating them into your personality is a process, not always easy, but it is the only road worth taking.
The North Node in the Natal Chart
What do you have to know about the north node and the south node in astrology?
The lunar nodes are a fascinating topic and there are many books written about them. Here’s a short overview about what these points represent in the natal chart and what you can learn from analyzing them.
There are two lunar nodes in astrology: the north node and the south node. As they are related to the Moon (your unconscious, the domain of instincts, intuition, emotions), you are usually not aware of them on a conscious level.
The Moon’s nodes have to do with your spiritual growth and your soul’s journey. They are frequently described as your life purpose in astrology, as they reveal what is that your soul wants to master in this lifetime.
The south node is your past. It shows things you have already learned and things that you do really well. But there is no growth in the comfort zone, right?
The north node is where you can grow and learn. The sign of the north node shows which qualities your soul wants to develop, and its house suggests life areas where you have new experiences in this lifetime.
If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you can also treat the lunar nodes as your early years and your future self. The south node shows tendencies you learned very well in the past as a child and when young, and the north node shows new challenges and important life lessons.
The Eighth House in Astrology
The eighth house is the natural house of Scorpio. As the house connected with such a mysterious and intense sign, the eighth house is not for the faint-hearted. It governs life events such as death, trauma, going through the underworld.
On the positive side, the eighth house is also the house of regeneration and deep healing. While the eighth house also governs physical death, it is about much more than passing away. Eighth house events also include burying your past self and being reborn in a more evolved, powerful existence in the same physical body. This is an extremely powerful house (it is where Pluto is in accidental dignity!).
The eighth house also governs sex, joint resources, other people’s money, loans, inheritance, but it is the house of the unconscious and psychology, too. This house governs things hidden under the surface.
If you want to learn more about the eighth house, click here, or if you want to read about fascinating Pluto, check out this article.
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